An unfortunate event on his fifth birthday forces Naruto to meet the Kyuubi. After making a pact with the demon lord Naruto releases the seal holding the kitsune in place. But something goes wrong and forces Naruto to leave the village. Now, Naruto returns to Konoha to complete what he was born to do, and become the Hokage
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho or any other anime's/ manga's I may incorporate into this story.
"Demon/Summon Talking"
'Demon/Summon Thinking'
Kitsune Legends: Meeting the Master Thief
It was a beautiful evening in the village of Konohagakure. The streets were lively with people going this way and that as they all prepared for one of the greatest celebrations of the year. October Tenth, the anniversary of the Kyuubi's defeat at the hands of the Yondaime Hokage. Even the shinobi of Konoha were in a buzz.
While most people filled the streets at this time to help setup for the festival, some of the villagers and shinobi alike were at Konoha's memorial stone, mourning for the loss of their family and friends who died in the Kyuubi attack.
However, while everyone else was helping out for the festival or paying tribute to loved ones, the towns' resident jinchuuriki was being chased down the street. The poor little blond was being hunted by a mob of angry and drunken villagers. Even though Kyuubi had 'died' nearly five years prior, but some of the people of Konoha still needed a way to vent their anger out on the Kyuubi. So, they chose to take it out on the holder of said demon.
Naruto, the young blond, was running for his life as he tried to escape the angry group of people. He had never done anything to them, as far as he knew. Yet here they were, chasing after him and calling him names. Naruto had never had a joyous moment on his birthday. The Hokage didn't want him to go outside alone for fear of mobs bigger than the one he was being chased by now.
Konoha's hero kept running down the street hoping to lose the violent villagers. He saw an alley and tried to get escape through it. As he turned into the alley he came to realize it was a dead end. The boy proceeded to turn around just in time to see the mob come into the alleyway.
"There you are you worthless piece of scum." One mob member yelled as he came running into the alley.
That one mans shout started the rest of the mob into action. In a moment Naruto was surrounded by the mob and was being pummeled by their fists and feet. Naruto could tell some of them were drunk as their attacks would miss or graze him and they would fall over. Suddenly one spoke up in a slur.
"Why did jou kill ma parints? They din't do nussing to jou." One man slurred out before throwing an empty bottle of sake at the kid before passing out.
The beatings continued for a while longer before they all left to drown their sorrows in more sake. Naruto just laid their bruised and in pain. He didn't dare move till they were all gone for fear that they would come back to finish the job. Naruto could tell there were no ninja's in the crowd that usually attacked him, and he was thankful for that. He knew if the ninja of the village started getting into beating him when they weren't totally drunk he would not be alive for very long. Once they all left he tried again to get up only to fall back in pain as he let out an inhuman scream.
'Why? Why me? I never did anything to them. Why do they attack me? Why do they call me such mean things?' Naruto was reflecting on his life as he lay there in pain. Suddenly, Naruto thought of something.
"What's a demon?" Naruto questioned himself out loud. "Maybe I should go ask Ojiisan what it is." With that idea in mind Naruto tried to get up again only to fall back down in pain as another inhuman scream escaped his mouth. 'I need to get out of here before they come back with weapons.' Naruto thought as looked around for something he could support himself on. The Jinchuuriki could feel the fracture in his left leg. Suddenly, there was a man in an Anbu dog mask with shiny white hair (No this is not Kakashi) in front of Naruto. Thinking the worst was about to happen Naruto closed his eyes and prayed that the man would make his death swift and painless. However, this was not the case. The man picked Naruto up and threw him over his shoulder.
"The Hokage is worried about you little one. He thought you might have been kidnapped. Are you alright Naruto-san?" The Anbu switched the way he was carrying the boy so that he was holding the blond child with one arm under his legs and the other around his shoulders. Now that Naruto got a good look at the dog-masked Anbu and didn't fear for his life he could see some very distinct features. The Anbu's hair, which reached to his mid- back, was like white silver as it gleamed in the lights of the coming festival. He also seemed to jump from roof to roof with more finesse than any other Anbu who had taken him to see the Hokage had before. He was also gentler with the way he carried Naruto than anyone had ever been with him. "Are you okay Naruto-san?" The Anbu repeated seeing as the little Jinchuuriki had yet to answer him.
"I th-think my bone i-is fractured." Naruto said trying to ignore the pain in his leg. The boy didn't know why he told the Anbu he was injured. The man might have used it as an excuse if something 'unfortunate' were to happen to him.
"Where?" The Anbu asked in genuine care. He actually seemed worried about the blond boy who was the town outcast. Naruto could hear no hate or malice in the man's voice. For now, he decided to tell the ninja and see what became of it.
"My left ankle. It s-stings a little." Naruto told the kind Anbu. 'I wonder why he is being so nice to me.' The blonde boy could not for the life of him remember any Anbu being this kind to him. Most of them just treated him with indifference as they rushed the kid to the Hokage's side.
