How can it all look exactly the same! I've been studying in Arizona for a year and Forks looks exactly the same!! Well at least I'll see my friends. Going to Arizona to see my mom for a year was great but I'm glad to be home. Alice has been yelling into the phone for weeks ever since I told her I was coming home. Apparently we're having a huge welcome back party. Jazz, Em, Rose, Esme, Carlisle, and Edward should be there. I can't believe I'm finally going to able to see Edward! He has been at military school for 3 years now. He came back a month after I left. I used to have a huge crush on him I hope he's still cute.

I drove up the path to there house. All the tree's that lined the side of the drive way were lit with thousands of twinkling lights. The mansion was as big as I remembered it. I could see a head in Alice's head in the top floor window. I heard a loud squeak that I could even hear outside. I parked by the front of the garage and got out just as Alice made it to the door. We ran at each other at full speed. We collided while spinning around and jumping up and down.

"I missed you Bells!" Alice exclaimed "You are never alowwed to leave again I missed you to much!"

"Alice I missed you to!" I exclaimed.

We stopped jumping and spinning and looked at each other.

"Alice" "Bella" We said at the same time and started to cry tears of joy. Everyone was at the doorway staring at us. We burst out laughing. We walked to the door arm in arm. We were greeted by smiling faces.

"Bella! Come here!" Esme was in tears and we started to hug. "I missed you so much. It was like losing a daughter."

"I want my turn!" Rose exclaimed while grabbing me away from Esme and pulling me into a hug. "I so glad you're back! I missed you! When you were gone I had no one to save me from Alice's crazy shopping sprees!" she whispered the last part so Alice wouldn't hear.

Standing next to her was Carlisle. He opened his arms for a hug and so I gave him a small but sweet hug. "Bella. Now that you're back my family is complete." These were the nicest things anyone had ever said to me. I felt new tears coming to my eyes.

"Awww. Thanks" I said with a huge smile on my face I gave him another hug then I was being pulled away and being squeezed.

"It's boring around here with out you being funny." He said while still having me in bear hug. "And Jazz thinks he's funny but he's not. I need I have some one to laugh at."

"Em, can't breath." His hold on he had gotten tighter and tighter.

"Opps." He said with a smile "Down you go." He placed me back on my feet.

Jazz was next to Emmett so he was next.

"Hey Bells I missed you!" He said while pulling me into his arms for a hug. "It's been boring without you here." He began to whisper " And between you and me, Em is not as funny as he thinks he is." I let out a small laugh.

Standing next to him was Edward. I always new he was cute but when did he become hot?! I hadn't seen him in three years. We used to be best friends before he left. I wonder if things have changed. I gave him a smile. "Edward! It's been so long! I've missed you!" i put my arms around him to give him a hug and he had mussels! I felt a muscular arms wrap me. He was so warm.

"Bella! It's been so long!" we both backed out of our hug and just looked at each other. I looked into his sparkly green eyes and he looked back into my brown caramel eyes. We must have been like that for a few seconds because we were interrupted by Esmee.

"Dinner time!" I smiled and walked with Edward to the kitchen were the most wonderful smelling spaghetti and garlic bread. I was about to sit next to Edward at the table when an arm pulled me back.

"we must fix you're make up first. Rose, come." Alice said while pulling one of my hands and Rose was following us. I was struggling and one of my arms went up hopelessly toward the direction of the food.

"But food!" I said hopelessly. "I'm dieing! I need nutrition!" If I was gonna be dragged off I wasn't going with out a fight.

Alice rolled her eyes "Silly Bella makeup before food."

Rose leaned in a whispered "It's hopeless." I sighed and gave up. Find let's go.

We walked into the huge bathroom. I walked straight to the mirror.

"Alice my make up is perfect. I wore water proof because I knew I would cry."

Alice had taught me how to put on make up so my make up looked flawless.

She rolled her eyes "Oh Bella so naïve. We brought you here to talk. That's what a make up break is for, talking in private." Rose hopped up on the counter and looked perfectly at ease and Alice was still looking at me.

"We need to talk about you and Edward."

I blushed slightly "There is no me and Edward it's just Edward and then me. Nothing else." I turned to the mirror and took out my lip gloss and applied another layer. I saw that Alice was still staring at me into the mirror.

"Bella you're a bad liar. I know you like him. Don't play dumb with me." Rose hopped down from the counter and looked at me.

"You like Edward? Yikes!"

"What's wrong with Edward? We used to be best friends and have you seen him he's hot!" I said defending him.

"Bella, he's not the same! He used to be a great guy but now….." She trailed off while shaking her head.

"What? What is it?!" I asked. Rose and Alice exchanged a look. "Don't do this! We promised no secrets!"

"Well Edward hasn't had a good track record when it's come to girl friends."

"What do you mean he hasn't had a girl friend?" They burst out laughing.

"Oh god! He's not gay is he?!" I asked freaked out. They were on the floor laughing so hard they were crying. "What? Tell me!" I couldn't stand the stalling.

They both got off the floor out of breath from laughing. "Well…'s just he's had ten girlfriends in the last two or three weeks."

"WHAT!!" I screamed at the top of my lunges. Alice put her hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh. They're going to hear you!"

I shook her hand off. "You mean Edwards a….a" I couldn't think of the right word. "player!"

"Sorry Bells. But you have to know."

"Wow!" I was really confused. I thought I knew him. The boy I would spend every spare second with when we were little. "Well we should go back to dinner."

"Ok" She started walking out "Aren't you coming?"

"Yeah I'm coming." I sighed and headed back toward the dinning room.