Disclaimer: I know, I know

Disclaimer: I know, I know. I don't own CSI: Miami or these characters or even the plot. That makes me kinda sad.

Spoiler Alert: And How Does That Make You Kill? 7x03

A/N: Ok, so I FREAKED during this part of "And How Does That Make You Kill?" And was a bit… confuzzled? Disappointed? During the end. So yeah. Let's go.

She was hardly paying attention anymore. She just scanned the therapist's notes, only trying to find anything that would point to a killer. So, at first, she didn't even know she was reading about Eric.

Being shot really put things into perspective. Made me think about my future, settling down. Be nice if it were Calleigh.

Whoa. Wait. She did a double take. Calleigh? That was- that was her. Her head was spinning, but she didn't even have time to think before Eric noticed the look on her face.

"Find something?" he asked curiously, trying to look at what she was reading.

"No," she said quickly, stowing the paper away. He didn't need to know she had read what he had told his therapist. That was private. "I think this is a bust," she told him. Ha. A bust in finding a suspect, maybe. But personally, emotionally? This was no bust.

He couldn't stop wondering if Calleigh had read his file. He knew that if she did, she would know how he really felt about her. He wanted to know if she had read it- he wanted to know where they stood.

"Rough day," she said as she walked outside, which was where he was. She was smiling and her green eyes were bright. He loved that. Of course, he loved everything about her.

"Hey, I was wondering," he began. "Did you read my file?"

"Would it matter if I did?" Ooh, good question. Did he want her to know?

"Well, just, it wasn't in my batch, so I figured…" Figured maybe she knew he wanted to 'settle down' with her.

"We make a good team." He smiled at her, and she turned and started to walk away. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

Yeah, he thought, rather stupidly. Whoa, wait a sec. What did she mean? Had she read it? He was so confused. Was that a rejection? A hint? He decided to take it one step at a time, hoping she'd walk with him.

A/N: My mom was all, "That sounds like a rejection to me." I was like, NO! Haha. Please review. Only Mila has so far, and I'm kinda sad and un-motivated… But I WILL udate every week like I promised…