"Briarwood academy

"Briarwood academy!" Massie Block shrieked as she opened another brochure.

"Massie calm down." Kendra Block said.

"No!!" Massie screeched. "I can not go to Briarwood. What about O.C.D.?"

"Massie, its better this way." William Block assured his daughter. Massie sat on her bed.

and sighed. "Are we poor? Is your company falling?"

"No" William laughed. "But, were into the Briarwood area so why not?"

Massie pouted. "If you're doing well then why do I have to change schools?"

"Mass, we think maybe you should enter a whole new world." Kendra said.

Massie folded her arms across her chest.

"You've been going to OCD for the longest time. Its time for a change" Kendra said.

"Why Briarwood? Mom you went to OCD." Massie said.

"Your father went to Briarwood." Kendra said.

"I won't know anyone." Massie frowned.

"No, Cam will be there." William said.

"I don't want to go." Massie protested.

"You're going." William said. "Starting next Monday."

The two left Massie's room. Massie laid on her bed and groaned. "Someone shoot me."

Just then Massie's phone started vibrating. Massie got up and grabbed her phone.

"Hello?" Massie answered. "Oh, hey Bridget yeah, I'm going to Briarwood. I know I cant believe it either, yeah ..ok, fine, well bye!"

Massie picked up another brochure and started reading "Gawd." Massie groaned.

Once Sunday came, the Blocks moved into their new mansion, just as big as the other but they had more land on this one. They had dinner with the Fishers." so, Massie's transferring into Briarwood?" Cam Fisher asked. Cam was Massie's cousin. They were so close like brother and sister.

"Yes." Kendra smiled.

"It's a change from that prep school you go to. I think you'll love Briarwood'" Vivian Fisher said. Massie smiled then frowned. She loved the Fishers they were awesome but Massie knew very well that the Fishers hated her going to OCD.

After dinner, the Fishers stayed a while. Massie went outside and sat on a porch swing Cam sat next to her. "So, how awesome is this gonna be? You going to Briarwood. This will be the best experience of your life." Cam said excitedly.

Massie sighed "I doubt that."

"Briarwood is just as expensive as OCD'" Cam said.

Massie rolled her eyes. "Not that."

"Well you already know my friends" Cam said.

"Oh, yeah," Massie said "Derrick Harrington an arrogant jerk."

Cam shrugged. "Its been five years since you last saw him."

Massie shrugged. "He despises me."

Cam smiled. "if you didn't have to be such a perfectionist."


"Omigawd." Massie said she was standing in front of briarwood academy. Massie looked at her outfit she was wearing a pink short sleeved blazer that went perfect with her pink plaid skirt. Her brown hair was in a low pony tail. Massie turned around "mom dad this is…eww."

Kendra frowned "you'll grow to like it"

"Yeah Mass, give it a chance." William said. "It has excellent teachers and a huge library filled with a thousand books." Massie rolled her eyes. Like he was gonna win her over with that.

"Well we gotta go Massie." Kendra said.

"Yeah I'm late for a meeting." William said. He walked toward her "Just give it a chance stay at least till the end the end of the semester. If you don't like it you can go back to OCD." Massie looked around "till the end of the semester." William walked away. Massie turned around and walked toward the building. Some people were skating, playing instruments, break dancing, and were on laptops. Massie fished I her Prada messenger bag and grabbed her cell phone. She speed dialed Bridget and walked in the building. Once Bridget finally answered. "Bridge Omigawd" Massie panicked.

"What how is it?" she asked

"Terrible." Massie answered.


"So your cousin's moving into briarwood?" Kemp Hurley asked Cam. Cam nodded Derrick kicked the ball to Chris Plovert "Wow, your geek of a cousin in Briarwood."

Cam smacked Derrick "It's been five years."

"Yeah and last I remembered she had freckles, braces, and braids." Derrick laughed and Plovert joined him.

"She didn't have braces." Cam defended Massie.

"Right whatever you say." Derrick rolled his eyes.

"Isn't Massie a supposed genius?" Josh Hotz asked. Cam nodded.

Derrick sighed "And that was the worst part."

"Aww, did she beat you in go fish?" Kemp laughed.

A couple of girls walked up to them. "Hey Derrick!" They giggled. Derrick nodded their direction. "Ladies." he said coolly. The girls walked away smiley and giddy.

"So which poor defenseless girl you dating this week?" Plovert asked.

"Megan Bradford" Derrick replied. "But I may have to break up with her."

"Why?" Cam asked while kicking the soccer ball toward Josh.

"She's just getting annoying." Derrick answered.

"Whatever dude." Plovert said.

"Cam." A female voice called. The guys turned to see a pretty brunette girl walking up to them.

"Hey Mass." Cam smiled. "Guys this is Massie Block, my cousin."

Massie waved and the guys smiled except Derrick. Derrick walked up to her and stood next to Cam. "Massie Block haven't seen you since I was in the sixth grade. How could you possibly be related to Logan Block?" Derrick asked he was referring to Massie's older Brother who was in college right now." How is Logan?"

"In Yale, a place you'll never be." Massie shot back.

"Ouch." Derrick said sarcastically. "If only I cared."

"I'm sure you wouldn't." Massie countered.

"How's your chemistry set?" Derrick smirked.

"How's your IQ?" Massie shot back.

"Uh.." Cam began "Mass I'll show you around."

"So your permanently gonna stay her? Kemp piped up." "Till senior year? Graduation?"

Massie shook her head. "Till the end of the semester."

"I can't wait." Derrick said under his breath.

"Well neither can I" Massie groaned.

