Note from author: I started this story over 8 years ago, and this was one of the only parts I had planned out. I can't believe the positive feedback I've gotten from you all. Thanks for sticking with the story even when it didn't seem like I would ever continue it.

With a hiss and a cloud of steam, the cargo door of the Millennium Falcon lowered onto Platform 327. Han and Chewie descended slowly followed by an increasingly nervous C-3PO. Across the landing platform, doors slid open and several figures moved toward them. Han recognized his old acquaintance and noted that he seemed to be doing quite well for himself. Lando was impeccably dressed with a long cape flowing behind him in the breeze. Those with him seemed to be assistants and bodyguards.

As Han closed the distance between them, he searched Lando's face for some clue as to how he would be welcomed. He had given no clues about the purpose of his visit, hoping that just his name would be enough to secure an interview. Apparently, it was.

Lando's eyes were taking in the Millennium Falcon, and he looked less than pleased. Finally, his eyes meet Han's as they stopped several feet away from each other. Chewie took a defensive position on Han's right. C-3PO thought the best course of action would be to hide behind them both.

Han decided to try being friendly. He made a wide gesture with his arms and smiled, "Hey!"

Lando's expression did not change, and he spat out, "Why you slimey, double-crossing, no-good swindler! You got a lot of guts coming here- after what you pulled."

Which thing is he referring to? Han thought as he did his best "who-me?" impression.

Lando took several steps forward and suddenly swung his arm back in preparation for a punch. Han flinched and put his hands up defensively, but instead of getting hit, he found himself trapped in hug. Low laughter bubbled its way out of Lando. When Lando pulled back, there was a large grin on his face, "How you doin', you old pirate? So good to see you! I never thought I'd see you again. What are you doing here?"

Han smiled back, "Thought I'd come visit an old friend. I have a proposition I'd like to discuss with you later."

"Sure. Sure. Sure," Lando nodded. He gestured toward the Falcon, "What have you done to my ship?"

"Your ship?" Han raised an eyebrow, "You lost her to me fair and square."

"In a highly suspicious sabaac game, you mean," Lando corrected him. His tone was joking, but the smile didn't go all the way to his eyes. He turned to Chewbacca, "And how are you doing? Still hanging around with this loser?"

"[There are worse people to hang out with,]" Chewie replied.

"Look at me, keeping you here talking. Why don't I get you settled comfortably, and then we can discuss business after dinner?" Lando motioned to his people and began to follow them.

After a shower and a nap, the guests were summoned by Lando's personal assistant. He lead them through a maze of white hallways where, even at this late hour, people were still busy working and milling about. Lando had described his business to them on the way in, and it amused Han to see him acting so respectable.

They stopped before a door that slid open. On the other side, Lando stood beside a table filled with delicacies from across the galaxy. He motioned, "Come. Have a seat."

Lando sat at the head of the table. Han sat to his right, and Chewie took the seat opposite him on the other side. C-3PO stood along the wall. "No need to stand on ceremony," Lando directed toward him.

"Thank you, sir. That's very kind of you, but I prefer to stand."

"Have it your way," Lando laughed. He began to pass the dishes around to Han and Chewie. "Tell me about what you've been getting yourself into lately, Han."

It was some time later when the three pushed back from the table a bit. Han and Lando had reminisced about old times while they ate, but Lando had continually tried to get him back on the topic of Han's business as of late. It struck Han as odd that he was being so pushy about it. Lando even went so far as to question about a certain pretty girl who had been rumored to be with Han. Han had laughed it off, "You know me and girls." Still, a cold feeling had started working in his stomach. He stopped eating and merely pushed his food around his plate. His hand reflexively checked to make sure his blaster was there.

"You said you had a business venture for me, Han. What's up?"

Han sighed and forced the words out, "I want to sell you the Falcon."

Lando's eyebrows shot up. He struck a thinking pose, "Didn't think I'd ever hear you say that."

"Didn't plan on ever saying it," Han replied.

