A/N: Last time I change my pen name. I swear it. Ohmigawd! I know exactly where I want to go with this story now! I'm so excited because that's never, ever happened to me. I usually start a story and go with what comes to mind, lulz.

I know it took a while but I wanted this chapter to be perfect (though I still feel like it could be better) and I waited on the results of the poll. I've taken the two with the most votes along with my personal favorite choice. If you took the poll, you'll see what choices were the top picks :]

I want to thank you all for being so patient with my slow updates. You guys seriously rock! (I can never stress that enough in each author's note can I?) Thanks to: MitarashiiDango, Dreaming-Of-A-Nightmare, Aion Laven Walker, Gravefire, babo123, Shikamarurules1, MasacreInTheLivingRoom, NaruHinaforever, stoneygeek, Amicably Apathetic, I'm Defective.

And special thanks to: IKillYouForKlondikeBar, for letting me know its Rero and not Lero/Relo and YugureMaho, because I honestly think she can read my mind. She pointed out that Lavi's tip was rude, which it is and it comes up in this chapter.

Also, I drew a picture of therapist Lavi and posted it on my DA account. If you would like to view it, the link's posted on my bio.

ONE MORE THING AND I SWEAR I'M DONE XD I really want to give you guys a sex scene (in a later chapter) but I just feel so awkward writing them :S Anyone want to help me? I'll totally give you full credit for it.

Anyways, enough chit chat. Enjoy~

Warning: A little smut, nothing too extreme. Boys kissing boys and some touching XD

You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
Then they take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries

Allen stared wide eyed and mouth agape at Lavi's house. There were close to seventy people outside in the yard and by the sounds of it, more inside. If this was the therapists idea of a 'few close friends', he would hate to see a party with all of his friends.

"Allen?" Lenalee nudged the shocked young man next to her. "Are you okay?"

Allen shook his head a couple of times, trying to get rid of the surprise and the nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Y-y-yeah, I'm fine. It's just when Lavi told me that it was just going to be a couple of his friends, I never thought he meant the whole bloody city."

Lenalee giggled and ruffled his hair. "You'll learn in time Allen that Lavi's a very out-going and friendly person, thus he has a ton of friends. So, c'mon," she grabbed Allen's pale hand and started dragging him towards the mansion.

"Tell me again why Kanda couldn't come?" Allen questioned as they tried desperately to weave through the countless bodies. He was already starting to feel slightly claustrophobic and dreaded how crowded it was inside the small castle.

"Something about his brother needing his help in the shop but I think it's because the bastard of a sibling doesn't want us together," Lenalee said bitterly.

"Lenalee?" Allen slightly whined, the pressure that the Chinese girl was applying to his fragile hand starting to cause him some discomfort.


"You're breaking my hand."

"Oh God, sorry Allen!" Lenalee smiled apologetically while quickly letting go. Allen took his normal hand in his blacken and wrinkled one, rubbing at the redden flesh.

Once they emerged from the mass of people, Allen sucked in a deep breath thanking the Heavenly Lord that they made it out alive.

"Allen, baby, you came!"

Allen snapped his head up at the sound of Lavi's joyous voice. He was leaning next to the front door, wearing a cheeky grin and his usual attire of a slim fitting orange button up that clashed beautifully with his messy crimson locks, tight jeans, his silver cross necklace, and his trademark headband. He abandoned the guy he was previously talking to, leaving him in mid sentence. He literally ran over to the younger male, bringing him into a bear hug. "And you brought the always sexy Miss Lenalee."

"You know Lavi, if Kanda hears you making remarks like that, he may kick your ass," Lenalee giggled, giving him a friendly hug after he had realized Allen.

"Yuu's all bark and no bite," Lavi smiled. "But seriously Allen I didn't you would show up."

"I told you I would, did I not?"

