Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. A/N: since this story has no title I'm giving you guys a chance to suggest one. Enjoy.


"Thank you…Kuchiki. Now I can leave…my heart behind…"

Rukia Kuchiki didn't understand; she had killed him. Kaien. Why would he thank her?!

Her tears mingled with the rain pouring down; she hunched over his body and sobbed long into the night.



The man cried out suddenly. The people in the marketplace glanced at him once then turned their gazes elsewhere. A new arrival no doubt from the long white kimono he wore and the glazed look in his vivid blue eyes. Just another new soul in the already overpopulated 48th district of the Rukongai.


A/N: way too short, I know! But I've been dying to do a Kaien/Rukia/ Ichigo pairing for a long time. Well…the back-story will be filled in the next few chapters…please review!