Chapter 34 : The Last Of The Uchiha

Though the situation was indeed deathly serious outwardly the eight of them were moving at a very leisurely pace which, had been set by Sasuke who was leading them. As they got closer and closer Karin felt a strong presence ahead she quickly altered her pace to get to the front. "Sasuke."

"I know we'll go on ahead." he nodded at Naruto as he slowed down his own pace in understanding, the blond's change of pace was closely followed by the rest of his group until Sasuke could no longer see them. Now he could focus on what lay ahead of them as they reached a ruined complex, to no surprise at least to Suigetsu and Sasuke the presence they'd felt showed itself; Kisame Hoshigaki. The blue skinned member of Akatsuki slammed into the ground mere feet away from the Taka squad pointing Samehada at them.

"Only Sasuke is allowed to go ahead. The rest of you will have to stay like good little subordinates." said Kisame with a toothy menacing grin.

"As expected. My brother need not of sent you though, I always intended to face him… alone." answered Sasuke in monotone as he started walking past Kisame, he gave one more glance to his comrades giving a reassuring smirk then dashed off into the forest ahead. The shark like man's grin widened, Itachi had called it perfectly and he was just here for appearances to make it clear no one would get in the way.

"Hoshigaki Kisame and his sword Samehada." started Suigetsu as he reached for the hilt of his executioner's blade "Don't you remember me?"

"Ah the Kubikiribōchō then you're Suigetsu." replied Kisame recognising the executioners blade even saying it's name before it's wielder.

A short distance away Hinata seemed to be staring in the direction Sasuke had gone, they had stopped shortly after slowing down. "Akatsuki, blue skin…"

"I remember him." calmly said Naruto idly touching his leg recalling how Kisame had threatened to take his legs off to stop him running a few years ago.

"Former leader of the Seven Swordsman of Mist, we won't get past him easily." added Kimimaro, if it came to a fight they'd undoubtedly be held up long enough to have next to no impact on the fight between brothers. There was also no need to instigate one which, may of happened if they had stayed with Sasuke.

"Guess we're not going anywhere what's he doing?" asked the blonde.

"Nothing he's just standing there. Barring the way." said Hinata seeing no other way around the Akatsuki member without either alerting him or taking a long time to even avoid him.

Uchiha Compound

Itachi Uchiha sat within the confines of the clan's compound awaiting the inevitable arrival of his chosen avenger and perhaps even his chosen executioner. After all this time and preparation the hour of reckoning was finally approaching the fate of the Uchiha would be decided this day for better or worse. He closed his eyes wondering how much longer he had until their destiny approached the what ifs and maybes crept into his mind. Then he simply dismissed them, he knew his brother he would not wait a single day longer than he had to and so…

"It has been…" Itachi paused as his brother entered walking towards where he sat "a long time Sasuke." their eyes fell on each other, he could see the anger, the hate in the young Uchiha's eyes and yet he could see something else, something more than he had seen all those years ago they last crossed paths. "The time has come my little brother."

"Yes, when this is over you will be dead at my feet and then I will bury you in our past." Sasuke stopped before reaching the short steps up to where his vengeful target lay his hand twitched wanting to end this right now but there was one more thing that had to be done before then.

"Bury me? Is that what you envision, such confidence and all for naught your eyes do not see what I see. You will find yourself lacking little brother."

"You are the one lacking if you believed I would become like you. I'll show you just how different we are that I have become a better man than you." he said it with such calmness and confidence yet he suddenly felt unnerved when Itachi looked down, was that a smile his brother was trying to hide? It must've just been his imagination there was no way perhaps he was just being mocked for his words.

"Very well, I will let you have that. If that is so then I expect you to be ready for the consequences." Itachi was once again staring at Sasuke from his 'throne' but as soon as he blinked his brother was gone then in an instant appeared before him pointing the Kusunagi blade at his throat. "You stay your hand, how foolish." he hadn't even flinched acting as if nothing had happened.

"There is no point wasting my effort on you." a kunai suddenly appeared in his free hand and threw it to the right of the ceiling it was immediately caught before it could hit anything by a hand in the shadows.

