Disclaimer: Should no longer be necessary

Sorry about the wait, World of Warcraft is far too addicting for its own good

'This place has more magic then I thought'

Link crouched among the bushes near the entrance to the odd village with the foreign architecture, which was blocked by an enormous boulder larger than the one that nearly crushed him on death mountain, watching the villagers who recently recovered from the petrify spell go along with their lives as if they didn't know they were ever statues at all.

But more importantly, he watched the white wolf as she loped up to the oversized rock and stared at it with a perplexed expression(at least, he thought it was) crossing her lupine features.

The wolf was magical, Link's nose told him so, but it was subtle. Whenever she would use her power it was only given away by small movements of her tail before an object was either fixed or broken.

When the curse over the village had broken, Link had immediately dashed for cover to avoid panicking the townspeople, the Master Sword following as though it were attached to him by an invisible rope, and crept around the perimeter while watching the white wolf run among the humans unmolested.

Old habits are hard to break though.

Link turned his gaze towards the rock, where a chubby man in an odd, wide hat had been attempting to push the rock aside (unsuccessfully) and was now leaning on the rock gasping for breath.

"It's just too heavy, my mind really wants to move this rock but my body won't cooperate, like I'm made of lead. Could this be demonic possession?" he moaned, gazing forlornly at his feet.

"Something dark is coming closer!" Midna muttered into Link's ear, "It's not very strong though, I'm surprised that I even sensed them in the first place"

Link bobbed his head, ignoring Midna's squawk of indignation at nearly being thrown off, and mentally prepared himself to grapple with more of the strange, monkey-like foes with the awful taste in music; as he did so, the Master Sword rose into the air from its former position on the ground, seeming to react to his thoughts.

A plume of smoke rose from the ground revealing a 'thing' similar to the ones from Link's earlier fight, but this one was wearing orange and carried a lute instead of a flute.

With a loud screech, the monkey-thing charged towards the white wolf swinging the lute like club, missed completely, and face planted on the ground as she dashed to the side.

'Are these things serious?' Link thought to himself 'they go into battle with unbalanced and impromptu weapons without even preparing to compensate for a missed strike, it actually seems like it would have fallen even if it had hit with that last attack'

"Seems like your services won't be needed here hero boy" Midna laughed from her perch.

Indeed, the white wolf had made short work of the monkey-thing; first breaking the lute between her teeth with a single bite and smacking the monkey around with an odd mirror thatweaved through the air with no visible support. However, Link noted that the wolf swung her head in time with the disk's movements as if they helped her move the weapon.

'So would this help me wield my own sword?' Link glanced at the Master Sword which was still floating at his left side seemingly waiting to be used 'but if that's the case then how-

Link's train of thought was cut off as a hard object swatted him sharply on his hindquarters prompting a yelp from the startled wolf as he spun about to face his aggressor.

Link's first thought was that ugly-thing1 and ugly-thing2 had come back for revenge.

The monkey-thing in question was laughing; it was an odd, whooping laugh but a laugh all the same.

Not wasting any time, Link pounced at his foes, twisting his head and moving it in a diagonal arc. Instantly the Master Sword moved from its position beside him and followed the arc of his head, cleanly slicing the monster into two halves which quickly dissipated into the silver dust that he saw before.

'It actually worked!' Link mused 'So my head is like my sword arm in a psychic manner but why would it-'

Link was interrupted yet again by something landing on his back and forcing his face into the dirt. With a few grumbling snarls, Link raised his head just in time to see the white wolfdecapitate ugly-thing4 with her odd magic causing it to drop a large blue fang which she grabbed with her jaws and stored...somewhere.

"Hah! These imps are no threat to you, eh furball?" a high pitched, irritating voice exclaimed; seeming to come from the white wolf or, more accurately, the small bug-thing on her head.

"Hey! Furball #2, what are you doing on the ground there?"

"Who are you calling a furball you cockroach!" Midna yelled back, her voice at the same pitch.

"Who are you calling a cockroach you ebil sprite!"

"That's it! I'm going to kick your ass!"

On that fine note, Midna soared through the air and tackled the talking bug off the white wolf who rolled her eyes at the other's immature behaviour before walking over to Link and nudging him with her nose as though she was apologizing for using him as a springboard.

Link glanced over to where Midna and the bug-man were wrestling on the ground and sighed.

'This is going to be a stressful journey'

Poncle-Midna and Issun have a fight

Since this was long overdue I'm going to try and get the next update in the next week

Next time: Susano snores his way on stage and the new group explores Hana Valley