"Let's take a tour." Cam suggested.

"Um actually I think I'll go by myself." Massie said.

"Okay." Cam said. Derrick smiled brightly. "Hope you get lost."

"Doubt it." Massie said and walked away.

"That's your cousin?" Josh asked.

"Yeah." Plovert smiled. "She's hot."

Cam rolled his eyes. All the guys were smiley except Cam and Derrick.

"Dude, what's up with you?" Kemp asked. Josh nodded in agreement. "Massie seems cool." Derrick looked at them with disgust. "Sure she dresses a little nerdy but…" Plovert said. Derrick made a disgusted face. "Ew she's a total geek." Derrick said and watched Massie walk off. But deep down Derrick was thinking the same thing Massie Block had changed.


Massie walked around Briarwood sure it was a great school but, the people made it terrible. Massie was headed for her locker when she collided with some blond girl with guitar. They both went crashing down. "Oww." Massie said as she got up. The blond girl got up too. "Ohh…sorry."

"No, it's fine." Massie assured the stranger.

"I'm such a klutz it's my fault." The girl said.

"Well, technically we both weren't watching where we were going and we just happened to go opposite directions so it was partially my fault." Massie said.

"Okay." The girl said confused. "How come I haven't seen you around here?"

"I'm new." Massie replied. "Transfer student from OCD."

"Oh I'm Claire Lyons." She extended an arm and Massie shook it then said "Jay Lyon's daughter."

Claire nodded. "Yeah, the big technology designer." Massie nodded then Claire asked "And you are?"

"Fascinated." Massie said obviously impressed.

Claire laughed. "No you are? Your identity?"

"Oh.." Massie smiled "Massie Block."

"Logan Block's sister?" Claire asked.

Massie nodded. "You know him?" Claire nodded "Yeah he's like a soccer legend in Briarwood. He was the most popular guy in school. Too bad he graduated already. And went to Yale right?" Massie nodded. "Yep." Claire smiled. "School's gonna be different without him. I mean, all the guys wanted to be friends with him and all the girls wanted him." Massie laughed. "Are you serious? He's such a dork."

Claire laughed. "Well he was pretty popular."

Massie smiled she was fond of Claire. Claire was different from everybody else. She wore a black jacket, jeans, boots, and a black leather hat. She wasn't dressed up like everyone else but she was just as rich and she carried a guitar, one of the instruments Massie could play.

Briarwood's main doors opened and four girls came walking in like they were walking down a run way modeling the latest designer way. It was weird. Everyone stopped and stared at them it was like time was slowing down. Massie looked around everyone seemed to be hypnotized by them.

"Ah the pretty committee." Claire said to Massie. Massie looked at her. "The what?"

"The pretty committee." Claire repeated. "The most popular girls in school. They tell you who's in what's out. And all that stuff. The blond one on the left is Olivia Ryan. She's not the brightest of people but she's pretty guys right her a total ten but she's not that perfect she gets her nose done."

Massie stared at Olivia her shiny blond hair and sparkling blue eye she looked gorgeous.

Claire continued. "The red head is Dylan Marvil. She's totally rich cause her moms a famous TV personality." Massie looked at the Dylan. She had fiery red curls and emarl eyes. Claire resumed her introduction. "The other blond is Kristen Gregory. She's in the soccer team. And she's totally smart." Kristen looked like a total athletic girl. But she was in a mini skirt. "And then." Claire continued. "We have he queen bee. Alicia Rivera. She's filthy rich. She may look innocent but she can make the rest of your high school life a living hell before you could even have the chance to insult her." The Spanish beauty was walking slowly and waving to a couple people. Her almond shaped eyes and dark raven hair made her look gorgeous.

"So the pretty committee?" Massie asked. Claire nodded. "But their not always that close I mean, Alicia and Kristen compete all the time. And Alicia hates competition they all fight except for Olivia because she's Alicia's worker bee and side kick. Olivia wouldn't dare go against Alicia because she doesn't have the guts too."

The bell rang it was time to get to class. Finally Massie thought I can focus on academics.


"So, Cam where's your cousin?" Dylan asked.

Cam shrugged. "She has the same homeroom as us. She should be here any minute."

Derrick sighed. "Great more Massie."

"Aww, what's wrong with you?" Alicia asked.

"Massie." Josh replied. "He's mad because Massie's smart and stuff. But she seems cool."

"She came from OCD." Derrick said. "What more do you need?"

"Well were not going to trust your judgment." Alicia said. "I mean she is Logan Block's sister."

"Logan Block's sister." Derrick said. "Not Logan Block."

Massie was walking into her homeroom her blazer got wet so she stuffed it in her messenger bag. She let her brown hair out of its neat ponytail. She looked casual without her blazer cause she was wearing a white tank top and a pink plaid skirt. When Massie walked in all eyes were on her. Massie found a set in the back. Class didn't start for another five minutes. Massie pulled out a book and started reading.

"That's your cousin?" Kristen asked surprised.

"She doesn't look like a geek well except for the clothes and the thick frame glasses but she can pull it off." Dylan commented.

Alicia nodded in agreement. "She looks cute."

"Eww." Derrick said unenthusiastically.

"Whatever." Alicia rolled her eyes.

"So what you're going to replace Olivia?" Plovert asked.

"Look just cause me and Olivia dated for like five days does not mean were in a relationship." Derrick said.

"Whatever." Cam said.

"Seriously." Derrick insisted and stole a quick look at Massie. Ugh couldn't she be ugly? Derrick thought. Why'd she have to be so pretty?