Hello aspiring authors/writers and fellow readers, some of you may have heard of me some of you may not of and others will probably say oh your that guy. So I'm back once again sporting new abilities and some old ones too. Now let us begin…

Disclaimer: Still have to do this….. I don't own Naruto

Chapter 1: Aftermath of Friendship

Two warriors, shinobi, friends were ending their deathly battle with one another holding two of the most deadly of techniques in the world of ninjutsu; the lightening cuter chidori and the infamous jutsu of the fourth rasengan. Such irony that their bonds, their friendship had caused this tragedy. Both took to the sky one flapping his wings of darkness and the other using the demonic light. The Valley of the End how fitting that such things had chosen to finish here. Just as they made contact you could each of them shouting their jutsu.



From the clash of these two great moves a massive energy surges throughout the entire area engulfing both of the friends turned arch-rivals. In an instant one fell to the ground while the other landed next to him, as the dust and light cleared. The one left standing was the young avenger known as Uchiha Sasuke. He looked into the sky with shock as it began to rain, he almost gave in to the one he so despised something inside him had stopped him killing his closest friend. The victor looked down at the fallen one his chest bloody and completely unknown whether he was alive. The raven haired Uchiha narrowed his eyes slightly then said to one he just defeated "So this is it. Sorry Naruto, this is the path I must tread…"

He hesitated before slowly moving over to the fallen blond haired 'friend' going down on one knee he reached for the boys neck but rather than making sure he was dead, he checked for a pulse. Sasuke calmed down a little as the rain continued to pour as if the heavens itself mourned these tragic events that had come to pass.

"Still alive, good. But that power back there what was it?"

There was a brief pause as Sasuke moved his arm away and was about to stand but he grabbed the side of his neck that had the mark of a curse. So much pain started surging throughout his body, mentally there was a voice screaming at him to finish the boy, kill Naruto. He clenched his fist and punched the ground somehow forcing the pain and the voice away. Just as he stood up, even if his friend could not hear him he was going to say it anyway. "I can't do it. Killing you will not change a thing and…your babbling heh, live on for me."

As the raven haired youth began to turn away the headband that he had worn fell off hitting the ground a scratch lay upon it through the symbol of the Konoha village. There was very little surprise on his face in fact in his own way there was acknowledgment of that feat. Uchiha Sasuke placed the headband next to his friend then began to leave towards his destiny; the path of an avenger…

Around ten minutes later a Jounin of Konoha with a small ninja hound in front of him were darting towards the valley. The Jounin's left eye was covered by his headband but it was obvious in the right that dread was writ all over it. Running through his head was the hope that he'd make it in time, from the final surge of chakra that sent shockwaves it seemed obvious that the great battle was over

He made it into the clearing plainly seeing distinct orange which frighteningly was more crimson than anything. As they approached worry and fear got stronger as he dared not think the worst on the young boys fate. He stopped looking over his comrade, his student something a teacher should never see. Even a person, a Jounin of his fame as the copy ninja Hatake Kakashi there was no way he could've foreseen this and it deeply saddened him. The team that he had been charged with had broken in one of the worst possible of ways. The small ninja hound walked up to the scratched headband, figuring out who's it was he stated to his master.

"It's Sasuke's…. I can't track him in this weather the rains washed away the scent"

Kakashi checked the fallen shinobi for a pulse making sure there was life still in him, there was relief as although faint still counted as alive. He motioned his ninja hound known as Pakkun to return to his land, which he nodded as he disappeared. There was still uncertainness as to what condition the blond haired youth was in the injuries may be grievous but they were no way near mortal. Yet how would the man know that he is no medic.

In the far distance the young avenger trekked through the woods that led to his future. There was numerous thinks flowing in his mind but there was one main thought that dominated. Sasuke was mentally asking himself

'The true path of an avenger… killing friends would turn me into my brother. I will never be like him! I will forge my own path and surpass you."

