Itz me Toki-Niisan!
This is my first original story Ive berely started!
Just to warn all of you I sometimes spell things wrong
Well I hope all of you like this story!
Neji threw a pillow at his youngest cousin.Hanabi dodged the pillow then she stuck her toung out and said,"HAHA!you missed me!" That made Neji madder.He was about to throw a lamp when his aunt stepped in."Hanabi and Neji Hyuga quit it!"said the beautiful woman crossing her arms."Sorry aunt Hikori,"apologized Neji."Yea sorry mom,"apologized Hanabi.Hinatacame into the room and her cheeks were glowing."M-Mother you d-don't think this is t-to re-reveiling do you?"Hikori turned around and saw her beautiful daughter."No honey and I told you before that yo-" "Its okay mom I'll just go ok?" "alright honey," Hinata got her bag,went over to the door,said bye to everyone,and left.
Hinata was now walking to school.The wind was blowing a gentel breeze.Leaves were dancing with the breeze.She looked ahead of her and saw a gut her age dressed up in black.'Oh no an Emo.I guess he'll hate me.'She sighed.Once she closed up to the Emo or goth she said Hi.He turned around and glared at her.She had to admit he was kinda cute."Hi." 'shes kinda cute and her breasts are HUGE!'He was having a perverted moment.She tilted her head a bit."Why do people like you hate me?" "I dunno who hates you thats like me?" "Um...you." "I don't hate you!" "Well the way you looked at me made me think you hated me," "Oh I look at everyone like that." "oh sorry," "Hn.I don't want you apology." "Fine then!Be that way!" Hinata started to walk ahead.
He looked at he ass.'what a nice ass.' Hinata saw a weird looking man getting out of a car and heading tord her so she ran tods the goth/emo and held on to his arm."What the hell?" "Sorry but that guy looks like he wants to rape me."
"By the way whats you're name?"
"Sasuke.So you're a Hyuga?"
"Yea.And you're an Uchiha?"
Hinata looked into his onyx eyes."Your eyes are kind of nice."Hinata said while touching his cheek.He felt like blushing but he stayed emotionless."You have nice eyes too."Hinata acctually blushed."Th-thank you." Sasuke thought she looked cuter when she was blushing.He couldn't help it.His face neared hers.She couldn't help it neither.She neared him aswell.Their lips crashed together.Soon the kissing turned passionate.Sasuke put his arms around her waist pulling her closer and Hinata put her arms around his neck.Sasuke's tounge roamed her mouth.Once they stopped they felt very weird.Hinata and Sasuke gazed into each others eyes.
"Did we just..?"
"Yea Hinata we did,"
Hinata turned red.They walked the rest of the way without talking to eachother or looking at eachother.They had their first period together.And once that class was over they went to Chior."Hello class and happy fist day of school." Hinata kept starring at Kiba and Shino."Excuse me miss Hyuga?" "Y-yes." "You're the first one to sing a song that represents you." 'SAY WHAT!?WHAT THE FUCK!WHY ME!' "O-okay."She sighed and started:
"In this world you tried, All of my memories keep you near.
Not leaving me alone behind.
There's no other way,
I pray to the gods let him stay.
The memories ease the pain inside,
And now I know why.
In silent moments,
Imagine you'd be here.
All of my memories keep you near,
In silent whispers, silent tears
Sasuke was amazed.She had a beautiful voice and he had to admit it.That voice came from the lips he kissed.
Made me promise I'd try, All of my memories keep you near. Together in all these memories, All of my memories keep you near All of my memories..."
To find my way back in this life.
Hope there is a way,
To give me a sign you're okay.
Reminds me again it's worth it all,
So I can go home.
In silent moments,
Imagine you'd be here.
All of my memories keep you near.
In silent whispers, silent tears.
I see your smile.
All of the memories I hold dear.
Darling you know I'll love you,
Til the end of time.
In silent moments,
Imagine you'd here.
All of my memories keep you near,
In silent whispers, silent tears.