Okay so this is the second and last part.
It wa suposse to be a one chapter one-shot, but it ended up becoming a two chapters one-shot hehehe
Hope you enjoy this, cuz this is were the smutness begins!!
Naruto catch up to Sasuke rather easily and soon enough they were silently making their way to their apartment through the busy streets of Konoha.
The raven felt like he should say something, but what could he say to the blond that had not been said? Everybody had whished him a Happy Birthday and even had given him some gifts… He didn't have anything for him. Is not like he forgot about it, it was just that it felt weird to go to a store and look for something especially for the blond.
Naruto reached to his pocket in search of his IPod, he had learnt that when walking with the raven there was not enough human efforts to make him interact in a normal conversation.
When he finally fished it out, he searched through the list and finally hit play.
Sasuke observed him and for unknown reasons felt offended. Why would he do that when walking with someone else? What if he wanted to talk to him?
Well, he had indeed given him that IPod to keep him shut, but that was not the point!
'This must be freaky Friday because we seem to have exchange personalities'- though the fair skinned man as he looked sideways to Naruto.
They walked for about 15 minutes in silence, well more like Naruto humming and Sasuke brooding, but it was still silence in a way.
Sasuke then abruptly stood in front of the blond causing him to stop; Naruto looked at him questioningly and the raven saw as in slow motion, his right hand stretching towards Naruto's face – stop damn hand! – and reaching for the earplug and remove it, letting his finger linger a little more than necessary on the tan skin of the check, and then finally letting it fall back again next to his side.
Naruto's eyes were almost coming out of their sockets; what the hell was Sasuke doing?!
-"Happy Birthday dobe…"- murmured the raven and it wasn't until his own words reached his ears that he realized he had uttered them.
Both stood there looking at each other with shock draw in their faces; one at having uttered the words, the other at having heard them from his counterpart.
How long did they stand there? It could have been minutes, days, months, years, millenniums. But in all reality it was only a couple of seconds; the seconds it took to Sasuke to schooled his expression to the one of apathy.
The raven turned around and started walking again, leaving behind a very stunned Naruto.
What the hell was happening to Sasuke today? First fixing him some ramen? Then helping him clean? Then putting up with him the entire day? And now this?
Was Sasuke trying to be nice to him? Why? Why would he be nice to him when he had been a bastard his whole life?
'Oh… Is pity…'- thought Naruto as he saw the raven's back walking away.
But it had felt good… Hearing Sasuke's voice saying those words have felt good… Even if it was out of pity…
The blond walked behind Sasuke, still keeping his distance, musing about the day and what had brought with it.
Yes a lot of gifts, some good times, fun and two delicious cakes… But he couldn't get it out of his head! Sasuke pitied him! He was been all nice and stuff because he had felt sorry for him.
When they finally reached the door to their apartment and Sasuke was fumbling with the key, Naruto found himself feeling rather angry at the raven.
When Sasuke opened the door, he felt a gust of cold wind run through the apartment; they hadn't left any windows open had they?
But when he took a couple steps into the house he saw Naruto's door wide open giving him a direct view of the broken window.
Naruto had already taken his shoes off and was heading to his own room when Sasuke's voice stopped him.
-"You should sleep in the living room, until we fix you window"- he said still wrestling with his stupid sandal. When he finally managed to take it off he stood up to find a very angry Naruto standing just a few feet away from him.
Sasuke took a few steps towards Naruto, his feet making a flopping sound at the contact with the wooden floor.
They stood there looking at each other – they seemed to be doing that a lot today – studying the other and seizing their reactions.
Naruto's fists were clenched, not a good sign at all; Sasuke's eyes were narrowing, not a good sign either.
-"What?"- spat Sasuke at the blond.
-"What is YOUR problem?"- answered back Naruto taking a step towards the other without neither of them realizing it.
-"Sorry, I don't speak stupid, you are gonna have to elaborate moron!"- grunted Sasuke angrily.
-"You really are a bastard you know!"- yelled Naruto pointing an accusatory finger at the raven: -"Don't you dare pity me you idiot!"- and to accentuate his statement he poked the other's chest – when had they gotten that close? – his eyes already turning a light shade of red: -"I don't need your sympathy, I don't need you to be nice and… and…"- Naruto was struggling to find the right word, but failed miserably and simply decide to use whatever word he had first though: -"Soft! You don't need to be soft, you bastard!"- the blond was well aware how out of place the word sounded, but he had to say something, anything to get his anger out.
