Title: Refund

Summary: After not scoring with a girl, Kennedy goes back to the store to get a refund on condoms.

Disclaimer: I own the OCs. WWE is owned by Vince McMahon.


"Fucking Pokemon woman." He muttered before walking into the gas station. He sighed before walking to the counter.

"Hello, sir. How may I help you?" a scrawny boy asked. He had red hair, and looked to be smaller than Collin Delaney was. He was pale and had a few freckles on his face, he wore glasses and his teeth were overlapping each other.

"I would like to return these condoms." Ken placed the box of condoms on the table.

"You know…I brought condoms once." The clerk proceeded to tell Ken, who didn't care.

"Oh really…?" he asked with no interest.

"Yeah…I actually used them."

"How lovely."

"If I was here earlier I would've told you, you shouldn't have gotten the banana ones. There a turn off. Oh, and…you should've gotten Trojan."

Ken frowned. "What the hell is wrong with lifestyles?"

"Well, if you want to get to statistics, my parents use lifestyles. Besides me, there are like nine more kids. So, obviously…"

"Maybe your parents wanted to have ten kids."

"Actually, I'm pretty sure they rather would've had one kid and seven dogs. My parents are dog people. Mom's allergic to car hair."

"Joy. Can I just get my money back?"

"Don't get mad at me because you couldn't get laid."

"I could get laid if I wanted to. I can get anyone to sleep with me…why, because I am MRRRRRRRR. KENNEDYYYY! Kennedy!"

"You couldn't get me to sleep with you."

"I don't take or give it in the back door! Now hurry up."

"Sure, sure…got the receipt?"

Ken reached into his back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to the man.

"Right…this isn't a receipt, it's a woman's phone number…or a man's…Tracy, I know a man name Tracy, I thought you said you weren't gay? Uh huh, it's okay. You can admit that here. We are an equal opportunity store. It's okay to be gay."

Ken glared before going to reach in his front pocket. The cashier moved back swiftly and put his hands in the air. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

"…I was getting the damn receipt!"

He snorted. "That's what they all say."

"You know what, fuck the receipt…fuck the condoms…fuck everything."

"Just because you can't fuck a girl, doesn't mean you have to fuck everything else. Have some class…"

"I have class."

"Not enough to fuck a girl."

"You stupid son of a bitch! Mind your own damn business. Gah, you're so freakin' irritating!"

"Have you ever thought maybe it wasn't me, and it was you?"

"It's not me, it's you!"

"Are you breaking up with me? Oh my, never realized we weren't together. Hope I wasn't the reason that girl wouldn't fuck you."

Ken growled. "Forget this…" Ken turned around and walked towards the exit.

"What about your refund!?" the cashier yelled.

"Fuck it!"

"Because she won't fuck you?"

Ken exited the store, being sure to slam the door.



A/n: Kinda random, kinda not. Lol. Review please. – Tiffany.