Disclaimer: Death Not(min)e.

Author's Note: A really, really short piece. Yup. Just needed to get this musing out of my head… (Though I sorta already wrote this idea up as an Invader Zim fic ages ago, in my collection "Ketsueki"… oh well.)

PS. This makes more sense if you've seen the live action "The Last Name" movie. But you don't need to see it in order to read. Knowing the movie just offers a different mode of interpretation. :3




He hated his eyes.

Black, shadowed, soulless: perfectly dull, perfectly blank, perfectly empty.

A dull ebony. A blank slate. An empty computer. A portal into a mind that's sole function was to watch, watch, watch.

Never feel. Never want. Never blink.

Staring. Probing.

Observe, retain, unwind.

He hated those eyes… those dead, cold, glassy eyes that seemed to see right through him, into the nothingness that they reflected.

And oh, how he smiled when he thought those eyes were gone: their body dead, their owner slumped, their master lying motionless on the crumb-strewn carpet.

But no…

No. For from the distant floor those eyes gazed upward—unfeeling, unblinking, unchanging… and now, they knew.

He knew.

L knew.