Hmmm, so Aya pointed it out.
Yes I'm this stupid!
This story is called the answering machine saga. And so far, it's a trilogy, so I typed up one more chapter, and this time! Guess what! Those who left responses to the messages, your responses are here! XD
Is she the only one who caught that? O.o
Oh, this takes place after they get back from their March break!
Link and Kai were snuggled up on the couch with each other watching a movie of epic proportions.
Shigen was sitting beside them, not really paying attention.
The emo glared at the device that had disrupted his reading time. Oh great.. here we go...
/Hey there, this is Link-
The Dink!
Shut up Kai.
And Shigen...
The emo who thinks he is not an emo!
Go to hell shadow...
And me of course! Kai!
The obnoxious ass hole...
Fuck you Shigen!
No thanks... I have a boyfriend....
You guys, please act normal? And were not here to take your call right now because-
We're either having sex in the sky on an airplane, or an orgy in Edgymon!
Shadow... what the hell is Edgymon...?
Isn't that what the place is called?
Um... Kaiten, it's Edmonton.
What were we talking about?
I believe we were attempting to leave a message sexy...
Right, sorry. Just call us back after March break, we'll be here.
Damn crooked!
Oh god...
I fucked the hero, and I liked it!
I think I'm going to go chase after my sanity now.../
"Link? You dink... you like to wear pink! And Kai... I can't think of anything that rhymes with your name, and I don't think anything rhymes with Shigen, but! This is Aya calling! Uber epic awesomeness! I'm just calling to remind you to check your messages, because they're probably building up, you guys have way to many fan girls, and fan boys... But call me back! Seeing as you haven't replied to my last message -insert random number here!- Bai!"
They all stared at the phone awkwardly.
Shigen was the first to speak. "Who the hell is Aya...?"
Kai shrugged and went back to nuzzled Link's neck. "Some random fan girl? She must think I'm too sexy for my shirt."
Link reached past Shigen and pressed the 'replay message button'. "Might as well listen to her advice."
"First massage."
"Um... Link? How about you not let Kai participate in the massages anymore? Anyway Linky, I need to talk to you soon, this is Krystal. Call me back at -insert random number- Thanks... and... I HATE SHIGEN!"
Shigen placed a hand over his heart. "Ouch... I believe if I had emotions... I would be experiencing pain right now..."
"Second message."
Link pushed Kai playfully. "Look! You scared that person away! They're probably mentally scarred for like."
Kai flipped his hair. "All in a days work my love."
"Third message."
"Wow... just wow..."
Shigen tilted his head to the side. "Who was that...?"
"Fourth message"
"Hey my lovelies~ Yes I know it awkward calling you when we're all in Edmonton together, but I'm soooooooooooo bored! I mean! Like, Kotomi left me all by myself on the side of the road with a sign that said 'take me, I'm free' and then a bunch of girls started running after me (Most of them dressed as guys) wanting be to make some yaoi scenes between Aidou and Kaname... Who the heck is Kaname? Is it a girl? I hope so! And you guys disappeared and I was unable to locate you anywhere! Why does no one love me? Am I not sexy enough? Must I rape Shigen to get attention?"
Link raised an eyebrow and turned to Shigen. "Why is it that he always hits on you when he's pretending? I personally think he has some secret thing for you."
"Fifth message"
"Wow... That was awkward!"
Shigen face palmed. "Yeah, you should try living with the awkwardness every day..."
"Sixth message"
Kai grabbed onto his hair and growled. "Is there no fucking end to these?
Link let out a tiered sigh, not sure if he wanted to listen to the rest of the messages.
"Seventh message."
"Wow, Zelda's right, you guys are crazy. And I thought you guys all looked normal."
"Who knows, maybe Shigen and I can get some coffee sometime."
"Aha~ I'm only joking!"
"Anyways... Maybe we can all chill sometime, call me back! -insert random number here-"
"Oh yeah, my names Aya by the way."
Shigen sent his most evil glare at it. "Not ... on.. your.... life..."
"Eighth message"
"Link? When will you be getting that collar for Kai? He needs one... And a really short chain."
Shigen actually smiled as the message ended, he looked at Link who was about as red as a tomato. "So sexy...? Maybe you should call that person back and explain in great detail what you do with the collars you do have..."
"No thanks."
And that's it!
Let's see, if you're wondering who the messages are left by.
1: Krystal
2: Darkrivermori
3: Me! Kisetsu!
4: Koal..
5: AkumuKitty9797
6: LazEd is luv
7: Aya again
8: tails doll curse
You like? This is the last one for this random side project!!!!
-emo hearts for you all!