Disclaimer: I was always going to do this chapter. But Doctor Who still isn't mine.
Clear morning light made a transition into gloominess. Martha stood outside the school by herself and felt the soft breeze brush her hair across her cheeks. Her eyes fixed steadily on the glass windows, the stone walls and the oak door. So much happened last night that she felt dizzy just thinking about it.
She closed her eyes and thought of that last moment with John Smith…
Both of them looked into each other's eyes with fatal longing. Their hands were together; holding onto the fob watch tightly. Martha and he opened the watch together in that dark library. The projected golden light travelled around them as though in slow motion. John was transforming but he managed to hold on for as long as possible.
The door had burst open moments before and Joan Redfern had entered. She stared in horror at the scene on the other side of the room. John looked at her and smiled sadly, wishing her farewell. He gazed at the glittering magic around him then turned to see Martha one last time. He smiled encouragingly and as the tears reflected gold he whispered, 'I love you,' and disappeared.
Martha felt her own tears begin to fall when she looked back up at the school. All too soon she got her Doctor back but he didn't stick around long. He rushed a tactical move to Martha, hurried an apology to Joan and dashed out of the library determinedly leaving the girls to grieve.
She still didn't know how he managed to defeat them…but gone they were. She had seen the Doctor lead the unconscious family into his TARDIS and was gone for a few hours.
Meanwhile, she and Joan attended to the boys that suffered in battle. They didn't speak much as both couldn't bear to realise the truth out loud. When the last boy had been seen to, the Head Master was shaking with fury. He didn't have any idea of who caused this fiasco and wanted answers immediately. He was on the verge of sacking Martha and Joan, yet neither seemed bothered by his barking brutality.
And now the Doctor was back and he was with Joan at present…Martha looked at the clock tower in the distance which told her it was exactly 8:30 AM. Half an hour he had been in there. Finally, he emerged with a stiff pale look about him.
She wasn't dressed in that teal gown any longer. During the time that the Doctor had been with Joan she dressed in her own clothes in the TARDIS, feeling exhausted and sick. Rain began to fall on them as they came face to face.
For the first time in over two months she could see the Doctor's soul. In John Smith's body. She expected to feel relief and warmth once she saw those eyes again…yet she still felt betrayal, believing the Doctor was stealing the body of John.
'How are you?' He asked her quietly, frowning in a sad sort of way.
'I'm fine,' she clutched her arm and stared at her feet.
'Thank you,' he said.
She sniffed and looked away. He didn't remember.
'…for caring so much about me!' He smiled.
Martha looked at him. 'What?'
He laughed and hugged her tightly. 'I mean John Smith…I didn't expect him to…anyway,' he trailed off, letting go of her. 'Sorry about that.' His eyes seemed foggy and Martha suspected he was trying to force John to the surface so she could see him in a happier light again.
'Doctor, it wasn't your fault. He was completely different to you…'
They began walking back to the TARDIS down the road, away from the school.
'No, no no!' He silenced her. 'Something must have happened while I transformed into him…' the school disappeared out of sight.
'I gave him everything a 1913 man needed. As in, nothing Time Lordish,' he tried to explain, 'but somehow I think my personality slipped into him quite a bit…'
Martha stared at him. 'Yeah I think so…he was having dreams and sometimes drawing aliens…'
'…and falling for someone in particular?' The Doctor said on a high note. Martha looked questioningly at him but he just grinned and strode on ahead of her.
'Doctor?' She tried to catch up.
'Race you to the TARDIS!' He yelled childishly at her and scampered up the road. Martha felt annoyed and chased him but once she reached the field that harboured his machine, him being a good twenty yards ahead, a smile began to break over her face. And as the rain poured down she laughed heartily.
Those weeks at an Edwardian Boy's school were some of the strangest of her life. She found friendship in Jenny and Helen…love in John Smith and humility in Tim Latimer. He stood up the winding road, and smiled to himself as he watched the TARDIS leave his world, a curious little fob watch clutched in his grateful hand. Xxx
The End
Thank you for reading, thank you for reviewing and hope you enjoyed the story!