Hey everyone! I'm sooooo sorry I haven't been updating, please bear with me! And spread the Penguinshipping love! Share the story, I know it's not the best, and it takes long to update, but please! Penguinshipping must survive!

Kenny: (blush)

Dawn: What's wrong Kenny?

Kenny: (shakes pinkish red face)

Dawn: Uhh okay... Enjoy the chapter!


Dawn got up from the swivel chair in confusion. He left so quickly! She sighed and said out loud, "Crazy, crazy Kenny...". Dawn got up from the chair and closed the door Kenny left through. Mrs. Starson walked into the room announcing dinner was ready.

"Hm? Where'd Kenny go?" she asked. "I thought he would be joining us for dinner".

Dawn sighed, "I guess not. He left all red and fast". Dawn shrugged, "I wonder why."

Dawn's mother smiled and muttered, "You crazy kids..."

"Hm?" asked Dawn.

Mrs. Starson sweatdropped and said, "O-oh, nothing dear".

Dawn raised an eyebrow at her mom; she was acting weird like Kenny. She rolled her eyes and headed into the kitchen to eat. After she ate, she headed upstairs to do her homework. Dawn dragged her feet inside her room. "I hate homework", she muttered. She headed over to her bedroom desk and pulled out her language arts text book. She took out a paper and started doing her assignment.

In the middle of her assignment, her cell phone rang. She picked it up and said, "Hello?"

"Hey Dawn! It's Zoey."

Dawn lay back on her chair, "Hey Zo! What's up?"

"Nothing much, hey I heard you got Paul as a tutor", she said in a teasing voice.

Dawn blushed. Of course she would know, those two live near each other and are super good friends. "Y-Yeah I did..." Dawn jumped up from the chair, she just thought of something. "S-So what does he think of me?"

Zoey laughed, "Uh... He thinks you're... Interesting"

Dawn glowed with happiness, "Really?!"

There was a pause; Dawn heard a faint voice, and then Zoey's laugh, "Yeah... Real fascinating"

Dawn glowed; she started turning pink and breathing quickly. "Wow... I'm so happy!"

"Yeah, I'm happy for ya Dawn, I imagine you still haven't done your homework yet so I'll be going now", Zoey said. You could hear the teasing smile in her voice.

Dawn sweatdropped as she sat down on the homework desk. "Ahehehe.... Right you are Zo... I guess I'll talk to you at school or something..."

"Okay bye then, see you at schoo-"

"Wait!" Dawn interrupted. She just remembered how she heard a voice. "Is there someone with you there Zo? I heard someone."

There was an awkward silence for a few moments. Dawn checked the phone to see if she hung up. Then Zoey finally answered, "Uh no! You probably just heard my mom... So... Uh... Later Dawn!" And then Zoey hung up the phone.

As Dawn closed her phone, she wondered what that was about. She sighed and smiled. Zoey's always the unique one, she thought. She finished up her homework at around 9:30 P.M., a little late but not that late.

There was a knock on her door. "Dawn, get ready for school", called her mom behind Dawn's closed bedroom door.

"Kay mom!", called back Dawn. She cleaned up everything from the desk and put it in her backpack. As she picked up the last sheet of homework paper, she saw a small green book. Dawn smiled as she put the sheet away, and picked up the book to look through it.

It was a small album. It had pictures of her through the years of her learning. She flipped through and stopped at one where Dawn was reading a book in her third grade class and one where she was playing in the second grade. She skimmed some more and found herself in the kindergarten section.

She and Kenny always played together in kindergarten and pre-school. Almost all of the pictures she saw had Kenny in them. She stopped at one where Dawn was crying, and Kenny was holding her hand and taking her to the teacher.

Dawn smiled. Look what's happened to the sweet boy now!, she thought. She laughed. But all joking aside, Kenny and Dawn have been great friends since forever. Even if Kenny was one year older, he never minded walking away from those people his grade to play with Dawn. And now he still does that.

Nonetheless, age has done both of them some change. For good or for bad, that's unknown. Dawn now spends a lot of her time thinking about Paul, and Kenny has been acting strange ever since. Like today...