"Calmer than before you have progressed. Now what is it you seek, why hold back?" the Itachi sitting on the throne spoke before bursting into numerous black crows. The real one was now standing behind his sibling holding the kunai.

Sasuke to his older brothers surprise didn't even move, he'd expected some kind of attack. "I could ask you the same." he just knew Itachi wasn't even trying right now that much was obvious which, worked to his own advantage right now. "That night who helped you?"

"Ah, so you figured it out." replied Itachi as soon as Sasuke turned to face him, he was gone the kunai lying on the ground the only clue that he had be there "Then I shall tell you…" he was seated once again and waited until the avenger faced him before explaining the story of that night, of Madara and why he had allowed his little brother to be the only survivor.

Konoha squad

With a little help from Kiba the group had once again picked up on Naruto's trail shortly after his clones had dispelled. This tactic would normally confuse the tracking ability of a ninja hound but never an Inuzuka. However, Kakashi had quickly realised they had been going the wrong way once they had a lock on the blond. Gai's team, the other squad that had gone out with them had met up and with a youthful proclamation had almost charged off in the wrong direction thankfully the copy ninja had managed to put his hand on the 'hip' Jounin's shoulder convincing him that they should follow Kiba to allow him to express his own… 'Youthfulness'.

"They've stopped." shouted Kiba as he leapt from another tree sniffing the air. "Around two miles away."

'Impressive just as I expected.' Kakashi nodded then suddenly leap to the front causing everyone to stop. Years of experience had allowed him to notice the signs of someone waiting for them ahead but to not even be picked up by any of them until now was quite something. Who could be this skilled to mask their own presence so well.

"Hi there." a childish voice suddenly echoed in the forest and then made himself known walking across the branch waving at the group. "Nice ta meet ya, nice ta meet ya."

"Akatsuki. He was in that book." coolly stated Neji though the book Kabuto had given them had next to no information on this guy all they really had was a name; Tobi.

"Whoo hoo! Your clever here have a prize!" Tobi suddenly put the entire group on guard as he threw something landing harmlessly between them; a cookie. He immediately appeared depressed at his poor throw because the three second rule didn't apply here. Though he couldn't ponder on that further as he felt Sakura's fist making contact but to her and everyone else's surprise, she passed right through Tobi as if he wasn't even there. "Yowch that was close." he grabbed her ankle about to throw her but then she turned into a figure made of wood. "Oh, hello mister tree." he shook its hand which, snapped off. "Whoops."

"Don't underestimate him Sakura, we have to approach carefully." stated Kakashi as he began his analysis of Tobi. Sakura looked at her sensei then at Yamamoto she looked tense, desperate even.

"He is right Sakura, even alone we will need to do more than charge him." added Yamamoto, it was just as well he had switched Sakura with his own substitution after she passed through Tobi otherwise they might've been one person down already. But this was problematic they'd have to try to make this as quick as possible before anything bad happened ahead of them.

Uchiha Compound

The pair had been standing there for quite some time unmoving since Sasuke had started speaking to his brother. Unbeknownst to Sasuke but perhaps not Itachi another was also watching stuck inside the ceiling; Zetsu though he had no idea what was going on it was neigh impossible to know when both of the Uchiha had started using genjutsu the moment they locked eyes. The only hint something had happened was when Sasuke suddenly fell on one knee holding one of his eyes though he quickly pushed himself back up onto his feet.

"You broke Tsukoyumi." Itachi momentarily appeared surprised then resumed his usual demeanour.

"I told you already, no matter how many times you use those eyes I will overcome you. Such Illusions won't work on me, I am no longer naïve enough to be taken in by your tricks." he said that but it had been mentally taxing to break out, feeling his own eye gouged out was unnerving even if it wasn't real but that was what his older brother had intended to do.

"Is that so even after seeing my true self." said Itachi, he could see that his 'trick' had an the effect, Sasuke's hands were trembling even though it was very slight in the eyes of the sharingan he may as well of been shaking wildly. "That was no Illusion that was a preview of reality. You shall become my new light that is all you need to believe."

"Death is your reality." with a pull Sasuke removed the bandage across his head. "Though I pity what you've become you are truly lost."