"Well yeah but honestly-"

"Lavi, who are you friends?" A low and husky voice cut across Lavi from behind. Allen craned his neck and saw that it was the man Lavi had been talking to. Now that he had stepped in to the light the porch light was emitting, Allen noted that he had dark, ashy colored skin. He was dressed nicely in a pair of black suit pants that accented his white with black pinstripe button up perfectly. Dark, curly locks framed his handsome face and under his bangs that covered his forehead, Allen could vaguely make out a tattoo that looked very familiar. He looked older than all of them, much older. His half lidded, molten gold eyes made a shiver run up Allen's spine.

"Oh my bad, sorry. This is Lenalee Lee and Allen Walker. Guys, this is my buddy Tyki Mikk and owner of Noah's Ark."

"Lavi, babe, you're forgetting one important detail," he draped a long arm over Lavi's shoulder, pulling the cheerfully redhead closer to him. "I'm also his ex-boyfriend."

'Tyki' made a point to make eye contact with Allen as he said this and he couldn't help think that he was trying to intimidate him. He crossed his thin arms over his chest and quirked a brow at Tyki, his facial expression saying 'Yeah? And?'

He smirked and let his arm that was around Lavi fall to his side. "Lavi, I'm going to go socialize. Come find me later. Nice meeting you Miss Lee…boy."

With a wave over his shoulders, Tyki walked through the opened front door and disappeared into the crowd in the house. Lavi gave them a small smile.

"Sorry about him," he started, scratching the back of his head. "Tyki's arrogant when you first meet him but he's really a great guy."

"Could've fooled me." Allen quickly clasped both hands over his mouth, eyes wide. It seemed like his brain was working against him today. "I'm so sorry," he mumbled through his fingers. "I-I-I didn't mean for it to come out that way."

"Don't sweat it Allen," Lavi chuckled and patted the younger male on the shoulder.

Allen, smiling lightly at the therapists actions, remembered something he was meaning to give Lavi. Digging into his tight pants pocket, he produced the item and jabbed it in Lavi's way.

Lavi looked at the crumbled hundred dollar bill in Allen's hand, an amused smile gracing his features.

"I appreciate it Allen but you don't have to buy my love. For you, it's free," Lavi finished off the sexual joke with a wink.

"What?" Allen mused, looking from the bill in his hands to Lavi and back again. Finally getting the statement, he started to blush which caused Lenalee to snicker. "Lavi! Shut up! It's the tip you gave me at the café."

"Oh? Well, why are you giving it to be?"

"Oh I don't know Lavi," Allen gave an over dramatic eye roll, "because maybe you flaunting your money by giving a waiter a tip of this size for one person and a cup of coffee with a piece of cake is rude. It's pretty much screaming 'hey look at me! I'm rich!'"


"Yes, really," Allen sighed, rubbing his temple with his hand that wasn't extended towards Lavi. "Please just take it back."

"But I gave it to you!"

"I don't want or need it!" Both was a lie, Allen did want and desperately need the money, so he could pay Cross' debts. But a tip of this proportion was just too much, especially from someone he barely knew.

"Allen, baby, please I gave it to you. So just smile and say 'thank you Lavi' and enjoy it."

Growling in frustration, Allen shoved his hand into Lavi's back pants pocket, leaving the money in it.

"Getting frisky? Alright Allen!" Lavi grinned once the snowy-haired man pulled away from him.

"Shut up Lavi."

"Don't worry Allen I will make you take the money. But seriously, I'd love to stand out here all night and chat with you two but I'll tell you something that would be more exciting: Cotton Candy Cosmos."

After making it through the sea of people, having to stop every so often so a guest could tell Lavi how 'tight' his party was, Allen and Lenalee were sitting on the barstools placed at the large island in the middle of the kitchen. Allen watched with a wary expression as Lavi pulled out two martini glasses, a tray of ice cubes, a metal shaker, a large bottle of Skyy vodka and X-Rated Fusion Liqueur, cranberry juice, and a bag of…cotton candy?

