Sirius walked back to the house, leaving Hermione in the woods. Lupin followed quietly and the only sound heard was the crunch of the leaves under their feet. Hermione gathered herself together and headed for the house as well. She stopped in front of the door and looked through the windows. It was getting dark soon and everyone had moved inside. Lupin was helping Harry and Ginny with final touches on the silverware. Scanning the room, Sirius was no where to be found. She opened the door and walked in. The smell of cake and vanilla filled her nose as Mrs. Weasley danced around the kitchen preparing tomorrows food.

"Hermione, dear, did you finish with the flowers?" she asked stirring a bowl quickly.

"I'm just about finished" Hermione lied and skipped upstairs to find Sirius. The attic door to Ron's room was slightly open so Hermione followed it upstairs to the top floor of the house. She found Sirius sitting on Ron's bed.

"Are you alright?" she whispered to him, standing still by the door.

"Yes, I'm fine" he answered without looking up at her. "I think we better take some space between us for the rest of the night. That was a close call, thankfully Remus understands the situation" he told her now staring up into her eyes. Hermione looked confused.

"I thought you wanted people to know?" she asked.

"I do, the eve of the wedding is just not a good time" he said warily and rubbing his hands through his hair. Hermione didn't want to push the subject but sensed something wrong in his voice. "Ok" she said and walked back downstairs.

Everyone went to bed early from exhaustion but Hermione didn't sleep a wink. She lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling, an all too familiar situation for her. Her heart was aching and the only thought running through her head was that Sirius no longer wanted to be with her. Maybe the secrecy of the relationship was what kept it alive for him and now that someone knows about them, he was ready to end it and move on. Hermione finally fell asleep only to be awakened by Ginny that it was time to get ready. She traipsed down the stairs for breakfast but everyone was outside helping with the finishing touches on the wedding. Hermione walked to the backdoor and opened it with awe. The trees glistened with tiny, white lights and beautiful spring flowers adorned every nook and cranny. Chairs were set up with large, white silk bows and a beautiful arch stood at the center down a long aisle. It was the very essence of Fleur. Hermione closed the door and took advantage of the empty bathroom to get ready. Before she knew it, the wedding was to start in minutes. All the order, family, and friends were there. It was a truly beautiful ceremony. Fred and George grimaced as all their hard work cutting the paper stars was over in seconds as hands full of them were tossed in the air and fell to the ground at the end of the ceremony. Mr. Weasley waved his wand and elegant tables flew down to adorn the lawn and prepare for the reception. A dinner followed with dancing and plenty of butter beer. Hermione smiled to herself as she sat alone at her table at the reception. Harry and Ginny were dancing wildly with each other on the dance floor.

A husky voice leaned over Hermione's shoulder and whispered "let's talk".

She turned around and saw Sirius standing there. He had a light grey suit on and a clean crisp white shirt. He looked so handsome and irresistible. He grabbed her hand and led her toward the burrow but turned and kept going past it towards the Weasley's barn. Hermione went into a panic, yanking her hand from his grasp. She thought of something quick to say.

"I don't want to miss any of the wedding, we can do this later" she smiled at him. Sirius walked close to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning down to kiss her passionately on the lips. The two walked slowly back to the reception and went their separate ways. Hermione sat down again at her table. She breathed a sigh of relief at the fiasco she just adverted from. Now all she could think about was the repercussions she would endure for changing what happens in her dream.

"If you need us, Harry and I will be in the barn" Ginny whispered as she quickly took a swig of her drink at Hermione's table.

"Alright" Hermione smiled and waved them off. At least if someone barged into the barn they wouldn't find her and Sirius. A high pitch scream echoed from the dance floor and caught Hermione's attention. She thought nothing of it until more screams emitted from the dance floor. She quickly stood up in alarm and looked for Sirius. Too many people were scrambling about and she couldn't find him.

"Run, Hermione!" someone yelled in the distance as everyone ran past her or apperated in their spot. The flash of a black hood finally told her what was going on. Death Eaters were here and she had no idea what they were going to do. Thankfully, Harry was in the barn and had a good head start to get away, but knowing him he'll probably show up any second to help her. She stood there not knowing what to do without Sirius when clearly everyone was running away. When about to run off a familiar voice made her stop.

"That one! In the dress!" it yelled loudly. Malfoy made his was though the panicked crowd throwing hexes in every direction.

"Hello there" he said maliciously. He nodded towards Hermione and before she knew it she was hurled toward the ground and unconscious.


The light drops of rain hitting her face woke Hermione out of her unconsciousness. She was lying in mud and soaked to the bone. She glanced up and saw bars atop her. She pushed herself up and rubbed the back of her head. She suddenly realized she was in a large cage. Owl feathers were scattered all over the ground.

"Great, I'm in an old owl cage" she muttered wiping the mud of her face. She looked up and whimpered in horror. Malfoy Manor was directly in front of her. A tall figure made its way over to her from the back of the magnificent house. It was wearing a black suit and had a giant black umbrella. The umbrella lifted slightly to reveal it was Malfoy coming towards her.

"I hope you're finding our accommodations suitable to your taste" he said with a wicked smile.

"This cage used to house my favorite owl" he said tapping the large iron bars with his fist.

"It's going to be raining until dawn tomorrow so I suggest taking this opportunity for water" he continued smiling at her.

"What do you want with me, Malfoy?" Hermione asked not caring about his previous statements.

"As usual, Potter somehow evaded us and you're the next best thing" he smiled.

"It's not going to be long until they come for me" she sneered.

"I don't think that will be the case this time, I'm afraid. Not many of them are left after last night" he said admiring his tie. Hermione stayed silent. He had to lying.

"We got mostly everyone…even Sirius" he added now staring straight into her eyes. A small smile crept over his face as all the color drained from Hermione's body.

"So I would just sit tight. The next few days are going to be very unpleasant for you" he said turning and heading back to the house. Hermione backed up to the corner of the small cage and slid down to the ground. She pulled her knees to her chest and thought about Sirius. There was no way Draco Malfoy had defeated him. He was coming for her, he had to be.