Dawn sighed and put the book down. Her last thought before drifting to sleep, was this:

I hope me and Kenny don't drift

And with that she started to fall asleep.


Dawn didn't realize where she was. For a moment it was all hazy, as if she was looking underwater with no goggles. Things started to clear up, and she realized she was on a beach. She heard the crunching of sand, and looked around to see who was coming. And she couldn't believe her eyes. It was Paul.

She smiled and jumped up with surprise and delight. "Paul!" she said, turning pink.

Paul smiled and took Dawn's hand. She followed happily dazed at the perfect scene. It was like a movie, or fantasy. There was this stand with fruit smoothies, served in those coconut cups. Dawn and Paul sat there.

"This is amazing", Dawn said turning as pink as the sunset sky.

Paul smiled softly at her and removed a strand of hair from her face. Dawn closed her eyes. The warmth of the sun hit her cheeks, but it that wasn't the reason her cheeks felt hot. But then suddenly, she started to fall.

W-What?! Wait a minute!! , she thought. She felt herself fall, below the sand. But she could still see Paul and he was looking confusingly at where Dawn just was. Dawn screamed, as she fell lower and lower. And suddenly plunged into water ((So Kingdom Hearts right?)).

As she realized she was underwater, she burst to the surface in panic. Dawn looked around confused. She was in the ocean. Suddenly, she heard splashing water. She turned to see Kenny running toward her.

"Kenny?" she asked aloud. He was in swimming trunks, and had a worried face.

He came up to her and panted, "Are you okay?!". Dawn looked at him, having no idea what was happening. He continued to pant, "Huh, t-typical Deedee. Almost drowns 'cause of a-a wave".

Dawn forgot all clueless feelings for a moment, and frowned with annoyance. "Stop calling me Deedee!!!", she said loudly

Kenny laughed, "Make me Dawnie!"

D-Dawnie?! , Dawn flushed red when she heard her pre-school teacher's name for her. "Why you-!!" she started to splash Kenny.

"Hey, hey!!", he said as the water attacked him. He splashed back.

Dawn gasped. "Stop it! You're getting my clothes all... Wait a sec!", she looked at her body to see she was wearing her two-piece swim suit. What? I wasn't wearing this when Paul.... , she thought. Her head started to spin. Just what was going on here?


Dawn looked around at the call of her voice, and saw Paul on the shore. "Paul?" . She ran up to the shoreline.

"What happened?", he asked.

"I don't know. I just-"

"Dawwnn!!!", Kenny called in the water. When Dawn looked at him, he was translucent. And he continued to slowly disappear.

"Kenny!" Dawn called as she ran into the water and tried to help, but their seemed to be a glass barrier between her and the disappearing Kenny. Dawn banged on the invisible wall, "Kenny!!!"

"Dawn! ", Kenny called out. His face was scared. As he continued to disappear, he called out Dawn's name. "Dawn, Dawn!!"


"DAWN!" called Dawn's mother. Dawn's eyes snapped open and she sat up in bed. There were loud knocks on her bedroom door. "Dawn Starson! Get up this instant! You're gonna be late!"

Dawn stumbled out of bed and hurried around the house. As she collected her things, she thought about her dream. Some dreams had meanings right? Well this one seemed to be yelling something to her... But what exactly was it?

"Dawn!! Get down here already, Kenny and you are gonna be late!", called Mrs. Starson angrily.

Dawn remembered Kenny was still waiting for both of them to go walking to school together. "Oh shoot!", she said aloud. She picked up her backpack and ran downstairs. "Bye mom!", she said closing the door.

She ran up to the brown haired boy, and they both hurried to school.


Me & Kenny: Typical Deedee

Dawn: Stop calling me that!!!!!! (Blushes angrily)

Kenny: (sticks tongue out teasingly)

Dawn: Why you--!! (Starts chasing Kenny)

(Sweatdrops) Ahehehe... Well review and remember to share please! Its so easy to see they're in love.

Dawn: Get over here you little—

Heheh, bye!