"Are you in trouble, Han? Do you need money?" Lando questioned. "I'd loan you the money. All you need to do is ask."

"No, I'm done owing people, but thanks for the offer. I know you love her. Seems like I remember she saved your life a few times."

"That she did. She's the fastest ship in the galaxy. You'd never know it by looking at her," Lando said fondly. Then he quoted a price to Han.

Some of Han's tension dissipated. It was a higher price than even he dared to ask for. It was enough to pay off Jabba. It was enough to pay off any bounty hunters along the way. It might just be enough to save his neck. Hope sprung up even while he tried to suppress it. He replied, "Well, that sounds reasonable to me." He was about to shake Lando's hand to make it official when Lando's assistant came and whispered in his ear.

A dark look came over Lando's face. Han thought it looked a mixture between loathing and dread. "It seems," Lando spoke, "that you have a visitor."

The door at the end of the room slid up to reveal a dark, helmeted figure. It took Han only a second to rise from his seat and pull his blaster. He managed to get one shot off before his blaster was ripped out of his hand by an invisible grasp. Chewie bellowed and began struggling, but he seemed unable to move. The pounding of blood in Han's ears was deafening in the silence that followed. It was broken only by an even, rasping breath from Vader.

Boba Fett stepped out from behind the corner, and immediately everything became clear to Han. He turned accusingly to Lando who replied, "They arrived here shortly before you did. I'm sorry."

At least ten stormtroopers were assembled in the hallway, and Han knew that any hope of escape was useless. The hope that had been steadily growing for the last few minutes died.

Vader nodded to his stormtroopers who came forward and cuffed Han and Chewie. Han avoided eye contact with Lando as he was lead down the hall, but he heard Chewie growl something low and fierce and vile.

Han was separated from Chewie a few minutes later and taken into a side room. The sinister-looking device in the center of the room could only serve one purpose- torture. Stormtroopers expertly strapped him in the chair so tightly he could barely draw a decent breath. His breathing, though, was shallow and fast. He didn't want to appear a coward, but his mind was going wild as he looked at the menacing instruments opposite him.

He was pretty sure he knew that they wanted. Leia. The irony was not lost on him that he couldn't give her away even if he wanted to. He had no idea where she was. It was a relief to know, though, that no matter what happened to him, no matter how weak he might turn out to be, he could not betray her. He would suffer and probably die, but she would live to fight another day. Not Jabba, not even the Empire could find her, or else they wouldn't be here. It was that knowledge that steeled him even as Vader swept into the room.

However, Vader did not question him about Leia. He did not even speak to him. He just watched as Han was lowered toward the instruments. Han heard a buzzing sound and then saw a spark jump from one of the attachments. He struggled in vain to turn his head away from it, but a second later he felt the electricity coursing through his body.

At first it itched like insects crawling under his skin, but a few seconds later it felt like a thousand knives were stabbing him all over his body. Surely someone must be rubbing salt into the wounds. Someone began screaming, and it wasn't until the shocks stopped that he realized it was himself.

He panted and slumped in the straps. He could feel the sweat drenching him all over his body. He realized Vader was appraising him. Still, no questions came. Surely they were giving him a break in order to question him before threatening him with more of the same. Han forced himself to make eye contact with Vader and hold it.

Han finally gasped, "You won't get anything from me."

Vader tilted his head as if thinking. Han didn't expect him to reply, but he did. "I don't expect to," the deep voice returned.

"Then- then why are you doing this?" Han questioned angrily.

Vader nodded to someone out of Han's field of vision. The shocks started again. It was worse this time since he knew what to expect. He bit down on his tongue to hold in the screams he knew would only please Vader.

As the world was swimming before him in shades of red, Han heard the low voice say, "Scream for her. She will hear you."

The pain increased again to a level Han would have thought impossible. His muscles were contracting and clenching on their own. He felt a trickle of blood flow down his chin from biting his tongue. Just before he slipped into the yawning pit of blackness, he screamed into the void, Leia!

Thanks so much for taking the time to write review. They spur me on keep writing.