Allen did a double take to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Lavi was in fact holding a bag of the sweet and flamingo-pink candy in his hand. After seeing Allen's bewildered expressions, his lips curved up into a goofy smile."You can't have cotton candy cosmos without the cotton candy."

He ripped open the bag and placed a handful of the featherweight sweet into each glass. Dumping the cubes of ice, vodka, liqueur, and cranberry juice in the shaker, he gave the concoction a few good shakes before pouring it in the glass, watching the small tuft dissolve.

"Drink up," he chirped, pushing the glassed towards Allen and Lenalee. Lenalee happily took the drink and drained it in one gulp. Allen, though, brought it up to his nose and sniffed it. He was surprised to find that it smelled exactly like cotton candy with only a hint of the potent alcohol. Though once he took a sip, he could clearly taste the alcohol but it didn't taste bad, either.

"Lavi, I do believe you are a genius."

Though Allen had no intentions of getting drunk, it seemed the ten cotton candy cosmos had a different plan. He kept drinking them because he didn't feel 'that drunk' but once he stood; it was a new story. So he now found himself standing next to Lavi's massive in ground pool in the backyard, having a heated debate with the redhead.

"You can't be serious."

"Lavi come on now, Adam Lambert has an amazing voice but it was too theatrical. He's more suited for Broadway then a radio singer. Now Kris Allen's a different story. He has that raw type of talent. The better man won."

"Fuck you Allen. I wanted that fabulous, flaming homo to win American Idol. It's like we lost the gay marriage vote…again."

Though Lavi's comment was meant to be taken serious, Allen couldn't help but howl with laughter. Maybe he should have taken offense, seeing as he also liked members of the same sex but then again, Lavi obviously liked men as well, seeing as Tyki had said that he was the redhead's ex-partner and Lavi didn't bother to correct him. He just couldn't take Lavi serious when he was wasted. He was just too fun.

"Are you making fun of me? I swear, if you don't shut up moyashi I'll slit your throat," Lavi said in a horrible impersonation of Kanda's Japanese accent, gaining another high pitched laugh from the snowy-haired teen. He might not feel the same once he was sober but Allen made a mental note to hang out with Lavi when he was inebriated more often.

"Ah, Allen baby, I'm so glad I invited you," Lavi said he was threw an arm around the younger man. "You're a fucking blast."

"So are you," Allen giggled, loosely draping his arm around Lavi's lower back. This caused Lavi to lose his balance and he started to stumble backwards. Though he was smashed, Allen clamped his eyes shut, knowing what was going to happen.

And he was correct as he felt cold water engulf his entire body. Allen gasped, taking in a mouthful of the freezing pool water. Finally emerging, Allen spit out the chemical enriched water and shivered from the cool breeze that hit his now soaking form. Lavi surfaced seconds later, his crimson locks plastered into his face and huge grin on his handsome features.

"I really need to invest in a pool cover."

"You think?" Allen smirked, splashing the older man.

"As much as I'd love to have a splashing war with you Allen, this shit is freezing. C'mon, I'll lean you a change of clothes."

Allen nodded, followed Lavi over to pool side, and eased himself out of the chilly water. A small girl with spiky blue hair, whom had the same strange features of Tyki and the others of Noah's Ark,threw each of them a towel with a wicked grin. "You got yourself a cutie, Lavi."

"Thanks Rhode," Lavi sighed, wiping his face and wringing his hair out. Allen copied his actions and placed his towel, along with Lavi's, on a stone table. He followed the redhead back into the house and it felt like someone was staring at him. Turning his head to glance over his shoulder, he saw Tyki glaring at the two of them, shooting daggers in Allen's direction. Shivering at the thought of his creepy eyes, Allen snapped his head back around to follow Lavi up the set of stairs.

"Soooo, this is my room."