Suddenly, the Anbu stopped on a roof and set the boy down against a wall. As the Anbu raised himself up he proceeded to take out the sword attached to his back. Naruto was once again scared that he was going to die. 'Damn it! How could I be so foolish! Now I'm going to die because I trusted him. Baka Naruto! Baka, baka, baka!' The Anbu knelt down in front of the frightened boy.
"Do not be scared little one." The Anbu said in a very soothing voice. "I do not wish to harm you. This sword I have cannot cause you injury, but it can heal you. Please trust my judgment Naruto-san."
Trust? That was not something the little Jinchuuriki did so easily. So far, the only people Naruto trusted were the Hokage and the people who ran the Ichiraku Ramen stand. Hell, he didn't even trust the Hokage's Anbu. Sure they were loyal to the Hokage but that didn't mean that "accidents" couldn't happen. The blond jinchuuriki knew that most of the Anbu members despised him. He often wondered when one of the Anbu members that came to pick him up would "accidentally" drop him.
However, before Naruto could announce his disapproval of whatever this man was going to do the Anbu was already standing above him with the sword raised above his head. The man then proceeded to swing the blade down at Naruto's leg. The blond child closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable pain, but it never came. There was no liquid feeling coming from his leg, no missing foot, and there was no fracture. As Naruto opened his eyes he came to realize something.
'He healed me! My leg doesn't hurt anymore. Hmm, maybe I can trust him. Just a little bit.' Naruto thought as the masked Anbu put his sword away. Once the sword was away the man bent down to check the little boy.
"How do you feel now little one." The man asked. Naruto moved his ankle in circular motions to test it.
"I feel much better. Thank you!" Naruto pronounced. The young blond then did something the dog-faced Anbu never expected. Naruto hugged the man! He had never hugged anyone except the Hokage. The Anbu was caught off guard by the sudden show of affection. The Hokage had told him that Naruto only trusted the Hokage enough to let him get that closely affectionate. Even though he could tell the blond was still alert to what was going on around him, it made him happy. The boy trusted him. The man patted the kid on the head before picking him up again and taking off toward the Hokage tower. Naruto just relaxed a little as the Anbu carried him.
Hokage Tower
Sandaime Hokage's Office
'This must be some kind of joke! I'm sure I just filled out these papers!' The Hokage thought as he glared at the huge pile of the sadistically evil thing in front of him. Paperwork is something that absolutely no man, woman, or child wants to do. It is, in the words of the Nara, "troublesome". Suddenly there was a knock on the door to his office. 'Please let it be Naruto!' The Hokage thought as he set his pen down.
"Come in." The Sandaime bellowed toward the door. The door swung open and one of the Anbu he had sent to find Naruto was standing there with said blond in his arms. Suddenly the blond jumped out of the Anbu's arms and ran toward the Hokage.
" Ojii-san!" Naruto yelled as he jumped into the old mans lap.
The Anbu spoke as he stepped forward. "I brought him back to you, as requested Hokage-sama."
"Thank you. You may go now." The Hokage commanded of the Anbu.
"Very well Hokage-sama." The Anbu turned to leave but the blond child ran up to him and gave him another hug. Sarutobi's mouth hung open slightly at the sudden change in the boy.
"Arigatou Inu-san. I hope I get to see you again." Naruto said as he clung to the dog Anbu's leg.
"Your welcome little one. I also hope I get to see you again." With that the man knelt down and gave the boy a hug before continuing to leave. Once he was outside the door the Hokage proceeded to question the blond about the events of the day.
"Naruto, come here." The Hokage spoke in a very calm and caring voice. Naruto walked over to the old man and jumped into his lap. "So, where were you Naruto?"
"I went out to eat Ichiraku's by myself. You didn't show up at my house so I figured you had work and couldn't make it." The blond spoke in a sad tone with a pout on his face. They had planned to go get dinner together and the old man hadn't shown up at Naruto's house on time.
"I'm sorry about that Naruto. I had more work than I anticipated." The Hokage spoke solemnly. "But I finished and went to Ichiraku's to walk you home, but they said you had already left. When I checked your home and you weren't there I got worried so I sent a couple of Anbu to find you. Where did you go after you left Ichiraku, Naruto?" At that question Naruto's eyes turned dark. It was as if there was no life in him anymore. His once bright blue eyes turned a sad shade of navy. However, only a moment later the look was gone and replaced with his usual foxy grin and squinted eyes.
"Nothing happened Ojii-san. I was lost in my thoughts while I was walking home and made a wrong turn. I tripped on something and wound up falling on a stone. I fractured my ankle but Inu-san healed it with this cool looking sword." Naruto's voice was full of energy that seemed to come from nowhere. If the boy wanted a profession he could always try acting.
