A/N: Ok here is the last chapter. Please read and review.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything you recognize.

Being nearly forty weeks in to her pregnancy, Olivia officially waddled around the house and just could not get comfortable. She was huge and it was all baby.

It was three in the morning and Olivia was in labour and had been for awhile. She had decided not to head to the hospital until her contractions were about seven minutes apart or her water broke, which ever happened first. Currently they were about ten minutes apart. She was too uncomfortable to try and get some sleep, so as Elliot filled up a warm bath for her, she was slowly strolling around the house with Lizzie close behind for safety; which Liz was fine with because she could not wait to meet her new little brother or sister.

A painful contraction hit sharply and Olivia held on to the banister as Lizzie massaged her step mother's lower back for minimal comfort. Moaning softly, Olivia shut her eyes and was unaware as her husband approached, dismissing Lizzie.

Rubbing Olivia's lower back, Elliot asked, "It's ok, baby. Is it gone yet?"

Exhaling a deep breath, Olivia opened her eyes and stood again. "Yeah," she replied, breathlessly.

"Ok, your bath is ready, babe. Liz says your contractions are still ten minutes apart," Elliot related.

Olivia shrugged as she allowed her husband to help her in to the downstairs bathroom. "I'm not counting...Too much pain to count," she whispered softly.

Nodding in understanding, Elliot helped his wife out of her loose dress and panties, that Olivia decided to wear during labour.

"Hop in, baby." He helped his very pregnant wife in to the tub and helped her through contractions.



Olivia was sitting back to front on a chair with a pillow between her big bump and the chair as her loving husband sat on the couch behind her and rubbed her back, when suddenly Olivia's water broke.

"El, El," she cried frantically.

Elliot helped her up. "I see, baby. I see it. Let's get you to the hospital, huh? Your bag is in the car ready to go," he said and helped her to the car, trying to remain calm for Olivia's sake.

The hospital was twenty minutes away and it was peak hour. It seemed everyone was heading to work for the day and they ended up being stuck in traffic, making Olivia panic.

"El, the baby's getting impatient. The baby's not going to wait," she panted, painfully and frightened.

Elliot's head snapped around to look at his wife. "Oh God, please tell me that she isn't coming right now," he said, panicking; silently praying that they had time to get to the hospital.

Olivia was taking deep, heavy breaths as roaming hands rubbed her belly. "Sorry, El...He is..Feel...his head...moving – Ahh!"

"You feel his head moving down?" Elliot asked to confirm, still panicking.

Moaning loudly, Olivia nodded, trying her hardest to ignore the demanding need to push. Her contractions were practically on top of each other. "So much pressure...Need to push, El," she cried.

"Shit," Elliot softly cursed and pulled over to the side of the road, putting the hazard lights on. "Baby, I'm going to help you in to the backseat but we've got to do it fast because it's going to start snowing very soon."

"Ok, honey," she replied once the contraction ended.

Elliot helped Olivia in to the back seat and removed Olivia's maternity panties as he remembered back to the times he delivered his other kids.

He gasped in shock when he saw their son's head making its appearance already. Olivia wasn't joking when she said that she felt the baby's head moving down.

"I can see her head already. Push, baby."

Leaning up, Olivia grabbed Elliot's hand. "It's a boy," she gritted through her teeth and pushed hard.

"Good job, hon. Well, his head is crowning then. It's really coming, baby."

Another contraction came quickly, causing Olivia to groan loudly.

"Push, baby," he encouraged his wife.

She bore down, grabbed behind her knees and pushed. As the head came out, Olivia screamed through the burning. "Ow!!! It hurts, El. It burns!"

Elliot had a hold of the baby as it slid out. "It's ok, baby. Push through the pain."

Nodding, Olivia kept pushing, feeling her baby's shoulders slide out along with the rest of the little body. Their child was in a rush and wanted out right now.

The baby's first cries filled the car and Elliot rested the newborn on the tired and flushed mother's belly. "You were right, baby. It's a boy....Our baby boy is here, babe. I got to call a bus."

Olivia just nodded and counted her son's fingers and toes as Elliot called for an ambulance.

"Hi Jaiden. I'm your mommy...Jaiden Darcy Stabler, you're so beautiful, my little man. Welcome to the world."


During a nap, Olivia was woken by her son's hungry wail. She sat up, wincing in pain.

