The Likes of Me/ The Mysterious Trio

By Leanna Breezee

16. Most teens have a Sweet Sixteen...


Two brothers- archenemy Dimen Kalesar and uncle Qenis Halifun

Two Guardians

One teenager with a destiny to save a dimension she does not know exists yet

The Guardian Angel- Spirit/Soul into animal angel

Kyler Feliss:

Knowledge- Guardian feline


Power/Fighting Skill- Guardian dragon/bird

Verity Chase:

Blood/Fate- Niece of Qenis Halifun

Her Guardian Angel- Great Dane (black dog) named Tobii

Beginning (Prologue):

Introduces the story so far of how Verity came to be in the dimension we call Earth. She came from the land known as Demistarr (roughly translated from their language) and lives as an orphan in her foster parent's home with the Great Dane that she arrived with. Her mother and father she did not know, but they are introduced in this chapter.

Qenis Halifun was a powerful magician/wizard in Demistarr and had a half-brother, Dimen Kalesar, who was his archenemy mainly because was also a great magician/wizard and with his darker ways, plotted to ruin Qenis and rule all of Demistarr. But Qenis found out Dimen's plans and warned his son, Verity's father, and his wife that something bad was to happen and they should run away into hiding. Not wanting their child, Verity, to face the evil times that were coming on Demistarr, Verity's parents decided to send her to another dimension, with a faithful Angel that would look over her until she was of age to face this evil and save Demistarr, for her parents knew that she would be a powerful being because of her lineage. As soon as her parents sent Verity into the dimension of Earth, Dimen discovers their whereabouts and goes to investigate. He takes Verity's parents to his "lair" and interrogates them and leaves them in his "dungeons" to use against Qenis. Qenis thinks that Dimen has captured all of his son's family and killed the young child they had because of an illusion put on their home that projected this. But he finds out what truly happens and goes through the dimensions looking for his niece and finally finding her temporary dimension on Earth on the eve of her sixteenth birthday. Little does she know that in her normal (if you could say that) life, destiny has finally tracked her down...

The Story Begins...

In Demistarr, there are many creatures that loom in the mountains, forests, lakes, and sky that the dimension of Earth use in their mythical stories and fairytales (and even some fairytales are from the famous dimension of Demistarr). But now, Demistarr has fallen into the hands of an evil magician, Dimen Kalesar, who is ruining everything that was once beautiful in Demistarr and the fairytales that Earth's authors write have an evil tint to them. But one young teenager, Verity Chase, will meet her destiny on her Sweet Sixteen and venture off to save the dimension of Demistarr.