"I'm glad your okay now Naruto." The old man was deep in thought as he smiled at the boy. 'Damn it! If he hadn't faltered for as long as he did I would have totally believed him. I can't do anything about these situations until he becomes a ninja and is therefore under my jurisdiction, or they say something about the Kyuubi.' Naruto's face-splitting smile was suddenly replaced by a look of deep thought and wonderment.
"Hey, Ojii-san. What's a demon?" The Hokage's eyes were very wide and he looked very frightened.
'Oh god! What do I tell him? Wait, maybe I don't have to explain anything to him.' The Hokage thought. 'He seems to trust Akari (Illuminated). Maybe he can explain it to the boy.'
Sarutobi sighed before speaking. "It would probably be better if Inu-san explained it to you, Naruto. He has a far greater knowledge of what demons are than I do." The Hokage remembered not to use the Anbu's real name and chose to use Naruto's name for him instead. "Besides, I don't think I'd be able to explain it to you without making you more confused about it." The boy pouted at that causing the Hokage laugh. Suddenly, Naruto stopped pouting and started looking at and patting himself like he was missing something. "What's wrong Naruto?"
"Can I go home first and change clothes?" Naruto's question made the Hokage realize how bad of a shape the blonde's clothes were in. His black shirt was tattered and torn with mud spots in many places while his bright orange pants looked like they had been put in a drying machine with mud and rocks.
"Why don't I have Inu-san take you there, Naruto? You could get him to answer your question, and I would feel a lot better knowing you are safely with him." Sarutobi watched as the boy took on a thinking pose that did not seem to fit the young child with his hyperactive nature.
"Hai! I would like that very much." The blond was kind of happy that Inu was going to be walking with him. He could get to know the man better. After all, he did say he wanted to see him again.
The Hokage left the room to talk to his assistant for a moment, but when he came back he saw Naruto buried in the desk drawer that held the Yondaime's hidden candy stash. Naruto had found the stash five months prior and went in it every time Sarutobi left him in the room alone. The aged Hokage was just glad he hadn't found where he kept his sake or Icha-Icha books.
The Hokage walked over and picked up the boy to get him out of the drawer. Naruto had reached in to see how far the seemingly never-ending supply went and when he couldn't find the bottom he had dived in. Even Sarutobi had never been able to find the bottom of it. The old Hokage had tried to get the candy out of the drawer one day when he had no paperwork. It took him fourteen hours of candy shoveling with no end in sight before he gave up. When the blonde's head came out his arms and mouth were filled with candy. Sarutobi shook his head as he put the blond down. The boy looked up at him with innocent eyes before trying to smile through his mouth full of candy.
"Naruto, put the candy you have in your hands back and you can keep the stuff you have in your mouth." Sarutobi seriously wondered how the kid could fit so much stuff in his mouth. Naruto tossed the candy he had cradled in his arms back into the drawer and put the rest of the candy he had in a bag he found in the Hokage's closet. Just then there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Yelled the Hokage as he turned around to greet the person at the door. The door creaked open and the man known as Inu walked in.
"You called for me Hokage-sama?" Inu spoke in a very professional tone. Naruto was hidden behind the desk trying to stuff more candy into his bag. However, when the hyperactive child heard the voice of the dog-masked Anbu he wheeled his head out from behind the desk.
"Inu-san!" The blond boy yelled as he jumped at the tall man, his bag of candy adding extra weight to his tackle. Inu caught the boy just in time to avoid being knocked over. He then lifted the boy up so he sat on his shoulder.
"Haha, I didn't think I would see you so soon little one. Am I to guess that you are why the Hokage called me here." Inu voice had a very cheerful tone. He had never had anything against the blond Jinchuuriki. In fact, he greatly sympathized with the boy. He was very similar to the child in more ways then one.
"You presume right Akari. I wish for you to take Naruto home so he may change. When he is finished you are to bring him back here." The Hokage spoke in a voice that was casual yet authoritive.
" Do you think it's ok to speak my real name in front of the little one?" The now identified Akari asked with a raised eyebrow behind his mask. Usually, their teammates, family, and the Hokage were the only ones to know the true name or face of an Anbu member that went with their mask. This kind of secrecy was for the Anbu's safety.
"It is quite alright Akari." The aged Hokage said. He then turned to the young blond on the Anbu's shoulder. "Naruto, will you please wait outside? I have something I need to discuss with Akari."
"Sure Ojii-san." With that Akari set down Naruto before the blond left the room.
Hokage Tower
Outside Sandaime Hokage's Office
Naruto knew what it meant for adults to ask him to leave. Either the subject involved him, or was too explicit for his innocent ears to hear. The blond pressed his ear to the door so he could listen. He could clearly hear the two adults voices through the door.
"What did you wish to talk to me about Hokage-sama?" That was obviously Akari.
