Summary: This story is set five years after season 5. Lucas Scott is married to Lindsey and Brooke is married to Chase with a three year old son. Brooke and Lucas meet up from time to time and no one knows the things that go on between the two during the secret meetings, because no one knows about them.
Secret Affairs
Lucas Scott:
Lucas Scott was a 26 year old man with a simple yet exciting life. He had just gotten his fifth novel on the bestseller list, which was based on a character he created that has a secret life beyond his normal everyday living. Lucas also still lived in Tree Hill continuing to coach the Tree Hill Ravens; they had won two championships since he had been coaching them. His wife, Lindsey was still his editor and was constantly making frequent trips to New York to her job and took an active role in the promoting of his book, yet she still made time to come to spend time with him on the weekends and holidays and her days off during the week. The long distance was bearable for them both, because they still got to spend time together. Yes, Lucas Scott's life was simple yet exciting, and his accomplishments were not the only thing that made his life exciting.
Brooke Davis-Adams:
Brooke Davis-Adams was 25 years old and she was once the owner of a multi million dollar fashion empire and a socialite of New York. Now, she was a wife and a mother to a the cutest three year old with the bluest eyes she had ever seen and she wouldn't trade back to her old life for the world. Brooke moved back to Tree Hill from New York to help her best friend, Peyton Sawyer find her way back to her once true love Lucas Scott, but it turned out that Peyton Sawyer had gone after the wrong guy and Lucas turned out to not be her one true love, but instead found her way back to her ex, Jake Jasgeski and married him. Brooke for the past four years has start a new clothing line that is Tree Hill bound in her old C/B shop. Chase came back to Tree Hill and stole Brooke heart again. They got married and soon had a son in which Brooke named Michael Scotty Davis-Adams. Brooke was happy in Tree Hill, but there was one person in Tree Hill that made her even happier and it wasn't her husband.
A/N: I know I haven't updated my other stories laterly but I will. This idea for a story just pop up in my head and I want to know what you think. Review and comment Please!!