A/N: okay, so ya, this has been a long times since I've done this one…. But something just came to me so I decided to continue cuz of it

Hope ya'll enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from this, all Square Enix and Disney's Series of Unfortunate Events

The Help and the Needed

Perhaps this job would get even better than it already was……….

After Roxas realized that he probably looked psycho at the moment, he closed the limo door. The male walked by him, (without so much as a glance) straight to his Father.

"Welcome home, my son! How was the flight?" The elder of the two gave a hand shake, and the son followed suit by shaking it firmly.

"It was……………interesting, so to speak. The gentleman next to me was not very friendly……." The sons' voice was strong, and captivating.

It took Roxas quite a lot of control to stop looking at him. Once that was fulfilled, he went to the trunk of the limo and pulled it open.

He began pulling out the bags, laying them onto the ground. He continued unpacking the bags, while the 'reunion' of the father and son went on.

Roxas slowly, yet impressively, began picking up the bags, and walking them to the door.

The two had already gone inside, yet left the door open for him. So, they weren't all that bad, considering how most rich people are.

Once inside, there was no sign of either male. Roxas figured they went into the sitting room to talk privately. But he was going to do his job and get to dinner.

Roxas began walking up the grand staircase, and then went into the left wing. He then followed the long hallway to another stairway, and walked up it. He was then on the correct floor, and went all the way to the end of the corridor. He opened the door and walked the suitcases over to the side of the couch that was set in the middle front of the room.

He sighed and wiped sweat beads off his brow. The stairs aren't fun in the least bit, but it was his duty. And yet, he didn't mind at all. He had a roof over his head, a life to look forward to, and job he won't likely be fired from. It was all good in Roxas's mind.

Roxas walked back out into the hallways and down the steps to the third floor. He walked by the locked door, and lightly tried to twist it open. Surprise, surprise, it was locked. He tried a little harder, this time applying pressure onto the door. It still wouldn't budge. He sighed heavily, and stalked off to the kitchen.


In the kitchen, Roxas got out all the materials to make a five-star meal for the Sir and his son. He was going to make filet minion, lasagna stuffed with meat and parmesan, apple cobbler, and miso soup. He knew how to make them, and could remember them from memory. He was a very skilled chef when it came to certain foods.

He cracked the eggs, rolled out the noodles, boiled the water, made the soup, cooked the meat and sautéed the meat. He stuffed the lasagna with the cheese and meat, and cut the apples, setting it into the crust. He set that into the oven and brought out the food into the dinning hall.

The food was brought on silver platters, with tops. The soup was first. Roxas set the platters in front of both men at both ends of the tables, and bowed to them both.

"Thank you, Roxas. Axel, this is the new butler, Roxas. He doesn't speak much English, so as to say, he's not very understandable. He also doesn't know much English either, so he doesn't always understand it." The boss stated, as-a-matter-of-factly. His son nodded, considerably.

"Well, it is nice to meet you, Roxas. What language does he speak of, Father?" His voice was strong, as usual, and he eyed the blonde up and down, inspecting him, thoroughly. He smirked lightly, seeming to improve. The blonde felt himself blush lightly, now at the redheads side.

"French, the boy speaks French. It's his native tongue. I haven't heard him speak much, for little does he say. Maybe you might get something out of him for you both are somewhat close in age."

"What is his age?" The redhead still eyed the blonde, curiously, almost looking for him to speak his own.

"He's 18, I believe. Is that right, Roxas?" Roxas nodded, thoughtfully, looking over at him. He still could feel Axel's eyes watching him.

Roxas looked back at the redhead, and saw him still looking at him. They both made eye contact and Roxas saw Axel smile, lightly. This made Roxas blush and heat up. The redhead smirked now, and the blonde just blushed redder.

"Did you make this all by your lonesome?"

The blonde nodded in response, almost dumbly. He bowed, mumbled 'bon apatite' and walked off to the kitchen again; Axel watched after him, still smirking, He got a strange look from his Father. But the redhead shook it off and they went into the discussion on how Mother has been.

In the kitchen, Roxas cleaned up his messes. He washed his utensils and such, and then packed them away. After a few minutes after he was done, he walked back into the dinning hall and picked up the plates, setting down the new silver platters of the main course. He bowed as the two said their thanks, and walked back into the kitchen. He washed the bowls and packed them away.

About 20 minutes after his last departure, he walked out, took the plates with a silent 'thank you' from both males. He walked back out with platters of the apple cobbler and set them in front of both males. They said their gratitude for the third time, and Roxas walked into the kitchen to wash plates.

He walked back out a few moments following and took the plates that were empty on the table. The two family members had already moved into the sitting hall to talk a bit more.

Roxas cleaned off the finals of the dishes and left the kitchen in tip-top shape.

Roxas walked to his quarters and looked over his list of things to do. He saw he had forgotten to change the sheets in the room of Axel. He hurried his way up the stories and arrived at the door. He opened it, clutched up the sheets, brought them down to the launder, and walked back to the room.

He was putting on the sheets when from the doorway behind him, emerged a certain redheaded male.

He walked up behind the blonde. "Was there something wrong with my sheets, Roxas?"

The blonde jumped and fell onto his butt. "Non, monsieur, ils étaient tout sales(1)." The redhead gave Roxas a strange, confused look. "Oh, excusez-moi(2)! The sheets, they were dirty. Wash they needed."

The redhead laughed lightly at the blonde's inexperience in the English language. "Alright, but would you mind finishing putting the new sheets on? I'm tired and would like some good night sleep." He smiled as Roxas went back to putting the sheets on the bed and bowed.

"Bonne nuit, monsieur, bien dormir(3)." Roxas waved and was about to walk out of the room when something told him to turn around. He saw Axel waving back, smiling brightly.

"Goodnight, Roxas. See you in the morning, ne?" He smiled again, and got a smile from the blonde whom scurried away from the room and to his quarters. He sat on his bed and fell asleep, smiling lightly. He was happy he worked there.

A/N; okay, hope it wasn't too to bad. I tried to make it detailed so it was longer since I'm having issues getting long chaps up.

BTW: here's the french used in this chap!

1) no, sir, they were dirty.
2)oh, excuse me
3)good night, sire, sleep well.

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