"Lost?" the entire atmosphere around the elder brother seemed to change. "Is that what you believe the come try and strike me down with your hatred."

The slight tremble in Sasuke's hands had stopped now the time had come to fulfil his duty as an avenger and put down this sorry excuse that his brother had become. "Even now you prove how far you have fallen. You were never able to acknowledge what matters that is why you will die today." he was ready now there would be no remorse.

"I see…" there was a pause from Itachi, it was as if he was staring into the avengers soul. "Then let us waste no more words. Let the illusion become reality." he raised his hands placing them together putting his chosen avenger on guard.

Thus the fated battle began as Itachi started going through a set of seals it was hard to tell what kind of jutsu he was going to use. Sasuke on the other hand didn't give him the chance to finish as unlocking the seal on his arm rapidly threw a shadow shuriken at his brother and found the first one easily ducked through there was a second in the shadow of the first again it was dodged although it had to be jumped between the pair of deadly projectiles seemingly giving an opening. Sasuke now revealed his plan two invisible strands of wire had been attached to the shadow shurikens, each of the eight blades shot off into different directions surprising it's intended target. Though to the avengers surprise Itachi the moment he landed pushed himself to the side only taking a glancing blow from the incoming blade, a mere shallow cut to the shoulder he had to do better than that. But something was clearly up as the mangekyo user despite his minor cut fell on one knee grasping the eye he'd used Tsukoyumi with moments ago, he forced himself to his feet as the seal on Sasuke's arms faded that was the last of his shurikens he could summon into this battle.

'The side effect of Tsukoyumi' Sasuke saw an opening an immediately let out a sizable fireball capitalising on his enemy's weakened state. Though that was what he believed to be doing but Itachi was able to leap out of harms way only to find that this move had already been anticipated as he found a Chidori coming his way it connected but not in the way expected. Sasuke struck his hand passing through a shadow clone made at the last second but it was enough as Itachi used the clone as a springboard to push himself through the ceiling just before the chidori made contact shooting him outside. As he flew upwards into the sky he finished a set of seals just as his sibling leapt out of the hole he'd made breathing out a large fireball this one could not be dodged with the momentum of its target combined with the element of surprise it connected and plummeted to the ground dissipating shortly afterwards.

Sasuke muttered something as the smoke cleared revealing he'd had to use the curse seal to minimise the damage it was partial as he only sprouted a wing to shield him from the inferno but still the singe marks across it told him how intense the flames had been. As the curse seal retracted both Uchiha went through a set of seals until they both finished at the same time breathing out fireballs smashing into each other scorching the ground underneath as it did. For a brief moment it appeared Sasuke had the advantage then suddenly Itachi then back to the former this deadlock continued for a little while until the avenger realised they were just wasting energy and made his move. After the big mass of fire was pushed closer to his brother, Sasuke leapt into action leaping into the air with the screaming sound of chidori in hand manipulating the current as the flames passed underneath sending the expanding blue lightning blade towards its target connecting going right through the chest. However, this seemed too easy no attempt to even dodge and the reason was apparent as what appeared to be Itachi suddenly turned into a lump of rock. The real Itachi was suddenly behind him, despite the shock he blocked the incoming kick with both arms though he could do nothing about the follow up getting elbow dropped on the shoulder sending the raven haired teen crashing to the ground. Sasuke rolled immediately after hitting the ground narrowly avowing being stomped in the chest, he managed to get back onto his feet before his brother was on him. Thus they entered a prolonged taijutsu battle though Sasuke managed to lay a few hits, Itachi had a clear upper hand as he was striking his brother more frequently, flustering him, frustrating him.

After blocking an incoming blow to the stomach Sasuke found his legs swept from him and landed on his back though immediately pushed upwards with the palm of his hands drop kicking Itachi. A move the eldest brother hadn't quite expected as it forced him back though instead of going up close again three kunai appeared in his hands throwing them in an instant. Sasuke drew kusanagi as the projectiles were in mid flight managing to bat them away, the chidori current started to run through his blade as he readied himself though his opponent already knew the danger involved and made no further moves. Instead it seemed it would be down to the younger Uchiha to attack but as he moved forwards he found another jet of fire thrown at him no seal had been made meaning it was underpowered and it was easily parted by a downward slash of the chidori blade. Sasuke already knew it was an attempt to make an opening his brother was not one to do things in half measures and he was unfortunately right as he locked onto the chakra signature a pressure like no other could be felt, it filled him with dread as he looked to the side. His eyes widened as he felt the pressure and chakra build up coming from Itachi in a blink of an eye black flames appeared next to him the sheer heat made him raise his arm and move for this was the inextinguishable flames of Amatarasu.