"An extended 'A' rank mission with weekly paychecks. I want you to be Naruto's guardian and tutor while he is in the academy." Sarutobi spoke in a stern tone. The old man knew Naruto was listening and refrained from saying anything too revealing.
"So, you're putting him in the ninja academy, Hokage-sama? I think he'll do very well as a shinobi." Akari's voice was very kind.
'He sounded sincere. There was no hate or disbelief. He really believes I'll do good!' Naruto wasn't really surprised about the Sarutobi sending him to the academy. The old man had accidentally told Naruto one day that he was going to send the blond to the ninja academy. What he heard next however made Naruto hurt a little.
"Why should I help him?" Akari's voice didn't have a spiteful tone, but one of confusion. Even though Naruto knew the dog-Anbu didn't hate him it still hurt the boy to here him say that. "You could have any of the teachers at the academy tutor him. Why have me do it? Wouldn't it be unfair for Naruto to have a private tutor?"
"I'm afraid it would be unfair if you didn't tutor him." Now that peeked the boy's curiosity. "I am not as ignorant or senile as people might think. I know for a fact that most of the teachers would refuse to help him at all and the few who would help him would also have to pay attention to the other kids. Those teachers would only help him as needed in order to keep the other kids from thinking they were playing favorites. With you as his tutor he would get the kind of help he needs. It would also comfort me to know Naruto is around someone who both him and I trust that could and would keep him safe. I am very busy as the Hokage and it would be impossible for me to watch out for him all the time."
"Do you really think he trusts me that much?" Akari spoke in a sad tone. He knew that Naruto trusted him, he just wasn't sure how much, and he didn't want to overstep his bounds with what trust the boy might have for him.
"Even if he doesn't trust you that well, I do." Now Naruto was at full attention. What could be so special about the Anbu that would make the Hokage trust him with the blonde's life? "I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt him. His life may not be as bad as yours was but it is damn near close. Plus, I can see it in your eyes. You care deeply for Naruto. I know you will help him grow into a strong and honorable man. Just trust yourself, and trust Naruto."
'WOW!' That was the only word that the blond could think of to describe what he just heard. How could any ones life be worse than what Naruto's was? He was constantly beaten by the villagers, didn't have any friends his age (or many in general), couldn't go into most stores without being over charged or kicked out, and he barely survived off of instant ramen and Ichiraku's. While he liked ramen he wasn't an obsessed maniac over it. However, if it was all he got to eat for the next few years he might turn into one. After all the silence, Akari finally spoke.
"You're right Hokage-sama. I do care about the boy. That is why it would be my pleasure to look after Naruto. I won't let you down Hokage-sama. I promise I will help the little one in any way I can."
"Good. You may leave now, and please hurry back. It's almost 11:30 and I don't want Naruto outside too late." Akari turned to leave before the Hokage stopped him. "Hold on Akari! I just remembered something."
"Yes, Hokage-sama?" Akari stopped and waited for the aged leader to speak.
"I have two more things that I want you to do." Sarutobi spoke in a tone that screamed it was an order. "First, Naruto has a question he would like to ask you. Tell him whatever he wants to know, truthfully!"
"Hai, Hokage-sama." Akari caught the underlying tone the Hokage used that could only mean one thing. 'I'm the only one who can answer his question, huh? I wonder what it is.'
"Second, remove your mask please Akari." The Anbu was shocked at that.
"Are you sure Hokage-sama? What about me being…" Akari never got to finish as the Hokage interrupted him.
"I want you to wear your necklace, so that won't be an issue. It is your choice when to show him that. Not mine." Sarutobi trusted his Anbu's judgment with important secrets. After all, their lives were almost completely ruled by secrets.
"Very well Hokage-sama." Naruto was jumping for joy inside his head. Very few people got to see an Anbu's mask and then a face to match it with. To say Naruto was excited would be an understatement.
In Naruto's daze he hadn't realized that the door was being opened. Naruto quickly stepped back to keep the door from hitting him straight in the face. "Are you ready to go Naruto?" Akari said as he stepped out of the office and closed the door behind him.
Naruto was in awe of the elite ninja. Akari had some very noticeable features now that he no longer wore his mask. The man had deep golden eyes that complimented his silver-white hair. He also had one purple colored scar on each of his cheeks. They reminded Naruto of the marks the ninja's with nin-dogs had except for the fact that Akari's moved from his ears to the top of his mouth like Naruto's own birthmarks did. He also had a deep blue crescent moon on his forehead, and a pure silver band hung around his neck. Naruto also noticed that Akari was no longer dressed in the standard Anbu garb. Instead, the un-masked Anbu wore a very regal haori and hakama that were white with blue designs on the shoulders and sleeves. The sword he once had on his back was now slung in a navy sash that tied around his waist. Suddenly Naruto's head shot upwards to look at his escort.
