So i was just sitting at my house, bored as hell when all of the sudden the voice in my head told me to do this.. XD
Naruto: Hello?
Me: Hi.
Naruto: Why did you call me?
Me: What?! I didn't call you! You called me!
Naruto: I didn't call you! You called me!
Me: Yeah so?
Naruto: Why did you call me?
Me: To ask you a question so secret that the Hokage doesn't even know!
Naruto: What?
Me:...Would you.
Naruto: Yes?
Me: Like...Fries with that?
Naruto: What!
Me: What?
Naruto: I'm not ordering fries!
Me: I never said you were!
Naruto: You just asked me if I would like fries!
Me: No I don't want fries!
Naruto: But you asked me if I wanted fries!
Me: No! I don't want fries!
Naruto: sigh Why did you call me?
Me: You called me.
Naruto: No! You Called me!
Me: So do you want fries with that?
Naruto: NO!
Me: Geesh! Stop being so touchy!
Naruto: Well, why did you call me?
Me: Hi!
Naruto: He..llo?
Me: Hello?
Naruto: Hello?
Me: Hellooo?
Naruto: Whats wrong!
Me: Why do you keep calling me?! Are you stalking me!
Naruto: NO! And you called me!
Me: Yeah I did and you still didn't answer my question!
Naruto: What was it?
Me: Why did you call me?
Naruto: You! Called! Me!
Me: Yes! Now answer this question.
Naruto: Ok.
Me: Do you want this, these, that or those?
Naruto: um...What?
Me: Do you want this, these, that, or those?
Naruto: um...Those?
Me: These?
Naruto: No Those.
Me: That?
Naruto: No! Those!
Me: why did you call me again?
Naruto: chucks phone out the window
Me: XD