A single touch even glancing would be enough to end it that was apparent, Sasuke was desperately staying ahead of the black inferno trailing inches behind him. There was no counter to this but it relied on sight thus he used up all his smoke bombs at once to block Itachi's visibility on him though he stopped Amatarasu this was a momentary phase.

"Mere smoke cannot block the sharingan." said Itachi as he focused seeing no chakra signature within the smoke telling him all he needed to know. He sidestepped as a blade of blue lighting came up from underneath though he was forced to leap soon after as a more blue lightning this time in the form of a dragon smashed out of the ground it had come very close to hitting him then his eyes narrowed as he felt something sharp go across his back. The wind whistled as a follow up was about to come from the kusanagi but he kept his composure simply making a single seal causing a shadow clone to appear against his back blocking the incoming blow. He got a good look at Sasuke as the clone was dispatched, after double backing the eldest brother simply stood there. "You have gotten very strong, to even touch my back is impressive." though the wound wasn't as deep as it seemed it was still enough to draw blood. There was only one issue; Sasuke was in the second stage of the curse seal with his one good wing in view but he had always expected this would happen. It was a very minor problem just that he did not like the sight of the avenger, it was a symbol of Orochimaru's grasp on the young Uchiha but regardless this would not impede him as he prepared himself.

Sasuke had hoped to do a lot more damage than a simple cut but he dared not let it get to him as he went through a set of seals sending forth three bursts of fire. Though to his immediate surprise they were encompassed by Amatarasu and once again he was forced to run this time at least he could use his 'cursed' state to move quicker perhaps he could even counter. This thought however, was dispelled as the eternal flames seemed to be faster than before they had yet to touch him but the speed of it caused some of the flames to spread out of the compound into the surrounding forest setting it alight awe inspiringly in a sea of black fire. Now it hit him the first usage of Amatarasu was more done by Itachi to gauge how he'd move and even though he was faster his movement was the same. At that moment of realisation it hit him, the wing caught alight spreading it wouldn't take long until he entire body would be covered. Itachi had stopped using the mangekyo the moment it'd touched but was no comfort, in desperation Sasuke cleaved through the end of his own wing grunting in pain he leapt back as the black fire destroyed what was left of it. He clenched his fist this was bad the distance he was currently at from his foe was too big, Itachi could use Amatarasu in that time it took to close it though why hadn't he used it again.

'There must be limitations' Sasuke managed to get a good look at his elder brothers eyes, one of them was bleeding and the sharingan looked faded. There was the limitation but it could also of been a bluff to make him charge. But the thing that annoyed him the most was that he was hesitating, his brother was appearing unstoppable and it… scared him, he hated to admit it but it was true.

'Don't act like you're alone on this' Naruto words from the day prior rang through Sasuke's head. 'Not that I'm saying you'll get in trouble but uh if you do…' pride no longer had a place in this battle even if it was for the fallen clan, he still had it one of the few tools he still had at his disposal in this fight. He couldn't help but smirk at how Naruto had clumsily handled that situation yet that was his way. He kept his glance at Itachi who slight shift in stance made him aware he could see the smirk. Several kunai were held between his fingers one with three prongs and with a throw they were sent hurtling at Itachi who merely caught two of the incoming kunai avoiding the others thankfully it was the ordinary ones he caught…

Kitsune and Taka

The black inferno could be seen from here, a fearsome sight indeed and it did little to ease anyone's concern. Kisame continued to stand in their way though his hand was now resting on the grip of Samehada. "Looks like things are hotting up over there." he heard Suigetsu groan at the bad pun none of the three he could see had made a move. Though Sasuke's little group wasn't really a problem, his only annoyance were the ones further back he might've not sensed them but Samehada certainly had it was practically itching to eat more of the Kyuubi's chakra it must've found it pretty delicious if it wanted to taste it again even though it'd been three years since then.