-"You really are stupid right? I'm not soft! I had never been soft to you! And will never be soft to you!"- Sasuke was fuming by now. Who did this moron dobe thought he was! Calling an Uchiha soft!
-"What the hell! You are the one being all nice and shit!"- spat Naruto his ragged breath now gusting over Sasuke's face.
-"Well don't worry I won't be nice ever again! I don't know what the fuck possessed me to do such a thing!"- yelled Sasuke, well not quite yelled because Uchihas don't yell.
Naruto's IPod laid on the table, the earplugs blaring music.
You've got this new head filled up with smoke
I've got my veins all tangled close
To the jukebox bars you frequent
The safest place to hide
A long night spent with your most obvious weakness
You start shaking at the thought you are everything I want
'Cause you are everything I'm not
Sasuke caught himself thinking of how Naruto's hot ragged breath over his own heated skin felt somehow comforting.
'Sasuke's eyes really are dark… so dark…'-mused Naruto as he watched the raven's eyes finally showing other emotion besides apathy.
And we lay we lay together just not
Too close, too close (How close is close enough?)
We lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close
How had they gotten so close again? The adrenaline prior to a fight was already cursing through their veins and the feeling; that well-known feeling of wanting to hurt the other was also there.
They were barely containing themselves, waiting for the other to make the first move.
They felt it… They had to hurt each other, break each other; it was the only way they could understand each other, by force, by pain…
It somehow felt that a well landed punch or a strong kick wouldn't be enough… This time it had to be more, so much more…
I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way
And without knowing how – and not really caring much – they smashed their lips on a hungry angry kiss that had them both grunting at the contact.
Is the only thing that seem to make sense at this point, their bodies going through the adrenaline rush of skin finally having made forceful contact; it did hurt, that kiss, in more ways than just one. It actually drew blood from their lips but it felt right, it felt so right that it hurt… Between them both it could only be that way…
The music could be heard over the angry grunts escaping their lips – were they really grunts or were they moans? – but neither of them could hear it.
Naruto was fisting Sasuke's black shirt, the same way he did when he was about to land a punch right on his jaw; Sasuke had a vice like grip on the blond shoulders, digging his fingers a little more than necessary, but not caring at the moment for other thing that wasn't Naruto's pain.
They could both feel it, the pain they were causing to each other… it felt so good!
The raven pushed Naruto roughly against the nearest wall, knocking the air out of his lungs.
The tan skinned man let his hand roam towards Sasuke's midnight hair and pulled hard on it breaking the kiss; their eyes finally making contact, they seemed glazed with anger, frustration and lust? No! There couldn't be lust on their eyes!
And with this thought in mind Sasuke dived for a tan neck biting down hard on it, drawing blood out and then liking it; a pained grunt escaped the blonds' lips – was it really pained? Could it be more like pleased? – and when he felt the wet appendage lick him, a shiver ran down his spine and he was unable to control it.
Neither was he able to control the sudden urge to do the same to the fair skin of the male pinning him to the wall. And so he pushed hard and drove the raven against the opposite wall using the difference in height to his advantage as he too dove for the chiseled neck and bit hard on it, earning a grunt to escape the ravens' lips.
The feeling it gave him was similar to the one he felt when landing a punch on the other male while sparring.
The fabric of Sasuke's shirt was on the way and so Naruto did the only thing he could think of doing: he ripped it apart, tossing the shreds in any direction.
This felt like the perfect battle! They should do this everyday!
Neither of them was holding back and felt the other giving it his all.
Naruto then started going downwards towards Sasuke's chest, scraping his teeth against the creamy white skin – another grunt – until he reached the nipple, licking it – this time it was most definitely a moan – and then biting down hard on it.
Sasuke arched his back and grunted Naruto's name with a husky voice… that had felt more good than bad…
Naruto went for the other nipple, this time taking a little more time in licking it than it biting it… He wanted Sasuke to say his name again… in that erotic way he had said it…
The raven reached for Naruto's blond locks and pull on them not hard enough for him to move or stop, but enough for it to be painful.
