The Day My Life Came Back

Chapter 1



"Edward," I heard Carlisle think. "Come down stairs, we're having a meeting."I got off my couch and ran vampire speed down the stairs to find everyone in the living room. "Ok," Carlisle began, "I have a friend coming. I haven't seen her in 87 years. She's mostly a nomad moving every year or two. She lives by herself. Her name is Isabella."

"What!?" I heard Jasper think. "No, it can't be. No, she's dead, been dead. What am I thinking." I looked over to him curious to what he meant.

"When will she be hear Alice," Carlisle said breaking the silence. Alice eyes glazed over for a minute, then focused back on us.

"She'll be here in 20 minutes," Alice said.

"Come back when she's here," Carlisle stated. Everyone got up and went back to their rooms. I walked through me door still wondering what Jasper meant. I heard someone approaching the house. I got up and made my way downstairs. There was a knock at the door. Carlisle and Esme went to get it. Rosalie and Emmett were the only others down here. I heard Carlisle and Esme talking to the girl at the door. I looked up as her scent filled the room. She was the most beautiful woman that I'd ever seen. She looked so…recognizable? No, that can't be it. I never met her before. I would definitely remember her.

"Isabella," Carlisle called. She turned toward him. "This is Emmett, Rosalie and Edward." She looked to each of us. She got to me and stopped. She looked shocked until her face went calm. She continued to stare at me. What was weird was I couldn't hear her thoughts.

"Hello," I heard her say. Her voice sounded like bells.

"Edward", Carlisle called me.

"Yes," I responded.

"Is the rest of the family coming." I went to listen to their thoughts when Alice came to a stop in front of us.

"Hi, I'm Alice," she said giving Isabella a hug.

"Alice," I said in warning. She made a face at me and backed away.

"Isabella," Carlisle called, "this is the last member of our family. This is…"

"Jasper!" Isabella exclaimed. We all looked at her.

"Isabella," Jasper said just as shocked.

"I…I thought I'd never see you again," she stammered. She walked over to him. "Oh Jasper," she said. Then they were hugging. Every thought in the room was a mix of confusion and wonder.

"What is going on. I'm so lost," Emmett thought.

"Alice is going to be so upset," Rosalie thought.

"How do they know each other," Carlisle and Esme thought.

"She better get away from my husband." Wow Alice was jealous. That was new, but Jasper's thoughts surprised me.

"I can't believe it's really her. Stupid parents and me. I just had to join the war, but how is she here. She's supposed to be dead."

Dead? I thought. The war, but that means they knew each other when they were…human?