Disclaimer: Wish I could say I did.

Chapter One

"She wants to go home,
But nobody's ho
That's where she lies,
Broken inside."
Nobody's Home- Avril Lavigne

"Katharina, get your ass out of that bed!" a male voice yelled. My daily wake up call.

"Daddy, I can make breakfast. Let Kat sleep," a female voice pleaded.

"No, Vanessa," the first voice snapped, "the girl needs to learn."

"She's only fifteen, I'm eighteen," Vanessa continued.

There was a dull thud. It sounded as if Vanessa had been slapped. Five seconds later, Vanessa stormed in.

"I tried, Kat," Vanessa said. We didn't share a room, but she generally stayed in here at night, ever since my mum married him. "I'll come down in a sec to look after you."

"Thanks, 'Nessa," I said, climbing out of bed.

"Any reason you have blonde hair and blue eyes today?" Vanessa asked.

"Huh? Oh, dreaming about my mum again," I said. "Wish it wouldn't do that in case he comes in, and sees my hair a different colour."

"Katharina! I want my food, girl!"

"All right, I'm coming. Holy shit, give me two seconds!" I shouted back. "Nessie, what did we do to deserve this?"

"I know," she said, flopping onto my bed. "Just be glad you've only been stuck with him for five years. I've known him all my life."

"What did our mothers see in him?"

"I haven't a clue, I'm still convinced he gave them Amortentia," Vanessa said. "Now, get going. And mind you don't burn the bacon again. I don't like it crispy."

"Why would I burn it again?" I asked, lifting up my shirt, revealing a large, purple bruise on my back. "You can still see what happened last time."

Vanessa whistled. "Has it got worst?"

"Not sure," I replied, letting my shirt drop.


I turned to leave.

"Hair," Vanessa whispered.

"Oh, right," I said. I scrunched my face up in concentration, and my hair returned to dark brown, and my eyes to their normal hazel.

I stormed down the stairs, into the kitchen, turned the stove on, placed a frying pan on the burner, and threw strips of bacon on it. The bacon was almost finished, when he stormed into the kitchen.

"You're burning that bacon, girl!"

"No, I'm not, Karl! You're a paranoid bastard!"

He pushed me to floor, took his precious bacon out of the pan, and dumped the searing hot grease on me. I screamed. He proceeded to beat me, with and without magic.

Let's stop here, and I'll explain the basics.

My mum had been single since the day she found out about me. She left England the day before I was born. So, my entire life we've been living in the magical district of Toronto, also known as Mystic Haven. It was just my mum and I until I was eleven years old. She met Karl. Vanessa was such a brat for my mum after Karl and her got engaged, but I know Vanessa was trying to get my mum to call the wedding off. It didn't happen. The summer I turned twelve, they married. And that's when my house became hell.

He'd get my mum drunk so he could beat Vanessa and I. My mum couldn't do anything to stop him. She'd just heal Vanessa and I before sending us to school. Mum had actually been beaten for defending us.

When I turned fourteen, Karl attempted to rape me, but the stupid bastard was so drunk, he forgot to Silence me, so I screamed bloody murder, and Vanessa hit him on the head with her cauldron. My mum hadn't been home, she was at a bachelorette party. I never told Mum. Neither did Vanessa. But that year, my mum passed away of dragon pox. She wasn't that old. She didn't think anything of it, so it never was treated.

The beatings got worse; Karl started treating me like someone Muggles call Cinderella. I'm his cook, launderer, housekeeper, basically I'm a slave. I'm also a Metamorphmagus. Karl doesn't know. I've kept it hidden from him ever since I've met him. When I go to school, I use my abilities to hide the bruises and scars. Anyway, back to present times.

By the time Vanessa could rescue me, it was time for school. She came running down the stairs.

"Daddy, it's time for Kat to go to school," Vanessa said. Karl kicked me one last time.

"Get out then, girl," Karl said. Vanessa helped me to my feet. "And make sure you come straight home. We have to talk."

"Where am I supposed to go? My imaginary friend's house?" I asked sarcastically, wiping blood from my face.

"Don't take that tone with me," he snapped.

"You can't tell me what to do," I snarled.

"I'm your guardian, I can tell you what to do," he growled. "Now, GET OUT!"

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Vanessa said. She led me out of the room, and back into my room.

"What's the damage today, Vanessa?"

"Two black eyes, a fat lip, many cuts and bruises, and a two foot long cut starting at your right shoulder, and down to your left hip," Vanessa said, healing the cuts only. "Crap. The two foot long cut was caused with Dark magic, it'll scar, Kat."

