A/N: Okay

A/N: Okay. I love Twilight. It's addicting. This story is a tribute to Stephenie Meyer, by the way. She's my inspiration. : )

Disclaimer: If I owned Twilight, do you honestly think I would have time to be sitting here and writing this mediocre attempt at a fan story? Sorry. All credit for that goes to the one and only Stephenie Meyer.

Part One


Forks, Washington was not my idea of home. I couldn't imagine myself settling down here. I didn't see how anyone could stand the dreadful rain spells, the awful smell of the middle-of-nowhere, or the sad excuse for a high school. So I couldn't call Forks home. I couldn't settle in Forks, that is, until I met Edward Cullen. After I met Edward, I could call anyplace he was home…

"Bells! Hurry up, or you'll be late for your first day of school!" Charlie called, tossing a pancake up in the air and missing it, once again, with the pan.

"You don't have to yell, Dad," I told him, grabbing the pan and flipping a couple of flapjacks for him. It was obvious that he wasn't a very… adequate cook. That's why I worried about him, being alone as he was for most of the day. There wasn't a whole lot of criminal activity in Forks, anyway, so he really wasn't needed.

"Thanks, Bella," he said in much quieter, more reasonable tone. "What would I do without you?"

"I don't know, Dad," I admitted, kissing his cheek and grabbing my coat off of the rack by the front door in one swift motion. "Probably the same thing you've been doing for the last seventeen years."

"Yeah. I was lost."

I actually laughed then, partly because of what he'd said, and partly because I was surprised that I'd managed not to hurt myself for an entire hour that morning. "OOF!"

"Are you alright, Bells?" Charlie shouted.

I'd thought too soon. "Fine, Dad. I'm fine."

"Okay. See you later." I had been living with Charlie for a total of three days, and he'd already gotten used to my clumsiness and total disregard for my surroundings. Great. "When you get there, just go straight to the office. They're already expecting you, Honey."

"Thanks, Dad. Bye."

"Bye, Bella. Oh! And don't forget to-"

"Call you right when school's over," I finished for him. I'd gotten this speech at least a hundred times over the expanse of the last three days and nights. By then I was ready to get out of the house, anyway. Even school was better than this third-degree.

"And you might want to look for-"

"Jessica, Angela, Mike, or Jake. I got it, Dad." I reached for the door, and was almost home-free when Charlie just had to speak again.

"Okay. And Bella?"

"W-h-at Dad?" This was really getting annoying.

"Have a good day."

Hopefully, that was all. Because that was all I heard. I never did understand how my borderline obnoxious mother, Renee, could stand to live with someone as introverted and careful as Charlie. In fact, I found it hard to believe that the two had been married at all.

But they had been. And, to the same affect, they had been divorced. Now THAT was believable.

"Bella Swann," I told the receptionist in the quiet, rundown excuse for a school office.

"Ahh, yes," the short, robust woman said, peering over her bifocals. "Chief Swann's girl, is it?"

I nodded curtly. "Yes. I am."

"Well, all righty, then," she continued, placing a stack of papers in my hand. "Here are your registration forms, class schedule, events calendar, and a couple of other things that might come in handy."

"Thank you." Short and simple. That was the way to handle these small-town people, or so I was convinced.

She smiled at me as she waved, a smile that I thought would overtake her chubby face had there not been so much of it.

"Later, then," I finished, already heading out of the room.


A/N: Hello, again, Mate. : ) Okay. So there's a reason this chapter is reeeeeally short. I wanted to see how people reacted to the story. So if you want another chapter READ AND REVIEW! R & R, as we fanfictioners would say. Pretty please. The faster you review, the faster the chapters come. Much thanks,