"Yeah, I'm ready." Naruto said, finally realizing Akari had asked him a question. The Anbu smiled at the little blond before picking him up so he could sit on the taller mans shoulders. Akari then proceeded to head down the stairs of the Hokage's office.
About half way down the long flight of stairs the "off duty" Anbu let his curiosity get the better of him. "So, the Hokage told me you had a question for me little one. What is it you want to know?" Akari turned his head upwards to look at the boy but still walked down the stairs as if he was staring right at them.
"I just wanted to know what a demon is…" The statement almost made Naruto's ride trip and send them plummeting into a lot of pain. Luckily, the highly skilled ninja fixed his mistake before Naruto even noticed it. "…But Ojii-san said that it would be better if you told me what it is."
"And with good reason." Akari had a very stern look on his face. 'So that's why I'm the only one who can answer his question. Because I'm the only one here with an unbiased opinion about it.' While the Anbu was mentally cursing the Hokage for getting him into this situation Naruto was becoming more and more curious as to what Akari said.
"Why is better if you tell me than if Ojii-san tells me? Wouldn't you both tell me the same thing?" Naruto was really confused now. 'What could he know that Ojii-san doesn't. Isn't the Hokage suppose to be the smartest and most powerful ninja in the leaf?'
Akari stopped moving for a moment so he could lower his passenger to be situated on his back then took off for the rooftops. "Has anyone ever told you the story of the Kyuubi, little one?" Akari leapt at a moderate pace towards Naruto's apartment so the boy wouldn't fall off.
"No, but I know there's a festival every year that celebrates his death. He can't have been a very nice guy if they celebrate him being dead. So, who was the Kyuubi?" Naruto asked in bewilderment as the duo roof hopped towards their destination.
"Not who, what! The Kyuubi is a giant nine-tailed demon fox that rules the land of Hi no Kuni. The name Kyuubi is merely a title given to a demon that has gained the power and wisdom of nine tails. If I remember correctly the last Kyuubi's full title was Kyuubi no Youko."
"Kyuubi no Youko? Does that mean that the Kyuubi's real name was Youko?"
"Yes, but that was just his title name. I don't think anyone knows his first name. It has been many years since he gained his ninth tail."
"How old would the Kyuubi be if he was still alive?"
"Hmm, probably a little over 3000 years old."
"Wow, how did he get to be that old?"
"Because demons are essentially immortal. Originally they age just like a human would until they reach an age of about 20 and then they just seamlessly stop aging."
"Oh, I guess that makes sense. So what did the Kyuubi do that was so bad that they have a celebration on the day of his death?" Naruto was anxious to hear about what caused the giant "party" every year on his birthday.
Akari sighed. He really wasn't looking forward to telling the kid this part. It could get so confusing. The Anbu took a deep breath before starting. "He attacked Konoha about five years ago and killed a lot of shinobi and civilians in the process."
"Why would he do such a mean thing, the big jerk?" Naruto pouted.
Akari couldn't help it, he laughed! He could totally imagine Kyuubi lighting an eternal burning flame on someone's rectum for calling him that. "Yes, but you shouldn't judge him like that. He might have a legitimate reason for attacking Konoha. Did you ever think about that?"
"What possible reason could he have for attacking us?" Naruto asked angrily.
"Well, why would attack somebody to try and hurt them?" The Anbu questioned.
That made Naruto think. What would he attack someone for? Suddenly, without even realizing what he was saying, he answered his escort's question. "To protect my precious people. Yah, if you, Ojii-san, Teuchi-ojiisan, or Ayame-oneechan were ever attacked or injured I would attack whoever did it."
"Then couldn't a person from Konoha have attacked someone who the Kyuubi held dear and then retreated back here for safety? Do you think what he did is justifiable then?" Akari was truly curious to hear what the child had to say about that.
Naruto thought for a moment. "But if Kyuubi really did attack Konoha because someone hurt one of his loved ones then why do they celebrate his death?"
That was not one of the answers that the highly trained ninja was expecting from the hyperactive blonde. None-the-less, it was one he had an answer for. "It is actually the same reason why they attack you, blame. They don't want to accept that a Konoha ninja would purposely make a creature like the Kyuubi attack their own village, so they blamed him for it."
"How does that justify why they attack me?" Naruto was using the same monotone voice he used earlier in the Hokage's office to hide his emotions. What the Anbu said next, however, shattered that façade.
"Let set this straight Naruto." The young man spoke in a stern voice that left no room for argument. "Nothing, and I mean nothing, justifies what they do to you. I merely said it was a reason for why they do it." Akari took a deep breath before continuing. "It may just be that you were unlucky to be born on that day, but the villagers don't see it like that. They believe that because you were born on the day of the Kyuubi's demise you were somehow tainted by the demons spirit. Some of the fools even believe that the Kyuubi's soul escaped his body and he re-incarnated himself in you."