"Shit. Ah, well," I said, pulling on my school uniform. I grabbed my books, and headed out the door. I quickly rushed downstairs, and out the front door before Karl could change his mind. My mother had enrolled me in a private magic school in order for me to get a good magical education. Best in the province they said. It was filled with the wealthiest magical kids in Ontario. Midstars Academy for Young Witches and Wizards. So, I have no friends there because my mum had to work two jobs just to send me there. Also didn't help I'm the smartest witch in the entire school. She wanted the best for her daughter, and the school is said to be pretty close to my mum's old school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I've wanted to go there, but Mum couldn't bear to have me so far away, for so many months. With Midstars though, you don't do actual magic until you're eleven years old. You start school when you're five, like Muggles do, and are taught how to read and write, and do math. I'm also the only Metamorphmagus in the school, which isn't unusual.

Today was the last day of school, and tomorrow begins the summer holidays. My sixteenth birthday. Canada's birthday too. Mystic Haven is invisible to Muggles. They don't know it exists. So, I walked down the street to Midstars, not having to worry as I changed my hair to shoulder length purple, and my eyes to violet. Shopkeepers and vendors called out to me as I walked past, and the owner of the sweetshop gave me a chocolate bar, something she's done ever since I was allowed chocolate. I also happen to work there to pay for tuition and my school supplies, ever since my mother died. Karl took my mother's money even though I'm entitled to it next year.

"See you after school, Katharina?" the owner called.

"Have to go home first, Iris," I called back. "Karl wants to 'talk'."

"Did he beat you again, Kat?" Iris shouted. I let the 'glamour' drop. Iris gasped. "Honey, you should just leave. You and Vanessa."

"What good would that do? I'd like to see my inheritance," I yelled.

"I never understood why sweet Francesca married him," Iris said sadly. "Now get going to school, you don't want to be late on your last day."

I chuckled. I loved Iris. She was a motherly figure with black hair that was greying, and kind brown eyes. She also happened to be black. Karl hated her, and she hated Karl. I walked the rest of the way to Midstars munching on the chocolate bar. I know, not a very healthy breakfast. I finally reached Midstars. A large, stone building made of four floors. It had a Quidditch pitch in the front; the goal posts could be seen from anywhere in Mystic Haven. I could see students arriving on Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones or Firebolts. I'm saving up to buy a Firebolt. I still had a Comet Two Sixty. I happened to be a very good Chaser, but I can't afford the Quidditch robes, so I'm a sub. Sighing, I pushed open the gates, and walked down the lonely path that only I seemed to walk. I reached the front doors, and headed to Transfiguration. I took my usual seat, the very back right corner. Closest to the door, and far from anyone.

"Ooh, look, Candy Girl's got purple hair today," a snooty female said, laughing.

"Piss off, Cassandra," I snapped. "Or I'll turn you into an anemone."

"A what?"

"A pointy sea creature," I explained. I'll be surprised if she passes with an 'A'. Cassandra's the richest person in this school, and her only real talent is Divination.

"I'm like, so scared," she said mockingly.

"You should be," I said, pointing my wand at her, and concentrated. She turned into a white rabbit. I turned her back into herself.

"Now, behave yourself, or I'm going to turn you into a button. Got it?" I asked her.

"I'm telling," she whined.

"Who? Daddy or the Headmistress?"

"Both, they'll have you expelled," she said.

"For turning you into a rabbit?" I snorted. "I don't think so."

The bell signalled, and the teacher, Mr. Porter walked in.

"Settle down class, I have your OWL marks, and then you're free to do whatever you like," Mr. Porter said. He was very funny, and he too, couldn't stand Cassandra. He opened his briefcase, pulled out a single piece of parchment. "As always, when I call your name, you tell me whether or not you want the whole class to hear your exam mark, and your final mark. If not, you come up here, and I will tell you. Nobody failed this year."

I was always at the bottom of the list. I listened with vague interest as to who received what mark. Most of the class received 'E's.

"Katharina Wilkinson."

"Go for it."

"'O', final mark, ninety-nine percent."

I felt my cheeks turn red, as the whole class glared at me. So, I'm very good at my classes, so what?

"Cassandra Yale."

"I'm sure I did very well, Mr. Porter. Go ahead."

"'D', final mark, fifty percent," Mr. Porter said.

"That's good, right?"

"You passed, Cassandra, but you won't be taking Transfiguration next year," Mr. Porter said. "Okay, you're free to do whatever you want."

I read for the rest of the period. When the bell rang, I was first out the door. I headed to Arithmancy. We received our OWL marks there, too. Outstanding, yet again. Same in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology, Potions, and Muggle Studies. That was my day. My last day at Midstars, next year began NEWT year. Yay. Note the sarcasm. When the final bell rang, everyone made a mad dash out the door, everyone except for me. I wanted to take as long as possible before I had to 'talk' with Karl. I had just finished emptying my locker, when a voice to my left made me jump out of my skin.

"You're still here, Kat?" It was Mr. Porter.

"Beats home," I said, shrugging.