Lavi's room wasn't what Allen was expecting. It was a large room and he had to squint, the vibrant orange that was splashed on the walls slightly hurting his eyes. It had beautiful hardwood floors and a huge bed with a white comforter and sheets was positioned in the middle with a matching wardrobe. Various band, video games, and anime posters hung the on walls and a bookshelf in the corner was jammed pack with various books, volumes of manga, CDs, and DVDs. It had white and red lamps and other accessories to accent the orange.

"It's nice," Allen commented and it wasn't a lie.

"Thanks. So the closet's over here. My clothes may be a little big considering I'm taller and a bigger built but hey, they'll be better than the wet ones you have on."

Lavi made a bee line straight for the large wardrobe and pulled the doors open. He pulled out a pair of jeans, a plain white v neck, and a pair of boxers. He threw them in Allen's direction, catching them with ease, and he smiled at the snowy-haired man. "Don't worry; those are a new pair of boxers. Never been worn."

"I really appreciate this Lavi," Allen slurred as he shyly returned the smile. Lavi sat down on his bed, not taking his eyes off the other male. Allen quirked a brow, still holding the borrowed garments in his hands. "Aren't you going to leave so I can change?"

"What, are you shy?" Lavi teased cause Allen's cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. "We're both guys here."

Though he really wished Lavi would exit the room, Allen placed his outfit on the white armchair next to where he was standing. Sucking in a breath, he started to pull off the shirt that seemed plastered to his top half. Then he proceeded to unbutton his pants. That was until a hand was gentle placed on top of his, stopping him.

Allen looked up and nearly shrieked at the sight of Lavi standing in front of him. He didn't even notice that he had moved from his position on the bed and didn't even hear him approach him. His eyes were half lidded and his cheeky smile was gone, instead his lips were pressed firmly into a straight line.

"Lavi…what are you doing?" Allen mused and he noted that Lavi's hand had still yet to move from the button of his jeans.

"Allen you'll probably hate me after this."

To say Allen was shocked when Lavi's lips collided with his would be an understatement. Surprised, taken aback, bewildered, none of those words could describe his describe his facial expression. But to say that he didn't enjoy would be a lie. He rather liked the feeling of Lavi's soft and slightly chapped lips against his cherubic ones. The electric shock that was coursing through his body was enjoyable, as well.

Allen couldn't help but let a moan escape his lips has Lavi's large hands played with the hem of his boxers. Lavi took advantage of this and slipped his skilled tongue into Allen wet cavern, exploring every nook and cranky. Lavi's hands removed themselves from the younger male's underwear and rested again both of his round cheeks. He seemed to like the reaction he received from Allen when he sucked on his tongue, seeing as he kept going back to it.

Allen feared that his head was going to exploded. What with the heat rising to his already pink cheeks and hell, he was making out with his therapist! He knew that therapist-client fornication went against some idiotic code of conduct and some would consider this 'forbidden love' but damn, he was enjoy this and had no intents of stopping any time soon.

He rested his palms against Lavi's broad chest and started to fiddle with the buttons of his shirt. If he was going to be shirtless, so would Lavi. Almost getting so frustrated with the damned shirt to the point he was about ready to just rip the silky fabric off Lavi, he managed to undo the first button. Pushing the expensive looking material off his therapist, his hand started to roam over his toned chest, loving the feeling of his hands on Lavi's exposed skin.

Allen pouted when they both had to pull away for air, already missing the feel of their lips crushed together. But was all too excited when Lavi started to kiss from the tip of his earlobe, down his jaw line, and he continued south down his throat. He planted butterflies across his collarbone but stopped when a low moan emitted from Allen's parted lips once he kissed the flesh covering the bone. He nipped and sucked on the spot, liking Allen's squirming and how his moans grew in volume.

Lavi knew what he was doing was wrong and if Panda-Jiji found out, not only would he be beaten into next week; he would also lose his job. But the feeling of Allen's bare chest mashed against his pushed these things to the back of his. He'd contemplated those things tomorrow but right now, there was no harm in basking in this amazing feeling.