The music had changed and it could still be heard.
Sasuke caught himself thinking that it fitted the moment.
Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone
Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone
The raven pushed the tan skinned man towards the kitchen counter; and when Naruto's lower back made painful contact with it Sasuke too discarded Naruto's offending shirt.
When his tongue was darting to a pink hardened nipple he heard the intake of breath from the other and smirked into the tan flesh of the man's chest.
They both felt that they needed to have more, more of this pain mixed with pleasure… When had it become so pleasurable? It didn't mater any more, they just wanted more from the other, as long as it hurt it would be okay.
Let me hear you
Make decisions
Without your television
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Sasuke needed to get closer…closer…
He flushed his whole body against the tan one and when their groins made contact a moan escaped their lips.
Instinctively they started grinding against each other… It hurt… But Oh God! It felt so good!
Naruto was digging his nails into Sasuke's back, while the other had his hands on the counter helping him thrust forward and keep his balance.
He could hear the blonds' voice muffled by the kiss calling his name and grunting and that alone made him feel the high he felt whenever he pinned Naruto to the floor, squirming underneath him trying to land a punch but failing miserably.
After a while of grinding and grunting it felt like it wasn't enough, they had to hurt each other more, it had to hurt so much it would leave a mark on the other forever.
-"Aghh… Sa-Sasuke… bastard…"- breathed Naruto breaking the kiss and let his head fall back, the tan neck was exposed and so Sasuke decided to bite on it again.
As he licked Naruto's neck – wasn't he supposed to be biting it? Oh well, it still fitted him just fine – his hand roamed through the naked torso pinching one hardened nipple and then digging his nails hard in the tan chest.
He felt a scar near the heart…
'I made that scar'- thought Sasuke as he remembered having his Chidori impact at Naruto's chest so many years ago.
His hand finally reached the hip bone – a suppress shiver – and dig his nails there.
An erotic breath escaped Naruto's lips – when had it become erotic? – as the raven watched mesmerized how his fair skin made so much contrast with the tan one.
Sasuke had both his hands on Naruto's hips and it felt good to have this kind of power over Naruto's pain and pleasure, as he guided the blond pace of thrusting and the other grunted in displeasure.
If they could only get closer… much closer… Maybe figure the other out… Enter him and then ripped him from the inside.
Beads of perspiration were now settling themselves on their bodies; the roughness of the physical activities had them breathing hard.
Over the music could now be heard the grunting and moaning of both of them… When a thrust was too forceful and way too delightful for it to be considered a sin, the name of the other would escape their lips… But somehow it didn't matter anymore.
Naruto felt this sudden urge to touch more of the white skin, he wanted to wound it, to mark it, and maybe that way he could imprint into Sasuke's head that he was no one to feel pity about.
He somehow knew what he had to do…
He pushed Sasuke hard towards the living room couch; the raven stumbled backwards until his hands made contact with the couch and he tried to steadied himself.
That's why Naruto caught him unguarded with his hands busy with something else, he couldn't avoid the swift movement of tan hands hooking his pants and boxers and taking them all the way down.
When he felt the cold October wind brushed his exposed hard rock erection he felt a pleasant shiver run up his spine as he grunted – or moaned? – Naruto's name.
And without much warning the blond plunged to Sasuke's cock swallowing all in one go.
It hurt, to have something like that inside of him it hurt, but it had Sasuke squirming and grunting and so he put up with even if just to elicit another grunting of his name from the raven.
And he did indeed…
-"Ahhhhh… Naruto…"- breathed Sasuke barely containing himself.
Said blond bit down a little too forcefully on the other's shaft as he slurped on the tip of it.
-"Stupid… moron…"-grunted the raven with a grimace of pain draw on his features.
Sasuke could feel the other smirking while still sucking on his cock; Naruto sucked harder almost swallowing it, all making the raven knees give out.
He gripped Naruto's shoulders for support and waves of rage invade him. Naruto would pay for this with the same coin.
It was hard for Sasuke to discern his next move, his brain was clouded with lust and waves of pleasure were coursing through his entire body as he felt Naruto's wet mouth on his throbbing shaft, his tongue darting around it in circular motions making even more difficult to keep standing.