"You're a bright witch, Kat, don't let people like Karl Schmidt or Cassandra Yale ruin it for you," he said. "I'm not sure if Francesca did you a favour by enrolling you here, even if it's got the best magical education in the province. Get your morning chocolate from Iris?"

"As always," I replied. Mr. Porter had been my neighbour until I was twelve years old, so he's seen me grow up. He taught me how to play Quidditch. He also gave me my pet Kneazle, Anya, for my twelfth birthday.

"Did he beat you again?"

"Why should today be any different?" I asked.

"Did you burn the bacon again?" he asked.

"In his mind, yes, in any sane person's, no," I said. "He dumped the bacon grease on me today, and I have a two foot long cut diagonally on my back. And apparently, black eyes. He says we have to 'talk' when I get home."

"I'll be here 'til seven if you need me," Mr. Porter said. "You should get going, I don't want to be the reason you get beaten."

"Thanks, Phil," I said. He glared at me. "I mean, Mr. Porter." I left through the main entrance, and ran home. I got in at my usual time. He was waiting for me.


I dropped my bag, and sat down at the kitchen table.

"I've been thinking about your education next year," Karl said. "And I've come to a decision."

I waited.

"I've decided you're going to Hogwarts, in Great Britain."

I couldn't believe it, he was sending to my dream school. No more violence! No more being a slave! I could have a life. Not play my guitar in secret! Maybe actually play Quidditch!


"You heard me, missy," he snarled. "You're going to Hogwarts, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm tired of looking after you."

"But I like Midstars," I protested. If I acted like I wanted to stay he'd definitely let me go.

"I don't care, you can go to a boarding school. You're going to London tonight. You'll be staying at the local wizarding pub. You have until eight to pack. I'll see you next year," he said, exiting the kitchen. If he thought I was coming back here, he was crazy. I dashed up the stairs, grabbed my broom, and flew to Finches' Candy Shop.

"Iris! Iris!" I shouted. She came running out of the back.

"What? What is it, child?"

"Karl's sending me to Hogwarts in Britain! It's a boarding school!" I yelled excitedly.

"The same Hogwarts Francesca went to?" she asked. I nodded. "That's wonderful, sweetheart." She hugged me. "When are you leaving?"

"Tonight," I answered.

"Tonight? Is that man out of his mind? On second thought, don't answer that," she said. "But where will you stay?"

"At the local wizarding inn," I said. "Can I go tell Phil? He said he'll be at the school 'til seven."

"Course, then you come straight here. I have something for you," Iris said.

I left the shop, mounted my broom, and flew back to Midstars. I entered the school, and headed to my Transfiguration classroom. I knocked on the door.

"Mr. Porter? I just thought you'd like to know, I won't be coming back here next year," I said sadly.

"Why not?"

"I'm going to Hogwarts instead!"

"That's wonderful, Kat! When are you leaving?"

"Karl's making me leave tonight. I have to stay at an inn until the school year begins," I said.

"Well, that's good," he said. "You'll write of course?"

"Most definitely."

"Good girl," he said. "You should go and pack."

"Thanks for everything, Phil," I said, turning to leave.

"Francesca would've killed me if I hadn't looked after you," he said.

"Yeah I reckoned she would've," I said. "Bye, Phil."

"Bye, Katharina Francesca Wilkinson."

I flew back to Finches'.


She came from the back again. "Here." She handed me a sack full of money. "That's this month's paycheque and next month's. And some money I owed Francesca I was saving for you."

"Iris, I can't," I said, my eyes filling with tears. She hugged me.

"Honey, this is the best thing for you. Now, you go home, get Nessie to help you pack, and I don't wanna see you until you're nineteen years old, got it?"

"Yes," I said, my voice thick.

"And I want a letter at the end of every month, with a picture," she said. I nodded. She released me, and I left the shop. I flew back home, and rushed up to my room. Vanessa was already there.

"Vanessa, your father is sending me to Hogwarts," I said. She squealed. She pulled my trunk from underneath my bed, and placed an Undetectable Extension Charm on it. By the time eight o'clock rolled around all of my possessions, and most of my mum's, were in my trunk. Anya was in her basket.

"What about you?" I asked Vanessa.

"I'm leaving tonight, too," she said, hugging me goodbye. "I'm staying with a friend in her apartment in the Muggle world. Karl's never set foot there. He'll never find me."

Vanessa levitated my trunk down the stairs, and in front of the fireplace in the living room. The fire was roaring. I grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it in. I stepped into the green flames. Vanessa passed me my trunk, and Anya.

"I'll see you next year," Karl said.

I said something I always wanted to say, "Go to hell, you fucking bastard. The Leaky Cauldron, London, England."

Author's Note: Like it? Hate it? Love it? This is just something that popped into my head last weekend, and I wrote the entire chapter in a day.