Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Characters: Han Solo, Leia Organga, Chewbacca
Time Frame:Pre- ANH, might keep going
World: AU, but some of the plot is the same.
A/N: Since this story is AU, I rearranged events a little bit, but I tried to keep most of it the same.
Han Solo was in his element. A good hand in Sabaac, a glass of Tatooine Sunburn, and a pile of currency in front of him. The cantina was dimly lit, and since they were playing in the far corner--this was even more so. Their game was high stakes, and many players had dropped out. Only four, including himself, were left.
Two of the players were alien smugglers. Han knew little about them except they weren't as good as him. The other was a spice trader named, Boeman.
When the stakes had gotten high, they called over a dealer droid to ensure there was no cheating. Hand after hand, the pile of currency in front of Han grew. Their game had collected an audience, and Chewie stood near by watching for trouble.
"Luck's with you today, Solo." said one of the smugglers when he had to drop out.
Han just nodded and picked up the new deal.
Boeman continued to lose money. His eyes glared at the stack of bills and credit chips in font of Han. When Han won again, he said, "No man has luck like that, Solo."
"You accusing me of cheating?" Han said louder. The room went silent, all eyes were on them. The air was crackling with tension.
"Hey, we don't have cheating here." Wuher, the bartender yelled over.
"I didn't say you were cheating, Solo." Boeman muttered, but his eyes spoke otherwise. Activity in the bar resumed.
The other smuggler dropped out, and it was down to the two of them. The cards were dealt. Boeman bet 100 credits. Han raised him another fifty. Boeman raised it another 200. Han raised it 100.
Boeman was sweating. He reached in his pocket, but it was empty. He signaled a man next to him. After Boeman had whispered in his ear, he left. A few minutes later he returned, dragging a dark-haired girl along with him. He stopped next to the table.
"My slave girl, Solo." Boeman pointed to her. Han watched her glance up at him and then return her gaze to the floor. She was young, and would've been pretty, if not for her ratty clothes and unkempt hair.
"She is worth at least 500 credits, Solo." Boeman said.
Han was sickened by Boeman using her for collateral, but it wasn't unusual. "I got no use for slaves, Boeman."
"Then you can sell her and get your money back. Take it or leave it, Solo." Boeman challenged him.
Han was silent. "Call."
Boeman grinned. He laid down his cards. They totaled twenty-two. Nearly the highest score you could get. He smirked at Han. "You can't do better than that."
Han gave a smug smile and laid down his hand of twenty-three. The crowd gasped.
Boeman's face turned red, "YOU CHEATER!" He stood and pulled out his Q2 hold-out blaster.
Before he could pull the trigger though, he was shot. Everyone backed away, and Boeman fell to the ground.
"Thanks, Chewie." Han nodded to his friend. "You, ok?"
"Wyogg, ur oh." Chewie answered.
Han stood up, and the crowd around them dispersed. Boeman's henchman was gone, but the girl stood there.
Han looked at the money on the table, at Chewie, and then back at the girl. For the first time in his life, he was unsure what to do next. This girl belonged to him now, and he was responsible for her-- now there was a scary thought. Worse yet, she was looking at him expectantly. I don't know what to do anymore than you, kid, Han thought.
"My name's Han Solo. This is Chewbacca." Han pointed to his hairy friend. "What do they call you?"
"Leia. Leia Skywalker." she said. Her dark eyes sparked at him like a broken power coupling.
Han picked up several credits off the table and handed them to her. "We're leaving in two hours. Get yourself what you need for a long trip. Meet us back at Docking Bay 94."
The girl eyes widened, but she nodded and left. Han sorted the currency and gave half to Chewie.
"Wuahh rooohu niche yoar worhaa?" asked Chewie tilting his head.
"I guess we're taking her with us." Han answered.
"Rooohu gyre worhaa." Chewie suggested.
"If I sell her, she'll end up with more slime like Boeman."
"Rooohu rewia borka." was Chewie's next idea.
"No, we can't just set her free in this pit of a town." Han said, "She'll have to come with us."
"Rooohu hrrrrrnnnn." Chewie conceeded.
"I'm always right." Han joked. "But, Chewie, maybe you better follow her so she doesn't get into trouble." Or run off.
Chewie nodded and left.
Han put the money in his pocket. As he walked out, he tossed a coin to Wuher. "Sorry about the mess."
A/N Review please! I hope you liked it!