"You ok, baby?" Elliot asked from beside the bed with Jaiden in his arms as he watched her sit up painfully slowly.

Olivia smiled. "A little sore, but it was so worth it," she replied, happily as she carefully took her newborn son in her arms. "The nurse was going to help me with the first breast feed."

"Baby, Jai isn't going to wait. I can show you, if you want. I saw Kathy do it millions of times."

Cringing at Elliot's ex-wife's name, Olivia was still happy to allow him to help her.

She moved her gown to expose herself as Elliot adjusted Jaiden in her arms.

"Just like this, babe, and he'll just latch on. See," he said as Jaiden latched on to his mother's nipple.

Olivia looked down at her son as he nursed hungrily for the first time. She smiled as she bonded with her baby boy. It hurt but she put the pain aside.

"Wow, you're really glowing, Livvy," Elliot observed from beside the hospital bed.

Olivia looked up at her husband with a grin. "I'm just so happy that he's here, El. He's here and he's so beautiful," she whispered with motherly pride and looked down at her newborn son again. "How much does he weigh?"

Elliot caressed the bottom of their son's tiny foot because he was falling asleep as he nursed. "Jaiden Darcy here weighs seven pounds fourteen ounces."

"So nearly eight pounds then?"

Elliot nodded. "Yep. Can I burp him, honey?" he asked when his wife moved their son from her nipple since he was finished eating.

"Of course you can, El," she said as she passed Jaiden to his father.

As soon as Olivia passed the newborn baby boy to his father, she fell back asleep. She was exhausted after eleven hours of labour. Elliot laughed, lightly as he patted his son's tiny back. "You were stubborn on coming out, little man and you exhausted your mother," he whispered to Jaiden.

The pint sized Benson-Stabler released a tiny burp in response before his tiny eyes fluttered shut in the warmth and safety of his doting father's arms.

Laying his son down in the clear hospital bassinet, Elliot smiled before taking his cell phone out of his jean pocket and turned on the camera function.

Being a proud papa, Elliot took a photo of the sleeping newborn and added text underneath it. 'Jaiden Darcy Stabler. Born 8:16am in the back of the car, on way to the hospital. Weight seven pounds fourteen ounces. Liv exhausted but proud.'

After adding the text, he sent the photo and caption to announce the newest Stabler's arrival in to the world.

Forty minutes later, as Elliot sat on the hospital bed, his exhausted wife snuggled up to him and their newborn son in the clear hospital bassinet, there was a soft, hesitant tap on the wooden door to the maternity floor hospital room.

"Come in," Elliot spoke softly as he combed his fingers through his wife's soft tresses.

The door opened quietly and revealed Casey, alone without Justin, a smile on her face and a brown teddy bear in tiny softball gear in hand. Cragen was with her. He entered behind the former ADA. Don also came bearing a gift; a small white teddy bear in a police uniform.

"Hey guys," he whispered as he continued to comb his fingers through the new mother's hair.

The visitors greeted Elliot and went straight to the bassinet. They both greeted the newborn and paced the teddies safely in the bassinet on each side of Jaiden.

"How's the new mommy?" Casey asked.

"I'm fine," a groggy half asleep voice responded before Olivia opened her eyes and lifted up her head with a smile. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming. He's gorgeous, isn't he?"

Laughing, Don joked. "Who? Elliot or Jaiden?"

Olivia laughed lightly as Elliot rolled his eyes and rubbed her back. "Jaiden, of course. My little man is finally here," she gloated with motherly pride.

Casey laughed. "He's going to be a heart breaker."

Olivia rested her tired head back on her husband's abdomen. Smile still evident.

"Pick him up, Case," she spoke softly.

"Really? I don't want to wake him. He looks so peaceful."

"It's fine, Casey."

Casey delicately picked up the sleeping baby boy. "Hi, I'm your Aunt Casey. Welcome to the world."

Olivia looked up at Elliot, he looked back in to her eyes and nodded.

Smiling, she looked back at Casey, who was happily cradling a still sleeping Jaiden in her arms. "Jaiden is bigger than what Justin was. He was only six pounds, thirteen and a half ounces."

Olivia cleared her throat to get Casey's attention. "Casey?"

Casey looked up at Olivia. "Yeah, Liv?"

"Would you like to be Jaiden's Godmother?"

