Dear Light

Why do you smile,
You fool!
I've taken all that

You've held


I heard you scream

And let you weep

As I held

The body of


Your fault, Light,

Innocent simpleton.

You expect me

To say that

I'm sorry.

You still preach
The importance of life

Even when I've

Destroyed ours?

Please don't.

Look how high

We've risen!

I feel the wind,

Yet you still


You stupidly confuse

My principles with

Lust for power

Or revenge, or pride,

or hate -

Why do you fight

What you know is right?

Just let go of

Obstacles like

our love.

I'm counting

The drop in crime,

I don't see how

It's so vile

for you.

You count the seconds

In our life,

But I know that I,

Kira - justice! -

is infinite.

You lament our family,

Though I've told you

There are sacrifices

To be made,


You're a stubborn

Conscience who

Drones on and on

That I am

a demon.

You have

No power, now!

You grew up thinking

There was nothing

That you

can't handle.

It's Kira you've lost

Control of,

So cling to your

Delusions of

a heart!

Didn't you want this?

So Daddy could rest,

So the world was clean?

You lived by that


Now it's happened

And you're afraid

Of what you've done,

And what

I could be.

You're a child!

You're broken

For a freak,

Scared while we're


So I'll make you,

Sniveling human,


I can't be God

with you.

Just like L!

How much you

loved him,

I told you this:

But he'll fall.

I was right,

Wasn't I?

Fallen to God,

But now, still

I'm bound.

Human walls

Block me.

But I've got


To follow.

They've caught us,

You laugh!

There must

Be a joke

I've missed.

Because Kira,

His justice

Is forever.



Death makes us

Both shiver.

Too much blood

To say


Forty seconds,

And where is that

Regret you said I'd feel?

Look, L, at your


That's your heart.

How can you need

Something so painful?

Death seems to take


Oh, look at the ugly world

We're leaving, so full

Of liars, they all said

That in death there'd be a


Inspired by that one book Crank by Ellen Hopkins. Honestly, I haven't finished that book, and I started like a month ago. It's taking a pretty long time, considering it only has like ten words each page. Sigh.

It's just that it's so... ANGSTY. I usually like angst, but for some reason, I hate it here.

Anyway, her little messy poetry thing is what got me thinking up this. I was sort of aiming for a slight LightxLxKira triangle (L being at the center), but I'm not good at it, apparently. Maybe it's my dislike of love triangles and Crank (don't hurt me, any fans out there!) that's got me so dissatisfied with this.

Anyway, I doubt it's getting any better, so might as well post it. Light feels incredibly OOC to me, but I was trying to REALLY make a contrast. I mean, this piece isn't very subtle, is it? And rushed, too, especially at the end...

I love MPD!Light, by the way.

Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note. Not even a death note. Sad, ain't it?