Further back Hinata was finally able to tell where, the fighting was it wasn't that hard to miss considering the flames practically acted as a beacon for the Byakugan though she couldn't actually see what was happening she was already at the maximum range her bloodline allowed and the black flames made it impossible. The Hyuuga maiden suddenly broke her watch as she felt a strong build up of chakra behind her. "Don't you…" she said this sharply but by the time she looked back all that could be seen was a yellow shimmer and then a sad sigh escaped her lips. "…dare."

Kimimaro punched the ground as he realised shortly after what had happened but what made him angry was that Naruto hadn't said a word about this.

"We should go." Sai was the only one to physically not react to this sudden turn of events. "If things have gotten that bad they'll need us." there was no argument there it was the most logical thing to do as they began to move unaware they had been watched the whole time the tip of a leaf phased into a tree once they were gone.

With the three members of Taka, Suigetsu had drawn his sword as some kind of plant like humanoid phased out of the ground. "They are coming." was all it said but those three words said enough to Kisame as the former ninja of mist drew his own weapon pointing it at Suigetsu.

"Zetsu what about the Jinchuriki?" asked the shark like man the silence again answered his question then muttered an apology about letting one by. Though he would not allow anyone else to get past him as with a deep inhale he spat out a torrent of water causing Juugo and Karin to leap back. Suigetsu just stood there as eight water clones of Kisame took shape and scattered. The real Kisame simply held his sword at an angle towards Suigetsu whom smirked and did the same, they approached each other stopping as their blades touched.

"Juugo, Karin go on ahead." there was no time to argue as the pair rushed past him, with a large toothy smirk he lowered the executioners blade at the same time as the shark scaled one was. "Suigetsu Hozuki and Kubikiribōchō"

"Kisame Hoshigake and Samehada." the duel between the swordsman of mist had begun. Juugo looked back as the clash of swords began then to his front suddenly finding himself face to face with one of Kisame's clones, Karin too found herself nearly bumping into another water clone. There was no time for them to loose, Sasuke needed them whether he liked it or not. The same applied to Kimimaro, Sai and Hinata who were intercepted by a handful of water clones and Zetsu…

Uchiha Compound

As soon as the barrage of kunai had ended Itachi could feel a large spark of chakra appear behind him followed by another flurry of projectiles. They found themselves strike a wall of earth though he hadn't seen who had thrown it, there was no need to figure out who had thrown them the yellow flash gave it away. Naruto had arrived to help his friend and was already on the elder Uchiha putting him on the defensive blocking blow after blow. This gave Sasuke the opening he needed to close the distance, he was a little bit amazed at how intense the blond had been the moment he appeared not even a comment or a 'I told you so' but it was clear how serious this was being taken for Naruto knew this decision had not been taken lightly

Itachi's expression had changed to one of genuine astonishment for many reasons but just as the avenger reached him, he was able to compose himself switching back to his neutral expression looking dead in the blonds' eyes using genjutsu to slow him down but just as he was about to strike he was forced instead to parry Sasuke's sword with his kunai. Though this wasn't the only aim as Naruto found his friend touch his shoulder breaking the genjutsu almost as quickly as it had been initiated. Itachi double backed away from the pair.

"Told you." quipped Naruto as he drew a three pronged kunai.

"Shut up and fight." was all Sasuke said as he fed the chidori into the kusanagi.

"I see, perhaps I was wrong." it was hard to tell what exactly Itachi though he was wrong about but he seemed not to either mind nor care. He raised his hand pointing at Naruto. "Host of the Kyuubi, your fate shall be the same." there it was again the pressure coursing throughout the air.

"Watch out for Amatarasu if any of the black flames touch you it's over and avoid eye contact. We have to coordinate our attacks but I must deal the final blow." Sasuke sounded a lot calmer than he had been before Naruto showed up with a nod they jumped back into the battle.

