Fic about CSI: Miami, obviously

Fic about CSI: Miami, obviously. A serial killer was released on parole, and was put behind bars by the team. Now he's out for revenge. Can anyone survive??

Eric drove to Speed's grave like he always did when he was upset about a case or what not. This time it was about a girl, his girlfriend, a girl named Isabella, whom he called Bella, or Bells. She had stormed out in tears after he had blown off another date for work. In his subconscious, he knew he wasn't being fair to her, but right now he was angry and he really didn't care.

"Hey Speedle," Eric muttered, and then just talked to him about everything. When he had finished venting, he heard shots ring out.

He ducked to the ground, trying to figure out where they came from. When he did, he jumped behind a tree so he could get a clear shot without getting himself shot.

He heard Bella scream, and yelled out,

"Bells! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but what about you?"

"I'm fineā€¦" Eric said, but then an acute pain pierced his side and he went down, yelling,

"Bella, get backup!" He felt himself going under, but felt Bella's hands on him, pulling his radio out, and that's when everything went black.

Bella had pulled out his radio and called for backup. Then, she grabbed his gun and began shooting at the two men who were still shooting at her and Eric. She took down one of them, and then the other one ran off. She heard sirens in the distance, so she just put pressure on Eric's wound, chanting,

"It's okay, it's gonna be all right, Eric, just stay with me, please Eric, stay with me,"

She felt hands on her shoulders pulling her up and turned around to see Calleigh, one of her best friends. She threw her arms around Calleigh and started sobbing. Calleigh led her to her Hummer and sat her down, soothing her and taking her statement. Bella could see the worry in her eyes for Eric, and said,

"Is, is he gonna be all right?"

"Honestly Bella, I don't know," Calleigh said, and then they both jumped when a voice from behind Calleigh said,

"He, is going to be just fine, ladies, don't worry," They turned around to see Horatio standing there, sunglasses in his hands.

"Are you sure, Horatio?" Calleigh said, the worry evident in her voice.

"If we keep thinking like that, then I think he'll make it," Horatio said, and then looked off in the distance and said,

"Calleigh, can you go process the scene while I sit with Ms. Adkins here?"

"Sure, no problem Horatio," Calleigh said, and got up. She gently squeezed Bella's hand and said quietly,

"It'll be okay, Bella," Calleigh knew about the fight, it had happened in her lab. Bella looked at her gratefully and said,

"Will, will I get to apologize?"

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say yeah, you will," Calleigh said and dropped her hand, her gaze meeting Horatio's for the briefest moment, and then she walked away, towards the scene.

Horatio watched her go, and Bella watched him. When he looked at her, she said,

"You know, you're not that subtle,"

"About what?" Horatio said, and Bella put her hands on her hips and said,

"About a beautiful southern blonde that just walked away, and you watched her every movement," Horatio smiled and ducked his head, saying,

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Sure," She said sarcastically, and then she stood up and said,

"I'm going to see Eric, wanna come with me?"

"Um, yeah, actually, I think I will come with you," Bella nodded, and she walked off. Horatio walked over to Calleigh and said,

"Hey, Calleigh," She jumped again, and Horatio reached out a hand to touch her shoulder and said,

"Jumpy today, are we?"

"Yeah, well, just, just, worried about Eric, you know,"

"Yeah, I know. I'm going to go see him, I'll call you when I get an update on him."

"Would you?" Calleigh looked at him, and he nodded, saying,

"Of course,"

"Thank, 'cause I'm going to be here a while, with all these shoe prints," Horatio nodded, and then walked off. Calleigh sighed as she watched him go, and then Alexx's voice said,

"Honey, could you be a little less obvious?" Calleigh jumped again and said,

"What are you talking about?"

"You know," Alexx said, looking over her sunglasses at her, and Calleigh smiled and said,

"I plead the fifth,"

"Yeah, you would know, wouldn't you?" Alexx muttered under her breath and Calleigh laughed. They went back to work, getting justice for Eric.

PLEASE REVIEW!! I won't add the next chapter unless you do! Naw, I won't be that mean, but I do like reviews!!