Casey's face lit up. "Really? Even after I betrayed your trust?"

"If you hadn't, Casey...If you hadn't pushed me in to seeing Elliot then he would not be in this room beside me right now and I'm very thankful for that, Case. Thanks for saving our marriage a second time."

Casey smiled. "You don't have to thank me, honey. It's just what friends do and yes, I'd love to be Jaiden's Godmother."

Elliot smiled. "Thanks, Casey," he said and looked at Cragen. "Don, would you like to be Jaiden's Godfather....well God-grandfather?" he asked, laughing lightly.

Casey passed the now awake tot to Cragen, who smiled down at him.

"Hey, Jaiden. I'm 'grandpa' Don," he whispered and lightly ran his pinky finger down the newborn's tiny nose. "You've got your mommy's nose, rookie."

Olivia yawned as her loving husband gently massaged her scalp. She was still so tired. Her eyes drifted closed only to be startled by her son's screech. Jaiden was frantically kicking his tiny legs and punching the air with his tiny, red, clenched up fists.

"He wants his mommy," Cragen said as Elliot helped Olivia sit up before handing Jaiden to her.


As Don and Casey walked out of the room, Fin and Munch walked in with a present each in their hands. Munch was holding an 'It's a boy!' balloon as a joke.

Raising her eyebrows, Olivia shook her head. "You have got to be kidding me, John. No stupid balloons," she joked with a little laugh as she caressed her son's cheek.

Jaiden was going back to sleep, but only until his next feeding, which would most probably be in just under an hour.

"Hey guys," Elliot greeted them as Olivia leaned in to his chest.

"Hey, Liv, El. Quite the handsome little boy, you've got there," Fin spoke softly and caressed Jaiden's cheek with his fingertip. "Welcome to the world, Jaiden, I'm your Uncle Fin."

Olivia smiled. "Would you like to hold him, Fin?" she asked, tiredly, looking up at her former co-worker.

"Sure," Fin replied and delicately took the newborn from his mother. "Hey, Jai, you look so much like your father but luckily you have your mother's nose and ears."

"Hey!" Elliot feigned hurt.

Rolling her eyes, playfully, Olivia kissed her husband on the cheek, softly. "You know that he's right, babe, but you're still my very good-looking husband," she said with a smirk.

Elliot rubbed his wife's thigh. "Thanks, honey. Real ego stroke there."

Olivia laughed softly. "As soon I am cleared to have sex, I'll let you prove how big of a man you are."

Elliot gave Olivia a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," she replied and turned to Munch, who just stood on the sideline, feeling out of place. "Don't worry, John, we haven't forgotten about you. You can hold Jaiden when Fin's finished."

Fin passed the newborn to Munch, careful not to wake him. John looked down at Jaiden and rubbed his tiny, chubby arm. "You decided you wanted in to the world two days early but took your sweet time, huh?"

Olivia was drifting off in to dreamland again as Elliot was keeping a protective eye over the newest addition to their family as he was being held by former co-workers. The men in the hospital room sat quietly as the exhausted new mother got some more much needed sleep.

She'd just started snoring softly and steadily, indicating that she was deeply asleep, only to be woken by an empty bellied baby boy.

Olivia groaned and sat up, tiredly. "Where's my hungry boy?"

Munch passed Jaiden back to his mother.

"Sorry, guys, the milk factory is going to be open again," she half joked.

"No problem, Liv. Congratulations guys," Fin said before he and Munch said their goodbyes and walked out.

Olivia was sitting in between her husband's legs and leaned in to his muscular chest as she exposed herself in the seclusion of the individual, private room.

She held Jaiden up near her breast and watched as he nuzzled around till he found what he was searching for; his mother's nipple, which would provide him with warm milk. He latched on immediately, suckling hungrily as he worked his way to his goal; to fill up his belly with the good stuff.

As Elliot watched his wife breast feed their new son, he kissed the top of her head before resting his chin on her shoulder.

He kissed her neck and whispered, "I'm glad you gave me another chance. I'm glad I didn't give up on looking for you."

Olivia turned her head and kissed her husband softly on the lips. "I couldn't give up on you, even though it might have seemed like I had. I love you too much, I can't live without you. Let's come up with a truce, if not for us, then for Jaiden."

Elliot kissed her neck again. "And what's that, baby?"

"Don't give up."