Code Geass: Continued Story
by DreamersLTD
If you can dream, then anything is possible. – DreamersLTD Motto
It's an endless cycle of death and rebirth that flows through the river of time. But what can one do but follow the path before them? Time cannot stop, will never stop. But with time comes an endless dance between peace and war. It is a dance that many will try to avoid, but few will actually survive from.
"I've found him. I've found my…"
Sono hitotsubu no shizuku de sae mo
Even just with that single droplet
Hana o mamoru kamo shirenai
I just might be able to protect the flower…
Sono waraigao tada sore dake de
It's your smiling face, and with that alone
Sashinoberu te ni mo nareru
I can even reach out my hands…
"All hail Zero!"
How can you give a form to something that is in essence nothing? Or empty?
Sono furueteru koe atsumereba
If you gather up those trembling voices,
Kaze o okosu kamo shirenai
You just might be able to start a wind…
Sono inochi to iu hakanaki akari
Light the fleeting glow known as your life
Tomoshite ashi o susumeyou
And move your feet forward…
What do we as humans classify as evil? How do we know if it's evil, when our own eyes have never opened?
"...For me, I will become evil to defeat the greater evil!"
La la la la la la la la lan
Itsuka mata aou
Let's meet again someday
La la la la la la la la lan
Ikiteru kagiri
As long as we're still alive…
"One should not kill unless they are ready to be killed themselves!"
We as humans fail when it comes to wars; we're simply become too worried with our individual lives instead of what could have been the final outcome had we been willing to truly give it our all.
Toki o koe toraerareteru
What are my overflowing thoughts
afureru kono omoi wa nani?
that overcome time yet get caught by it?
Yasashisa ga mejiri ni niau,
Where are those people now,
ano hito-tachi wa ima doko ni iru no?
who keep kindness in corners of their eyes…?
"What am I to you, Lelouch?"
We are nothing but pawns, towers, or horses in Nature's game of chess; we can either take one step down the long path, or we could blindly charge through, hoping to claim something, or we just aimlessly take leaps of faith until we hopefully land in the desired outcome.
Tonari ni wa atarashii seki
There's a new seat next to me
Mirai no tame ni mata deau
We'll meet again for the sake of the future
Kazaranai mama dekiru dake
Let's try living through the day known as today
Ikite miyou kyou to iu hi
For as long as we can without façades
Kanashikute hito wa setsunai
It's sad and painful for people
Sore de mo doko made mo michi wa tsuzuku
Nevertheless, their roads continue endlessly…
"If being powerless is evil, is having power justice? Is revenge evil? Can friendship coexist with justice?"
La la la la la la la la lan
Itsuka mata aou
Let's meet again someday
La la la la la la la la lan
Ikiteru kagiri
As long as we're still alive…
"I'm... not a... tool... This... is my... own will!"
La la la la la la la la lan
Kaze ga hakobu mono
That which the wind carries
La la la la la la la la lan
Asu o hiraku merodi
is a melody that opens up tomorrow…
"In the endless stream of time, I'm... alone."
La la la la la la la la lan
Itsuka mata aou
Let's meet again someday
La la la la la la la la lan
Ikiteru kagiri
As long as we're still alive…
"You're not alone. We are accomplices. If you are a witch, I shall become a warlock."
La la la la la la la la lan
Kaze ga hakobu mono
That which the wind carries
La la la la la la la la lan
Asu o hiraku merodi
is a melody that opens up tomorrow…
"Yes... I... destroyed... the world... and... recreated it."
Traveling around the countryside atop a hay cart was a green-haired woman. Her hair was tied back into a pair of pigtails and her clothing was a bit unusual for a wanderer.
"The power of kings, known as Geass, brings one solitude…" stated the girl as she rested on top of her stuffed toy. "Not quite accurate, is it… Right, Lelouch?"
If you were a reader of my other fanfics; then this bottom note is just to remind you that I'm still focusing on my other fanfics. I just lost the battle against taking advantage of an ambiguous ending.