The jinchuuriki started by throwing the kunai at Itachi but it harmlessly passed him, the real attack came from Sasuke as he manipulated the chidori current sending it directly at the target it was dodged but it followed in an arc then retracted as Naruto suddenly appeared behind Itachi. Though to his complete shock a hand wrapped round the teens throat, how could that move even be read it was neigh impossible wasn't it?

"Every justu has a weakness, especially one not mastered." it was almost as if Itachi was advising the boy, he was about to use Tsukoyumi there and then but found the lightning enhanced kusenagi tear through his back protruding out of his chest. He vanished into a murder of crows leaving only the cloak of Akatsuki hanging off of Sasuke's sword. Naruto stumbled back a little rubbing his throat, he hadn't even seen the sudden switch and now Itachi was gone.

"Below!" shouted Sasuke just in time as the ground exploded beneath them almost sending them crashing into the room below. A second explosion ripped through the ground as soon as they touched down throwing them violently away from each other. Sasuke ended up having kusenagi blown out of his grip with so much force it drew blood from his hand but he had no time to react as he was under attack.

Naruto was thrown in the opposite direction but being a lot fresher he easily landed on his feet and instantly pushed himself forwards to help Sasuke. At least that was what he was trying to do but a hand strongly clamped onto his shoulder pulling him back onto the ground followed by a sharp blow to the stomach knocking the wind out of him. He rolled out of the grip, rapidly getting back onto his feet and almost got knocked back down by a blow to the face. Finally he got to see Itachi and realised it had to be the real one, Sasuke was fighting a mere clone and with difficulty too. But even so Itachi had to be just as worn out by now and yet he was easily avoiding his attacks, it almost appeared like he wasn't taking him seriously merely treating him like a distraction. A foot struck him in the chest so quickly he couldn't even react and with so much force ribs were definitely broken. 'How!' was all the blond could think as he charged again. This time he did better glancing Itachi's shoulder even though he got thrown back in the process and tried again but this time vanished from sight appearing behind the Uchiha, the glancing blow was actually a marking to use the flying thunder god but just as he was about to strike with a kunai the arm holding it was grabbed on to.

"You are not the fourth, I see everything." proclaimed Itachi blocking an incoming strike from his victims free hand then stomped on the boy's foot breaking more bones. Naruto instantly formed a rasengan in his left arm but was shocked at the sudden speed of Itachi displayed as he grasped onto his wrist sending it upwards. The follow up wasn't even seen such was the speed displayed as he felt a strike to the upper part of his arm, the rasengan vanished and his arm fell limp by his side. Sheer pain dulled Naruto's reaction as he was shoved into rubble and felt an foot press against his throat as much as he struggled he couldn't get up. It seemed like he gave up as his good arm fell but it was a ruse to grab another kunai from his pouch. Although he made one mistake as the crimson red of the Kyuubi started to flow out of him, he looked into the blazing red of Itachi's Mangekyo.

Sasuke had ended up going into a tunnel vision like state when 'Itachi' had attacked, he hadn't paid any attention to what was going on around him until finally he plunged a chidori into his brothers chest. To his intense fury it burst into smoke had that copy really given him so much trouble! He immediately realised what was going on when he saw Naruto on the ground, the second stage of the curse seal overcame him all on its own as he moved but alas it was too late… Naruto was now under Tsukoyumi.


"Oh Crap." this must've been what Sasuke had meant about avoiding eye contact, it didn't feel like any ordinary genjutsu. The sky had gone black with a crescent moon giving the only kind of light in this dark plane. As soon as Itachi had appeared before Naruto he moved but then found he couldn't, his feet had sunk into the ground. He built up his chakra to try and break the genjutsu but nothing happened.

"You will never break Tsukoyumi and you will interfere no further." Itachi said this as if it was an unavoidable fact. He calmly walked towards the boy and stopped an arms length from him. "I have one question." just as he said this an attempted punch was thrown at him but it harmlessly missed, the ground seemed to react to this as two black pillars shot out encompassing his arms to prevent further resistance. "I had not foreseen my little brother relying on anyone. What makes you different?"

Naruto was taken back by this question but he still answered it. "He's my closest friend. I see him as my own brother more than you'll ever be to him." now he was struggling harder to escape.

