
Me: This all belongs to the amazing Stephanie Meyer.

Edward Cullen: Damn right it is!

Me: OK... I was just telling them, no need to get angry.

Edward Cullen: How dare you say that. You took my Bella away just to write this stupid story that is so twisted from the truth, I almost can't reconize it! GRRR...

Emmett Cullen: You should die for hurting Jelly Belly!

Me: (Cowers behind the computer)

This is my first fanfiction. I shall warn you that NK means Normal Katherine and CHK means Crazy Hyper Katherine. Watch for these capitalized letters next to my ANs, starting next chapter. Enjoy!

What If?

I woke up with a start, and came face to face with all the white around me. The beds, the floor, the walls, were all the same boring color. And then I realized. I was in a hospital, where else would there be such degrees of ashen white?

What was I doing here? Where was Edward? What about Alice, my hyperactive pixie best friend, and Emmett, and Jasper? By now, I would even settle with seeing Rosalie! Right then, I remembered something critically important.


Did that mean that Edward was just a beautiful dream, just as I thought? It wasn't possible… or was it?

I did what any other self-respecting teenager would do when she realized the love of her life was all her imagination. I screamed. Loudly.


Charlie and a doctor, wearing the same pallid color as the rest of the room, came rushing in.

"My name is Dr. Robinson," The doctor said rather breathlessly. I could only assume my hospital room was a long walk away from where the doctor was a few seconds ago, and that my scream was pretty loud. Dr. Robinson obviously wasn't Carlisle; that would be too easy for me to figure out.

"How are you feeling, Ms. Kerpen? Do you feel dizziness or have any headaches?" he asked.

"No, none of that. Wait… Kerpen? I'm Bella, Bella Swan." I was confused. Why is he calling me Ms. Kerpen? He might have mistaken me for another patient. Yes, that made sense.

"Oh no, it seems that you have amnesia, but for some odd reason, you think you're this Bella girl." Dr. Robinson managed to sound interested and concerned, while still sounding uncaring and fake. I had a very particular feeling that he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Well…" Before I told him, I had to make sure he wasn't lying to me. "Well," I started again, "I don't know why, but the name seems so natural to me, like it was my name. If that isn't my name, then what is my name?" The lies flowed of my tongue like honey. Distinctly, I remembered that Bella wasn't a very good liar. Maybe I wasn't her.

"Your name is Crystal Kerpen, remember? No? Well you loved to read, and your best friends are Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory." That wasn't right, I remembered from my dream that Angela Weber and Alice Cullen were my best friends, and Jessica and Lauren continuously hurt me in rather annoying, unmature ways.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Crystal!" shouted a rather nasally voice.

If you find any spelling or grammer mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me. Now, all you have to do is press that little button that's next to this to review. Everyone that does gets the muffins that I baked today.