He decided that he would put Naruto through this same kind of torture.
Naruto didn't even see it coming, so enrapt as he was with the taste of Sasuke on his tongue.
He felt himself been lift up from his kneeling position and then his back making forceful contact with a wooden door… The door to Sasuke's room…
Until Naruto felt his dick been swallow whole did he realized what had happened; he couldn't stop himself from moaning.
The raven found himself liking this feeling of Naruto's pulsing cock on his mouth, it gave him a great boast to the ego to be able to evoke in the blond such sinful erotic moans and grunts. It didn't took much for Sasuke to get use to the other's size and it took him even less time to built of a fast tempo that had Naruto's knees buckling up as well.
Sasuke was digging his nails painfully in Naruto's hips, stopping the blond from fucking his mouth too forcefully.
This combination of feelings felt great, felt just right… It pained, it felt great, it felt frustrating, it felt like the world should end the moment this – whatever "this" was – ended. It only felt natural for this to be the way to end it all…
The raven knew Naruto was close and if it was any indication the erratic thrusting and ragged moans and pants escaping his abused lips should be enough proof.
When he felt the approaching end, he pressed hard at Naruto's cock base.
-"Ba-Bastard… ahhh… just let me…"- Naruto grunted in discomfort at having his release been stopped, but he couldn't complete his sentence, Sasuke grabbed him by the wrists and turned him around pushing him hard against the wooden door.
Sasuke started grinding himself against Naruto's ass crack.
-"Aaaghh God!"- grunted the raven satisfied; this was what he wanted, more, more of Naruto, all of Naruto…
At the beginning the blond had felt uncomfortable about it, but before he knew it, he was pushing himself against the grinding cock of the other, reveling on the jolts of electricity the action seem to send up his spine.
The fair skinned man found himself liking the feeling of Naruto grinding against him, but soon it wasn't enough, he needed more, they both needed more.
Not really knowing why, but doing it anyways, Sasuke directed his finger to Naruto's entrance, causing the other to grunt and whimper at the intrusion.
But when the third finger was already inside of the blond, he was pushing backwards, impaling himself with those 3 fingers.
This is what he wanted! Sasuke knew it immediately as he eased himself slowly into the blond reveling in the tightness that enveloped him as he reached the hilt.
It hurt, and it was hurting Naruto as much as it was hurting him, but that was what made it perfect; the fact that it hurt it would somehow help him purge all his guilt… He had tried to kill Naruto… And now he was inside of him… He could now ripped him from the inside, torn him in two, but somehow that didn't matter anymore… He was inside of Naruto… There was no closed door between them…
He was inside Naruto…
Naruto was hurting – fuck! it hurt like hell! – but felt that this pain had never felt so good.
He had Sasuke inside of him… is not like it made any difference, he did not suddenly understood the raven or anything he did, but he felt somehow proud at the fact of been the only person – at least as far as he knew – to have the raven grunt his name as he slammed repeatedly against him, inside of him… It was weird how this situation was at the same time making them more vulnerable, but stronger in a completely different level, a level in which only the two of hem could be together.
Sasuke had reached a special spot inside Naruto that had him seen stars, he could tell by how his back arched towards him and a sinful erotic scream escaped the blonds' lips.
-"Ahhhh God! Yeah! Sasuke! Right there!"- screamed Naruto without been able to contain himself – not like he was really trying anyways – and the he felt the raven gasping for breath as he tried, but failed, to bite at the juncture of his shoulder blade.
Naruto saw, as if in a dream, his hands extended towards the door using it both for support and to push himself towards Sasuke, impaling himself even deeper. When he looked down he saw his own weeping cock dripping precum and Sasuke's thin fingers dig in deeper into his hip guiding him towards his shaft.
He wanted to see the dark eyes of his counterpart, see what kind of emotion could be flickering through them; because he certainly didn't knew what kind of emotion was flickering through his. Hell! He didn't even know what kind of emotion he should be feeling right now! It all felt fuzzy and confusing, but there was no human or godly force to make them stop now.
The blond saw a hand reach over to his unattended dick and started pumping it, and didn't even realized it was Sasuke's until he heard the other grunt.