Lavi's hand started to travel down Allen's chest, stopping briefly to pull and tweak the younger man's hardened nipples, delighted with the loudest moan that emitted from Allen that night. Traveling even further south, Lavi's hands stopped at the zipper of his jeans.

Allen wasn't sure what had happened. He wasn't in Lavi's strong arms any more but rather on his knees. His pale face was buried in his hands and his body shook from the force of his sobs. What was going on? What was wrong him? He was enjoying himself and now he had to go and ruin it by crying like a baby. He was also embarrassed, crying in front of Lavi like this, a man he barely knew.

"Allen," Lavi spoke softly, placing a comforting squeeze on his shoulder. "I'm here...if you need to talk."

He wasn't sure why and what had changed his mind but at that moment Allen Walker realized he could trust this man. It could be the cotton candy cosmos talking and he would most likely regret it come morning but Allen decided it was time. It was time to tell him exactly why Cross Marian had sought out therapy for him.

"You probably think I'm such a wuss," Allen chuckled, after a majority of the sobs had subsided. He wiped at his eyes, trying to get rid of most of the tears. He glanced up at Lavi, a shy and sad smile gracing his lips.

"I didn't you're a wuss, Allen," Lavi whispered genuinely while squeezing his shoulder again.

"I know we're not in your office but would you like to know why my guardian sent me to you?"

Lavi gave an enthusiastic nod and Allen sighed. He took in a deep breath and had somehow managed to keep in the new wave of tears that threatened to break through. "You know, you're one the few people who's never commented about my deformed arm."

And before Lavi could manage to ask where exactly Allen was trying to go with this statement, the snowy-haired former continued. "I got this…a little over nine years ago when I was eleven, in the car accident that took my father's life."

Lavi's face dropped dramatically and he gave Allen a sympathetic smile. Allen chuckled bitterly. "He adopted me when I was seven so he wasn't my real father but he was the closest thing I ever had to one. Though we only had three years together, they were the best three years of my life. I wouldn't trade them for anything. You know…this is odd. I've never spoken to anyone about this since Timcanpy."

Lavi was about to ask who Timcanpy was but Allen beat him to it. "Timcanpy's my pet cat. I'm not crazy, I swear." Allen gave a small smile that Lavi returned.

"I don't think you're crazy, Allen. Many people talk to their pets about their problems. I use to have a dog when I was younger than I would talk to when I couldn't go to Panda-Jiji."

"Thanks, Lavi. My guardian, Cross Marian, he's a psychotic asshole and that's being nice. He's not the best guardian but he does give me a roof over my head and feeds me. He's greatly in debt though and I have to work to pay them off. He insisted I get therapy because he said, and I quote, 'You need some fucking help. You're twenty! You need to go find yourself a woman, get laid, and live a little. Not staying cooped in your room all day, moping around like the idiot you are.' He's not as bad as he sounds. Well, okay he is."

Lavi and Allen both chuckled and after the laughter had died away, they locked eyes. Lavi smiled sweetly at Allen and wrapped his arms around the younger boy, bringing him into a friendly hug. "Feel better now that you got that off your chest?"

Allen, though surprised by the sudden action, slowly snaked his arms around Lavi. He smiled into the crook of the redhead's neck and whispered; "Yes. Thank you, Lavi."

A/N: I actually enjoyed this chapter. I feel like the last half could have been written better but I overall like it.

The top two picks on the poll was: Allen finally opens up to Lavi and Allen gets drunk again, resulting in him and Lavi having fun. And my personal favorite: Enter Tyki Mikk! Because what's a love story without a little drama XD

I know it was late but this long chapter should make up for it, yes? I hope so 'cause it was seven pages in Word! Lol Anyways, review and tell me what you think! And if you could possibly help me with a sex scene, please tell me. I'd appreciate it greatly XD