"Is that why they call me a demon?"
"Yes, I guess that would be why. But I want you to remember something little one. Even if they call you that as an insult, don't take it that way. Cause demons are very powerful creatures that deserve respect. Them calling you that without treating you with the proper respect you deserve shows how lowly of a being they are." The way the Anbu spoke sounded as if he had personally experienced that kind of prejudice.
"But if people fear me then how am I suppose to make friends?" The little boy questioned.
"If someone is truly your friend then they will like you for who you are, not what others say you are." By the time Akari finished speaking they had already landed at Naruto's apartment and he had already let the boy down. "Naruto, I want you to promise me something. If you ever meet a demon I want you to show them the same type of respect that you want the villagers to have for you. Can you do that for me?"
The young jinchuuriki nodded. "Sure, but what does a demon look like?"
Akari gave Naruto a goofy smile as he scratched the back of his head. 'Oops, I almost forgot he doesn't know.' The Anbu cleared his throat before starting. "Well it's pretty hard to tell who is a demon nowadays. Before demons looked a lot like large versions of animals, like the form Kyuubi showed up in, or they looked like ogres with horns and stuff, but now almost all demons have a human form. However, in their human forms most demons can't hide their non-human traits, like tails."
"Or ears!" Naruto yelled as he put his palms behind his head to signify ears.
"Hahaha, yeah, ears too. But since most demons live in human cities they have to hide those traits with henge or genjutsu's. I think that's enough of this though, come on, let's head in so we can get back before Hokage-sama starts to worry." Akari took the boys hand and turned around to head inside. Suddenly…
Time seemed to slow for Akari as he turned around. Naruto's hand had slipped from his own and was getting increasingly further away. As he turned his head more, Naruto came into view and he was sure he was reaching his hand out for the boy. He saw the stone that he guessed had collided with the kid's head flying in the opposite direction. Naruto's foot was on the edge of the platform that was the only un-railed section of the floor they were on. Then, time readjusted itself in Akari's eyes and he came to realize what had happened. Naruto fell from the edge and started to plummet down. The man ran towards the edge and screamed.
Was he floating? No, he was falling. But, from where? The kid looked up and saw the balcony of his home. Why was he falling? He reach up and felt the cool sensation of blood running down the side of his head. Was this the end? The child guessed so. He started to close his eyes. 'Sayonara Inu-san, Ojii-san.' Naruto closed his eyes and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
He opened his eyes and stared at… a ceiling? Naruto sat up and realized he was sitting in a pool of ankle deep water. 'Where am I?' As Naruto thought, the words seemed to echo around him. 'Is this heaven? No, I'm still alone. This must be hell.' Then, a pulse was sent through the room. It felt to Naruto as if the pulse had pushed his breath out of him. He was left coughing and gasping for air.
Once Naruto had gotten his breath back he stood up, ready to face whatever punishment he was about to receive in this hell of loneliness. As Naruto left the room he was in he felt another pulse echo through the hallways. This one, however, had an effect opposite to the last one as it seemingly calmed Naruto's nerves. The boy kept traveling down the long, dim lighted hallways as more pulses traveled towards him creating a bunch of different sensations each time. Suddenly, Naruto came to a room with one door in it. As he reach for the door Naruto could feel the same pulses from before pass though him at a much faster rate. Whatever he was going to face here, it was behind this door. Slowly, the child slid the door open. A light from the other side forced Naruto to close his eyes as he slid the door open the rest of the way.
On the other side of the door the sight of another room greeted the blonde. The door Naruto had come through was not attached to any walls but instead just stood by itself on the floor. It wasn't, however, in the center of the perfectly square room. That spot was occupied by what looked like a trap door with two of the kanji for 'source' on each of its four sides.
Naruto took a look at the other eight doors around the room. There were two doors situated on each wall in the room and each one had the kanji for an attribute of someone's personality. However, out of all the doors, the two that stood out the most were the ones that had the kanji for 'demon' and 'human' above them. Naruto could tell that the initial pulse he felt came from the door marked 'demon', while the secondary pulse he had felt came from the one with 'human' written above it. Naruto started walking toward that door when the one on the floor opened. He turned around to check but nothing came out. Then, just as the boy turned his back on it, a vine came from the door and gripped onto his leg. Before he could look down to see what had grabbed him the vine pulled on his leg and forced him into the trap door, shutting it behind the boy.
Sometime while he was being dragged along the floor Naruto had closed his eyes, hoping not to see what monster had grabbed him. Now, with light forcing it's way into his closed lids, he opened his eyes and stared at the sight before him. Sitting there, in a serene calm as if nothing was wrong, was what Naruto guessed to be demon fox in a human form.