"I WILL BE A BETTER MAN THAN YOU!" shouted Sasuke as if to make sure his brother could hear him. He continued on towards the Land of Rice, where his new master resided in waiting. The one person who could make him stronger, the one he wished to surpass as well before he challenged his brother and avenged his clan. There was enough awareness from the young Uchiha that his despicable big brother Itachi was stronger than the great Snake Sanin. He felt this was the only way it was only a matter of time until everything fell into place.

Unknown Location

In a darkened cave nine figures began to form all projected like spectres their eyes coming through proving they were all human, one of them was standing on the ceiling of the cave. All are known as S-class criminals whom are now in a fearful organisation; the Akatsuki. The one known as Zetsu which had an aloe look spoke up first in a passive tone.

"Seven years it has been since we have gathered like this"

The one standing next to him which had the appearance of a hunched person added

"Indeed Itachi not since Orochimaru left our organisation have we done this"

"And now Orochimaru has Sharingan" interrupted Zetsu.

The one with the large sword on his back; Hoshigaki Kisame smiled with humour then turned his head towards his partener Uchiha Itachi. He stated the obvious. "So it's your brother Itachi"

Itachi remained silent and his eyes narrowed, very brief silence followed until the one standing on the ceiling of the cave continued the conversation.

"Don't worry un…I'll finish Orochimaru soon enough…un…We have only three years left. Will you be able to clear all your assignments? Un?"

Their leader replied and directed it towards everyone his ringed eyes making sure he would be taken seriously. "Yes…we shall secure them all….., all including the Nine-tailed fox spirit"

Some time later, a distance away Valley of the End

Hatake Kakashi had been moving at speed towards Konohagakure for some time now, holding Naruto in his arms of whom still remained unconscious. There might not have been any bleeding but the young blonds breathing was erratic which was enough to tell the copy ninja his injuries were serious. As he continued his approach he was met by a couple of medic ninja whom kept up with him.

"What is Naruto's status sir?" asked one of the Medic Ninja.

"His holding out well enough, lets just get him back."

Its likely he'll need lady fifth's expertise to make sure he's ok." Kakashi replied as calmly as possible considering the current situation.

Both of the medic ninja nodded as one of them jumped off to find the others while the other remained to make sure the boy could hold out so they could get to the hospital. Kakashi continued to rush forwards, to his surprise he could tell Naruto was stirring as his eyes slowly opened.

"Did I do it…is he here?" blandly asked Naruto.

"No he got away, don't worry we'll get him back. For now we need to get you healed" responded Kakashi as he shook his with a flicker of sorrow in his eye.

"..damn it…Sasuke…" was the last thing the aggravated young blond said before passing out, whether it was from pain or exhaustion it was unknown to Kakashi. He attempted to increase his speed going as fast as possible. The copy ninja may of lost one student but he couldn't allow another loss. He had to reach Konoha…

Orochimaru's Hideout, a few hours later

A chamber, a dungeon filled with prisoners or maybe even unfortunate test subjects. Walking down the middle of the cells were three figures one was covered in bandages the only exposed part was his serpent like golden eye. The other was a silver haired youth with glasses on known as Yakushi Kabuto and the final one was none other than Uchiha Sasuke of whom was showing signs of the battle he'd fought recently. As they continued walking down the cell the bandaged human serpent stated. "Heh heh…. Sasuke. You are the chosen one."

"I don't care, just give me the power" calmly replied Sasuke. In reply to such lack of respect and gratitude the serpent like man lightly growled. He made his intent to kill something or someone known as a way of commanding respect. This was ignored by the young Uchiha but not by Kabuto which shivered slightly from the reaction. He shuffled towards Sasuke and whispered to him. "He may not look it but the man before you is Lord Orochimaru, best watch your mouth if you want to live"

Sasuke replied to this in his own way by allowing the corrupt chakra of his to escape into the air, showing that he would kill the silver haired youth. Kabuto backed off almost immediately unsure what to make of that. Orochimaru grinned, widening his eye in anticipating excitement for the future, he knew very well that the future did lay with Sasuke and his Sharingan.

And thus we begin. Next chapter promises are broken and the aftermath hits. Around ten chapters will be released in the space two weeks since this is the improved version and I somewhat said I would do it. So those that have read leave a review. I do reply to most of them, what a weird habit that is…