Thanks to everyone who reviewed, I appreciate all the information you're feeding into my mind, hehe. So sorry for such the long wait. I've been totally lazy lately, but I got a little inspiration from one of my reviewers (thanks!). I know it's shorter than usual, I promise to make it up to you guys next time. I'll try to have the next chapter up in about two weeks so please be patient with me. Well anyways, hope you enjoy and keep reviewing me!

Chapter 6: Country Life

Lelouch's head shot up. It felt like someone had just called his name.

C.C. glanced over at the hard working man and called, "What is it?"

He shook his head, "It's nothing."

He picked the hoe up lifting it above his head and then letting it crash back down. Then he dragged it across the soil. He'd probably done that exact pose about sixty times already. This was much harder than he had ever given farmers credit for. Soil sprayed up at him with his next strike and he collapsed to the ground exhausted. He had no idea how people could spend their entire day out in the hot weather doing this labor. Instantly C.C. was at his side handing him a cup of freshly squeezed lemonade.

Lelouch eyed it distrusting anything C.C. gave him, "Did you make this?"

"Yes I did. Try it, it's very good." When he continued to stare at it without drinking, C.C. plucked it out of his hand and took a gulp, "See?"

She handed it back to him and this time he brought it to his lips and took a sip. After deciding that it did taste good he drank the rest of the glass, "It was good. How did you learn to make it?"

"I watched a cooking show on the TV."

Lelouch chuckled, "I knew you were watching too much TV."

She stuck her tongue out at him, "Well now I'll be able to make a few things. There is only so much for us to do out here anyway Lelouch."

"I know," he sighed.

"I saw something about the Empress on the TV as well."

"About Cornelia?"

C.C. did one short nod. She couldn't tell if the news pleased or displeased the former Britannian prince.

Lelouch wasn't particularly interested in anything that had to do with his older half-sister the new Empress or Britannia, but he'd humor C.C. and listen to what she had to say anyways. He looked up at her expectantly.

"There are rumors going around that she's just around a month pregnant."

Lelouch's lavender eyes flashed in surprise for a moment. Out of all the things C.C. could have told him about Cornelia that was one he really hadn't been expecting. The young man had no idea she even wanted to have children. Did that mean she had declared her love for someone? If an Emperor was introduced, Lelouch didn't things would continue as smoothly as they had been going. He had sacrificed so much for that country (more than he even realized from the start) and he'd be more than a little upset if her selfishness ruined everything he had worked so dearly for.

"Has she announced an engagement?" Lelouch wondered.

"No, I believe she is not going to get married as the Empress," C.C. explained.

Lelouch sighed in relief. Cornelia may not be his favorite person but at least she could rule and was smart enough not to throw water onto an already easily ignited fire, "That's good news. Then who is the father of this child?"

"It seems the Empress hasn't disclosed that information yet."

Lelouch raised an eyebrow. Now he was a tad bit curious. Cornelia had always been a pain in battle, although she was an amazing opponent, but he'd never seen her as the motherly type. Although now thinking back she'd always been bossy and took really good care of all her younger siblings especially Euphemia. Suddenly the dark haired knight that would do anything for his princess flashed in Lelouch's mind. He'd always thought Guilford and Cornelia looked at each other in ways that were more than just affection between knight and princess (like the way Suzaku and Euphemia had). If Lelouch had to guess anyone that would be his best bet. Lelouch was extremely relieved and proud that she wouldn't introduce a new Emperor to the country right away. Leading a strong nation meant sacrifices for you personally.

"I'm done for today," Lelouch replied while handing the glass back to C.C. and picking up the hoe and shovel that had accompanied him in the work field all day. Lelouch wondered if he could bring himself to continue doing this day in and day out. It was fun for the first week… if even that long but he was tired of it now. He really wasn't the kind of guy cut out for this kind of labor (he had been a prince for heaven's sake), just like C.C. had pointed out the first day they arrived.

"We could always hire some hands."

Lelouch stared at her, "Then I'd have to wear that outfit again."

She shrugged, "You could just stay inside. I'll watch them."

"But you should know that you weren't invisible during the war. If anyone figures out who you are…"

"The only people who know me are Kaguya, Ohgi, Kallen, Nunnally, Suzaku, and some of the other high ranking black knights. I don't think any of them are going to show up here looking to work on a farm, Lelouch."

He frowned slightly, "I don't know C.C."

Sometimes Lelouch could be too stubborn for his own good as C.C. snapped, "Fine, then you do all the work."

He sighed; it seemed he just couldn't win this argument because doing all the work himself was something he really didn't want to do.

C.C. noted this, her tone softening, "At least just think about it."

"Alright I will."

After putting away the farming tools and feeding the two horses that currently resided with them, they entered the house. Lelouch plopped onto the couch while C.C. continued onto the kitchen. She moved some things around making loud banging noises. Lelouch put his head back against the couch and closed his eyes. Should he just give in and hire some help? If they hired people, whose to say that they would even know who he was anyways. He picked his head up and moved up off the couch going up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" C.C. asked.

"Upstairs," he stated matter-of-factly like it should be obvious.

"Are you tired?"



Lelouch sat up in his bed and called back to C.C, "What?"

Suddenly his body pulsated and he clutched at his hand. What was this feeling? What was going on? And what did C.C. want?

"Lelouch a car just pulled up," C.C. said a little unnerved.

Lelouch jumped up off his bed and dashed down the steps two at a time. He pulled the curtains back and saw a black jaguar. It looked like a nice expensive car. Who could it be?

"Has anyone gotten out yet?"

C.C. shook her head no. Suddenly the car door pushed open and a person wearing a long cape exited. She took long strides up towards the house.

"Who is it?" C.C. questioned.

Lelouch would know who that body belonged to no matter where he saw it. Plus the way she walked with that sexual sway of her hips was another tip off.

"It's Kallen."

C.C.'s head snapped around to look at Lelouch, "How do you know? Did you tell her where we were?"

It was his turn to look at her incredulously, "Of course not! There's no way I wanted anyone to know. I have no idea how she found out or why!"

Although deep down Lelouch was screaming for joy that she actually figured it out and came looking for him. It was like all of his wildest hopes and dreams had become a reality. How he longed to hold her in his arms one more time. He knew it could never be that way with Nunnally, but with Kallen he'd always held a tinge of hopefulness.

C.C. sighed, "I'll go outside first and see what she wants."

Before Lelouch could argue or disagree she was out the door and half way towards the car. Kallen stopped at the sight of C.C. while the green haired witch stopped at the same moment. Lelouch could tell that Kallen was nervous but stunned and a little uneasy. C.C. was just waiting there with her arms on her hips as if she expected the pink haired beauty to say something.

Lelouch exited the house and took long strides towards the woman he had so longingly dreamed of touching one last time. Maybe he could finally have that wish fulfilled. He just hoped this was a friendly visit from Kallen and not one of destruction and betrayal. He didn't see any other cars or people so he set his hopes high. How would the meeting between them after his 'death' and all the months of none-contact play out?