Once again, Tonks was woken in the early hours of the morning by a persistent yapping out side her door. She was really, really regretting giving Remus Poppy for Christmas now. And he had told her he would put her up to this until she changed his hair back. Tonks guessed being a walking rainbow did that to people.
Groaning, she dragged herself out of bed, pulling the door open, and walking back to the comfort of her warm blankets.
"Err… hi?"
Tonks spun around, only to see Remus, a woollen hat shaped like a panda hiding his hair, holding a yawning Poppy.
"Oh, I didn't think you would be up with her!"
Remus let the dog jump out of his arms, onto her bed. "Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you would look after her while I'm gone. She is cute."
"Duh, I chose her! We knew you'd always wanted one, so we finally raised the bar, from a hamster to a dog." Tonks grinned. "Suppose you don't want Sirius looking after her, just in case things get a bit frisky?"
Remus frowned. "Sirius was right, you know. That is way over the line."
"Don't worry. I'll keep her safe." Tonks yawned, getting back into bed. "Oh. I hope you packed that green jumpsuit Amber and I left you a while back. Its getting colder." She smirked, watching him glare.
"Mood killer."
"You were setting a mood?"
"Maybe I was." Remus eyed her over sized t-shirt. "Haven't you heard of pants?"
"Well yeah, but they just get in the way." She winked. "So, let me get this straight. You thought you'd come in at 3 am, and set the mood by not only bringing your loud Chihuahua, but also by wearing a panda hat to cover your outrageously coloured hair. You have a talent!"
Remus blushed, tugging at the hat. "It's not coming out!" he moaned. "And I leave the day after tomorrow!"
"Aw, don't fret! They might all think you have issues, and try to eat you, but I'll pack some tissues for your issues, at least you'll be dry!"
"Don't be daft! Cant you just… fix it?" he asked desperately. Tonks shrugged.
"I'll think about it. Of course, some sort of payment is going to be needed." She smirked at him, yawning again. "But first, you have to let me sleep!"
"Remus groaned. "I'm going to end up snogging you again, aren't I?"
"Probably." Tonks said happily, curling up under the covers.
"Fine! Guess I'll just get it over with, then." And quite out of no where, he was on top of her, lips pressed firmly against hers.
Sirius woke early, and decided that since he had to be awake, Tonks and Remus should be too. Strangely though, Remus wasn't in his room. Maybe he was already up? Shrugging, Sirius opened Tonks' bedroom door, only to be rather pleasantly surprised.
Well, one thing was for sure. Remus was not already up. And neither was Tonks, for that matter.
BUT… this would be very helpful for the next task on their list… he was very good at spreading outlandish rumours.
It was a much more decent hour when Tonks came tumbling –literally- down the stairs to the kitchen. She had expected it to be empty- but not only was it not empty, it was almost full, and everyone in the room was crowded around Sirius.
This was not good.
"Morning!" she said loudly, letting everyone know she was here. To her surprise, instead of waving or failing to acknowledge her at all, everyone coughed awkwardly and shuffled quickly away, leaving Sirius lounging alone on the old sofa at the end of the room.
To her confusion, many people were winking at her as she walked by. Rolling her eyes, she stopped in front of Sirius.
"What's going on?"
Sirius shrugged. "Nothing. I'm just keeping everything up to date, you know me."
She took everything to mean the list. It only took her a moment to realise what he had been doing.
"Those rumours are supposed to be about him! NOT ME!"
"You may feature a little, but I promise, Remus is the main-"
"WHAT did you tell them?" her hair was a brilliant flaming red by now, and she was scowling furiously. All in all, Sirius knew she was not one to cross.
"Well, you see, what happened was I went to find him this morning, and strangely enough, he wasn't in his bedroom."
The blush was already rising on her cheeks. She knew what he was getting at.
"Nor was he in the bathroom or the library. So, I had no idea where Messer Moony had run off to, so I thought I'd come visit you instead." His smirk widened. "You were where I expected all right, but you had some rather... unexpected company."
"We didn't... do anything." She spluttered.
"You sound like a 15 year old, Nymphadora. It doesn't matter if you did or didn't, the word is out that you have been for quite a while. Not to mention a few other nasty things I could come up with about Remus on the spot. Mostly about the things he does to escape other women. How strange it is he hasn't used any of those tactics on you!"
"You're an ass. I'll get you for this."
Sirius stood. "Is that a threat, Nymphadora?"
"You bet it is, Sirius."
"Well, in that case-"
The kitchen door crashed open, and Remus stalked in, finger pointed directly at Sirius. "YOU! You told everyone Tonks and I were... we were not! And you told them my bedroom is full of pink stuffed unicorns that all have name tags and outfits for special occasions!" Remus took a deep breath. "I hope you realise how dead you are. Not to mention," he raised an eyebrow, "How crispy and black your porn collection will be when you go back to your room."
Sirius' mouth dropped. "You wouldn't."
Remus shrugged. "Maybe not again. What's done is done though, old friend."
Sirius looked like he might cry. "I hate you!" he ran out of the room.
"What a drama queen." Tonks scowled.
"Agreed." Remus looked side ways at her. "About last night-"
"Don't worry about it." She blushed. "You weren't the only one enjoying yourself."
"HA!" the door flung open again, to reveal Sirius. "You were! YOU WERE SHAGGING!"
"WE WEREN'T!" they both yelled back simultaneously.
"What were you doing then?" Sirius asked suspiciously.
They eyed each other for a second.
"Writing reports."
"Dressing Poppy in tutus."
They were both very calm all of a sudden. Sirius knew they were lying.
"I'm going to find the truth." Sirius told them, pointing at them with two fingers, then back at himself with one.
I'm watching you.
He left the room, where upon Remus and Tonks burst into fits of snickering laughter.
Remus didn't return to his room till late. Partly, he wanted to spend as much time with Tonks as possible, and partly because he was a little terrified Sirius would be up there, waiting in the dark, ready to take revenge for his burnt porn collection.
He did shriek when he opened his door and Sirius was standing right there.
"Milk?" Sirius held up a glass. "It's warm, to help you get to sleep so you're not up all night thinking about how much the other werewolves will love your hair."
Remus scowled.
"Oh, go on. I've even got a lullaby picked out!"
"I don't want to hear it!"
"You do, you really do! The incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out! Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, so the-"
Roughly, Remus grabbed Sirius by his arms, pulling him round so they swapped places. Taking the glass of milk, he splashed it in his friends face before slamming the door shut.
Tonks stuck her head out her bedroom door. "He's your boyfriend now, I bequeath him to you. Do what you will. I'm busy!"
She too, slammed the door.
Sirius raised his eyebrows, before shrugging and walking back down to the kitchen, wondering if Molly had found that last bottle of fire whiskey yet.
"So the incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again!"