"I see." Itachi ended up smiling which, was very unnerving. "However, you are not of Uchiha blood your interference will not go unpunished." he raised his hand placing it on the boy who completely failed to hide the terror of whatever was about to happen. Something else happened though as the pillars started to crack and the ground began to bubble until it gave way to nine tailed fox.

"As I predicted." he man was very calm despite what had just occurred.

"Scum of an Uchiha! Die!" roared the Kyuubi as it rushed frenzied by its rage at the invader of it's host. It's neck was suddenly grabbed by a set of arms spiritual in appearance, it bright light contrasted with the darkness as it pulled the fox down it started to thrash around.

"This is my realm. Now vanish." was all the Uchiha said as more of the spiritual hands came out of the ground dragging the Kyuubi back down from whence it came. Naruto's eyes widened at such a sight was this really how powerful Itachi was? He hadn't just thrown the Bijuu out of this plane but completely suppressed it from it's host. He renewed his struggle, the pillars cracked further but so did the ground as it gave way sending him hurtling down a pit of darkness and despair.

Itachi stood over the pit raising his hand about to increase the severity of thing but suddenly found his hand grabbed on to. His eyes hardened at who had stopped him. "I thought as much."

"End it." the figure said. "Now."

Itachi kept his focus on the figure he couldn't break out of the grip which, told him enough. He was loosing control of this realm and it would be broken soon. "Very well."

Naruto suddenly stopped falling, was it over he sure hoped so but this idea vanished as something speared his through the leg. It'd come out of the ground then another and another and another until his body had been skewered. Everything seemed to fade away after that.

Uchiha Compound

Naruto's entire body suddenly jerked as he tried to scream nothing came out and then he fell limp passing out from the overpowering mental strain. Itachi slowly removed his foot and intercepted Sasuke who quickly stopped on his heels, he couldn't of prevented that. Still it heightened his frustration and anger further which, allowed a certain voice to start creeping into his head and it took a lot just to suppress it. He let out a growl as he rushed in but it was reckless, as he was simply thrown over Itachi's shoulder and kicked in the back further enraging him. So much was his rage that it blinded him to what his brother was about to do, his eye was on Naruto whom had managed to regain consciousness though his body was near paralysed he had managed to roll onto his front. Sasuke noticed too late as black flames scorched in a trail towards Naruto catching his right arm and then the screaming started as it spread like wildfire to his back. Itachi's eyes widened as Amatarasu started to instead go out, he about to put out those infamous black flames for it was just part of the plan. He was at the very least able to catch a glimpse of his little brothers face as the opening presented itself, a second blaze of Amatarasu hit Sasuke head on and watched as these flames spread.

Itachi Uchiha put out the black flames before they spread to his brother's face, the damage by now had been done half of the body had been burnt away. It was done just in time as the light in his right eye had gone out that last burst of Amatarasu had taken it's sight completely as he reached for Sasuke's eyes the head flattened. Then an inferno smashed out of the ground going right through his arm scorching it and out burst Sasuke completely untouched by the black flames. In one swift move he grabbed Naruto and carried him to the highest point of the compound then set him down.

"I see. Orochimaru's style of substitution, you tunnelled underground but it's taken a lot out of you." as Itachi said this it started to rain. "This is the end."

"Yes it is. Now illusions will become reality." it was certainty in Sasuke's eyes.

"A bluff, my sharingan can see you have no chakra left." responded the elder brother.

Sasuke raised his arm to the sky. "This is more than a bluff, this is something I saved just for you. Not even you can block or dodge this." lightning began to crackle. "Here it is."

Natures own forceful power would end this battle once and for all. The path of the avenger would be fulfilled, justice for the clan would finally be done.

"I call this Kirin, Die with the Thunderclap."

Sorry about the wait, I hope this chapter helps to make up for it. Had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you had fun reading it. Also the flying thunder god(Hirashin) used by Naruto is his version which, is why Itachi is able to read it with the sharingan. The only hint I'll give for now is that as written Naruto gives off a build up of chakra before he uses it and that makes it easier to trace.

Please leave a review if you liked it or wish to give Constructive critisim(flamer will get hit by Kirin) it motivates me to write ever more!

In the next chapter; The Aftermath of Kirin.