He had a very majestic face that would no doubt give him a hoard of unnecessary fan-girls. His hair, which reached to the bottom of his back, was a strange shade of silver that seemed to change dramatically as the light around it shifted and was adorned with two fuzzy appendages on top. The demon wore a very simple set of white hakama and a white sleeveless haori that he kept open a little at the top. Around his waist was the fox's other furry appendage. The fox sat in a meditative pose with his eyes closed, and was seemingly oblivious to the world around him. Naruto decided to wait for the creature and sat down with his legs crossed in front of him. The blonde didn't have to wait long before the man opened his eyes. They were a rich, gold color that was tainted by speckles of red.
"Hello kit. It's nice to finally meet you." The demons voice rang through Naruto's ears like a chorus of a thousand dead souls. It was beautiful, yet frightening at the same time.
Naruto, remembering what he promised Akari, bowed to the kitsune. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Kitsune-san. My name is Uzumaki Naruto."
"Yes, I know kit. And I guess you would like to know what my name is?" Again the fox demons voice sent shivers down the boy's spine.
"It is only fair since you already know mine." Naruto kept his voice as steady as he could with the chilling sensations running down his body. There was no doubt in the boy's mind that this man was powerful.
"But kit, you do know my name." As the demon spoke he uncurled his tail from around his waist and let it sway behind him. Then, the kitsune's tail flashed with power before splitting into nine.
When Naruto counted the tails in his head he found the answer. "You're the Kyuubi. So I guess I really am in hell."
"Not quite kit. We are in your mind." The demon sighed before continuing. "Or, at least the part that holds me captive."
"Captive? What do you mean by that?" This didn't make sense. Wasn't the Kyuubi supposed to be dead? Even if the Kyuubi's spirit had left his body and possessed Naruto, like the villagers thought, the demon shouldn't be a prisoner. Unless!
"That is correct kit. I was not killed on that fateful day. I was instead sealed into a newly born baby. That is why the people of Konoha hate you. Because you contain me inside you like a jail contains a prisoner. Therefore, they believe that I am controlling your body." The way the Kyuubi spoke sounded as if it was an everyday fact. As if he was just talking about the weather.
Naruto stood there stunned. Then he asked the only question that came to his mind. "Are you controlling me? I mean, don't you have the power to do so?"
The kitsune sighed. "I wish. The seal your Fourth Hokage used to trap me also prevents me from having any kind of control over you without killing you and in the process me. You see both you and I are tied to the same life by this seal. If you die, I die."
That reminded the blonde what happened before he came here. "Are we dead?"
"Almost kit. You are currently lying on the first floor balcony of your apartment complex. Usually I could heal your injuries and we'd be fine but if I push the necessary amount of energy into your system now it would kill you anyway." Naruto was stunned at that information. Not that he would die, but that the Kyuubi had been the reason for all his quick recoveries.
"Thank you for healing me Kyuubi. You probably just did it to keep yourself alive but thank you anyway." Then Naruto remembered what he was talking to his escort about earlier. "Hey Kyuubi. If you don't mind me asking, why did you attack Konoha?"
The demon sighed once again. It seemed it was very easy for the child to make him do that. "I was in my home in demon realm when somebody summoned me here. When I saw that a single human was the one to summon me I was impressed. However, before I knew what was going on, the man looked at me with his eyes and I blacked out. I could feel what was happening with my body but I couldn't stop it. I was essentially a raging beast. When I regained consciousness I was in here. Please forgive me for what my carelessness has brought you." The boy smiled. He walked over to the demon lord and did the only thing he knew that comforted people. He hugged the man.
"I forgive you Youko-san. And I promise that I will do whatever I can to help you kill that man."
The kitsune chuckled. "Aren't you a little late to make that promise? We're going to die, remember?"
Naruto let go of the man and shook his head. "No, I am going to die. You said that your tied to me by a seal, so if I release that seal you'll be free, right?"
"How do you know I'm not just lying and trying to trick you into releasing me so I can get my revenge on the village that imprisoned me?" Naruto thought on that for a moment.
"Hmm, how about this? If you promise on your honor as a kitsune demon that you won't kill anyone in Konoha then I'll release the seal."
Kyuubi nodded his head. "That sounds fair." With that the demon lord held out his hand for the boy to shake. Naruto put his hand forward and shook the kitsune's hand, sealing the pact. "Now, the eight rooms that surround my own hold a different part of my personality that contain the rest of my energy. Each one has a cage with a paper seal on it. Those seals are what are preventing my escape. It normally doesn't matter if you take them all off at once or one at a time, but for the sake of time that we don't have it would be easier to remove them all at once."
"How am I supposed to do that?" The child didn't know how to create clones. He wasn't even an academy student yet.