Their rhythm was fast and was driving them both over the edge.
When had it become about the pleasure and it had stop being about the pain? It didn't really matter anymore… There was a thin line between pain and pleasure and they had crossed it long time ago without even been aware of it; it didn't matter thought, maybe it would matter once this ended, but not now.
-"Sa-Sasuke… I… I…"- Naruto was trying to tell the other something, but he himself wasn't sure of what was it.
When the raven heard his name been call he felt this sudden urge to flush himself closer, impossibly closer, so close that it would be difficult to discern who was who, where did one started and the other ended.
He reached over to Naruto's hand that was still resting against the closed door and intertwined their fingers; he contemplated the hazy image of fair against tan skin and caught himself thinking it fitted just fine, just fine…
The rhythm had become erratic and their movements disjointed, sign of the approaching inevitable end of "This".
Naruto felt an inexplicable urge to kiss the raven one last time, because he somehow suspected that the minute "this" ended he might never get to fell those lips roughly brushing against his.
-"Sa-Sasu…ke… Kiss…ahhh! Kiss… me"- grunted, breathed and moaned Naruto trying to make himself as coherent as he could; this was important, he needed the raven to understand him.
-"Aghh… Naruto…"- grunted the other and slamming himself harder and deeper into the other male he reached over and plastered his lips on Naruto's while still trying to keep the fast thrusting and pumping, but never letting go of the other hand.
And with that, they came, seen white, orange, blue, red, brown… and all the colors they had ever seen in their whole lives and without knowing it, calling each other names.
They were both panting excessively, obviously exhausted by the activities.
Naruto had his two hands resting on the wooden door and he noticed how Sasuke's fingers were still intertwined with his. He wondered if Sasuke was aware of this, but fearing his voice might sound too husky and broken, he decided not to mention anything on it.
He could feel Sasuke's uneven breathe on his neck. Why was Sasuke still inside of him? But it felt somehow good that he hadn't move away from him…
Sasuke was going through his own assortment of conflicting thoughts.
He saw Naruto's shoulder and felt like biting down on it, but that would be too weird right now, wouldn't it? He wasn't sure why had it been so okay a few minutes ago and now it felt like a forbidden area.
Without really wanting to, he came out from inside Naruto and a grunt escaped both their lips.
But Sasuke didn't move away…
Now what? What they were supposed to tell each other? Well, this was great let's repeat it sometime soon… yeah; they could repeat it sometime very soon…
Naruto had to see those dark eyes, he had to know what had move the other to do what they had done – what had they done anyways? Had they fucked? Have sex? Make love? – No! They had not make love! If anything this whole thing had spun around pain, they had tried to hurt each other, had they not?
But when Naruto turned around still holding onto Sasuke's fingers he realized they hadn't hurt at much as it had felt good…
Sasuke felt like he should say something when his and Naruto's blue eyes meet.
But what should he say? Somehow Thanks it was a nice shag didn't seem fitting enough.
Sasuke felt that there were no words that would be enough; he wanted Naruto to slice his chest open with a knife and hollow it out.
-"I…"- Sasuke started mumbling a frown on his brow and a questioning look on his eyes: -"I… I…"- why was he stuttering? Uchihas don't stuttered – just come out and say what you wanna say! – and without having control of his own words, they escaped his mouth: -"I… love you?"- he said with that questioning frown still plastered on his features; but he wasn't questioning the blond, no, he was questioning himself. Did he love the blond nuisance?
Naruto's own brow furrowed in a questioning manner, he had never asked himself that question before: If Sasuke was ever to say he loved him, what would he say? He averted his gaze and his eyes fell on the still intertwined fingers of their hands.
-"I… think… I…"- started mumbling Naruto as he very slowly moved his eyes upwards, as if trying to delay the inevitable: -"I… love… you… too…?"- finally said Naruto also questioning himself.
They stood there in silence seizing each other reactions.
A faints smirk started appearing on their lips and they finally knew that they indeed loved each other… They could live with that, with loving each other…
Sasuke fumbles with his door handle and opened it pushing Naruto inside his room and leaving the door open behind them…
They wouldn't be needing closed doors from there on…
Hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please review!