The obscured moon outside hung in the air. Clouds wrapped seemingly around its bright exterior. Stars shone like angles. Angles pasted againts a dark background...Down on earth inside a very small cramped cafe sat a very sad girl with a very aching heart. Music played in the cafe. Music that reminded the girl of her love. The love that needed more. Always more.

Well I heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord but you don't really care for music, do ya? Well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth the minor fall and the major lift the baffled king composing Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

The comforting smell of freshly ground coffee was held in the air. Dim lights hung from the ceiling barely lighting the floor. Lovers lay on worn leather couches in each others arms they kissed. While empty cups sat lonely on the wooden tables.

Tears fell from the sad girls cheeks. Landing in her coffee. Not caring she cried on. People watched her with questioning glances. Their hearts falling down, down. They knew something was wrong and felt bad. Wouldn't you?

The image of the platinum haired beauty hung in the sad girls mind. She couldn't rid of it. Even though she did desire for it to dissapear...she desired it with all her heart. She wanted everything to go away. But memory's of sheer bliss, white sheets, laughter and a certain smiling face would not leave.

Well Your faith was strong but you needed proof you saw her bathing on the roof her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you she tied you to her kitchen chair and she broke your throne and she cut your hair and from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

Outside a cold strong wind shook the trees violently. White whisps of snow fell from the heavens above landing on the frozen streets.

The bell notifying that somebody was coming in chimed through the cafe. Miyuki looked up to see a woman in a dark leather jacket standing by her seat. Short blue hair covered her eyes and a sad smile crossed her face. She rested a hand on Miyuki's shoulder. Miyuki let out a cry of sorrow and flung herself into the other girls arms. While harsh shudders of anguish seared through her body and sobs of fallen love soaked the others clothes.

Comforting words were whispered but nothing worked to sooth her, the one shaking. Once Miyuki had calmed down a little she sat up in her chair and Amane sat in the seat on the other side of the table. "Miyuki, what happened? You were so shaken up on the phone I couldn't understand..."

"She cheated on me Amane! She cheated on me... I, I, was going to ask her to marry me. Today. Today was supposed to be special. But it ended up like this. I love her so fucking much. And I thought she loved me back. But I guess that isn't the case. I did everything I could for her. So many things. And this is how she repays me. By tramping around with fucking Nagisa!"

Well baby I've been here before I've seen this room and I've walked this floor I used to live alone before I knew ya
I've seen your flag on the marble arch love is not a victory march it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

"Are you still with her?"

"Yes." Miyuki muttered in a defeated tone. "I cant let go of her. I love her to much. Truley. I don't know how I can survive without her. Shes sitting at home right now. Alone. At least I think so. Though I could be wrong. Obviously I've been wrong about that sort of thing before...I'm going to go back to her tonight to "talk about it." But really I dont want to see her right now. But I need to do this... Thank you Amane. For coming, that is. I really needed someone to talk to."

" Its really no problem at all Miyuki. I mean. God Shizuma is a bitch. I dont understand how she could have done that to you. And I must say I think you should leave her. If Hikari ever did that to me I would leave in a heartbeat."

"Yeah, thats what you like to think. I used to think I would be strong enough to leave her if this sort of thing ever happened. But I'm not." Miyuki muttered. Her heart swelling up. Tears growing large in her eyes for what seemed to be the hundreth time that day.

Well there was a time when you let me know what's really going on below but now you never show that to me do you? And remember when I moved in you? And the holy dove was moving too and every breath we drew was Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

Miyuki grabbed for her purse and stood up. Wrapping herself in a plaid jacket and slinging her accesory over her shoulder she walked over to where Amane sat. "Thanks again Amane. I'm really happy that you came. But all this talk about Shizuma is getting me worked up. And honestly I'd rather go home and talk with her than ball my eyes out in public again today.

Amane sighed and grabbed Miyuki's hand lightly kissing its surface. "Your welcome Miyuki. There is no need at all to thank me. Whenever you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be here."

Muttering her thanks again Miyuki left the cafe out into the cold night.

The younger girl now sat alone. Looking up at the singer on the small stage. A dark yellow light shone down on him as he sang.

Well maybe there's a God above but all I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who'd OUT DREW YA
and it's not a cry that you hear at night it's not somebody who's seen the light it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

End Of Chapter

Ok so theres that. I just wanted to put in Miyuki's feelings about the whole issue. I know it was a short chapter but I'm sort of writing this at 12 at night and goly I sure am tired. But please people if you want more keep reviewing. Because with my whole JR year of high school I have alot of work to do. And when I dont get reviews I just sort of pass off writing another chapter. Because school work is rather more important. And when people are not commenting its sort of like whats the point? But thank you so much to everybody who is reviewing!! I really appriciate it!