The demon lord shook his head. "This is your mind, you can do whatever you want. Just imagine yourself in eight places at once and there should be eight of you." Then, right after the Kyuubi finished saying that, there were eight Naruto's instead of one. "Good, now hurry. The other eight should know what's going on so there shouldn't be any more set backs." Eight simultaneous "Hai's" from the Naruto's followed before they climbed through the door in the ceiling. Once they were through the door each Naruto went through one of the other eight doors in the room.
Meanwhile, back in the room Naruto was in before, the Kyuubi closed his eyes once again and thought on the events that came to pass. He was going to be free. After only five years of being imprisoned in the boy he was going to be free. The kitsune could tell Naruto was starting to tear the seals off as he could feel the wind of the outside world. More came off and he could smell the gentle breeze that brushed against the boy's nose. But with that breeze came a smell that demon lord was not expecting to be around the boy. It was the same smell that accompanied… "Inu youkai." Suddenly, everything set into place about what happened earlier. The fox demon's realization of what was going on outside right now let his other sides know as well. Then, all at once, they screamed out to the boy.
But the wheels were already in motion and the Naruto's tore off the last of the seals as a powerful wave of energy erupted around his body.
First Floor Apartment Complex
Outside Naruto's Body
(This takes place right after Naruto hit the first floors balcony)
Akari rushed towards the boy. He had let down his guard and he would let the Hokage punish him for that later, but he would be damned if he let Naruto die because of his stupidity. When the Anbu got down to the level Naruto was on he assessed the damage. The boy had a hole in his scalp where he could see the crack in his skull. The boy was lucky that Akari was with him. Even Tsunade would have trouble healing the wound on his head with the trauma he sustained from the fall. But the boy's escort could heal any wound as long as the soul didn't leave the body.
Akari smiled as he stood up. "I won't let you die on me little one." The man swiftly took out the sword he had hung by waist before pointing it at the boy. The sword pulsed beside the child's body. The pulse flowed through his body allowing him to see, what his father had called, the messengers of death. "Carry out my will, Tenseiga." After he finished speaking the Anbu swung his sword down upon the boy. The resulting flash caused Akari to close his eyes and look away.
When the light died down Akari looked back towards the boy with his eyes partially blinded from the flash. There, next to the still unconscious Naruto stood a tall figure with long hair that billowed in the wind. The Anbu rubbed his eyes to remove the blurriness from them, but when he opened them, the man and Naruto were gone. He felt something behind him and turned to face the man when a hit to the back of his neck rendered him unconscious. Akari's limp body flopped to the floor before the man, carrying both the Anbu and the boy the figure leapt towards the Hokage tower.
Hokage Tower
Sandaime's Office
When a man is able to sneak into the Hokage's office without him knowing, that's bad. But when a man is able to sneak into the Hokage's office through the window that he sits in front of, leave the strongest of the Hokage's personal Anbu unconscious in the middle of the room, and leave without having been seen while the Hokage was still in said office, that was really bad. Sarutobi looked one more time at the letter in his hand as he stood by his office window.
Dear Sandaime Hokage,
I have taken Naruto to a safe heaven of mine. An incident that has occurred this evening has brought about changes that could be disastrous if he stays in the village. No need to worry for I promise you, I care too much for this boy to hurt him. Both of us will be back in five years time, and I expect a spot for him to be open at the ninja academy upon our return. I shall be training the boy along with a couple of old friends. By the time we get back the boy will be ready for whatever those idiotic villagers can throw at him and more. I will be sending you a letter once a year to inform you of the boy's progress.
Youko Kurama
P.S. Don't bother sending Anbu to search they won't find where we are going.
P.S.S. You can find some information on our location and me in the Fourth Hokage's files of ally treaties.
Sarutobi had checked the files. Youko Kurama was the Ambassador of Gekkougakure no Sato (Hidden Moonlight Village). He and the Yondaime Hokage were about to make an Alignment treaty when the Kyuubi had attacked, taking the fourths life. The files also stated that the village was on an island surrounded by a dome made of granite that was invisible all but one day a month. Also, the village's only entrance was through a set of underwater walkways that were lined with explosives. You would need one person on each side of the walkway to shut down the sensors in order to get through and even then you only had a ten second window before the sensors turned on again. It would be an easy feat for one ninja, but getting a bunch of Anbu Black-ops in undetected would be impossible.
The aged Hokage sighed before going back to his chair. Sake was going to be needed to rid the old man of his headache. A Tsunade sized double round of sake.
Preview –
Chuunin 1: Hey look, someone's coming.
Chuunin 2: Who would be up at this ungodly hour of the morning?
Chuunin 1: Travelers, state what business you have in this village!
Figure 1: We are merely, coming home.
Next Time on Kitsune Legends - Return of the Thief's Apprentice
Figure 2: Inform the Hokage that Uzumaki Naruto is back.
Since this is the first chapter of my first story I desperately need feedback. Even if you just say 'It's horrible' or 'It was okay' I would still like to know what you think.