Everyone thought Spencer Reid was weak.
It was because he was so smart that everyone naturally assumed that he wasn't strong. Or maybe it was because of his body structure and the way he dressed as if always preparing for an internship interview at Stanford.
But Derek Morgan knew better, knew all to well, that his partner was anything but weak.
He knew that at the tender age of 18 he had made a choice no child, no matter their age, should ever have to make. He knew that as a even younger child he was abandoned and betrayed by a father who should have stayed.
Morgan knew that while their job would tear a normal person apart, bit by bit, Spencer thrived each day…growing stronger with each case.
And because Derek Morgan knew all this, knew just how strong Spencer Reid was, he took advantage of it.
They were laying in their bed, sweat and exhaustion still rolling down their bodies, Spencer's head resting on his chest while the older man tried to catch his breath.
"Spence?" Derek muttered quietly after a moment.
"Yeah?" Spencer asked, tilting his head backwards to look at him.
Derek opened his mouth to speak then clamped it such. The momentary courage already gone. "Nothing, never mind."
Spencer rolled over and repositioned himself with his chin resting on Derek's shoulder. "I-I know you probably don't…but you know…if you ever want to talk I'm here to listen."
Derek stared down at his clear brown eyes and saw strength. He sucked in a ragged breath, then began.
"The first time he touched me, I was confused-"
Hours later, long after he had finished speaking, Spencer asleep again against his chest, Derek Morgan marveled at just how strong Spencer Reid was.