DISCLAIMER: I do not (or will I ever) own the twilight series' characters, plots, settings (etc.)

Hi, I hope you like this, just a silly little one shot --about true events-- oh my.

"Um, Bella, What in the world are you doing?" A very confused Edward asked as he came into the room. I had fallen again for the millionth time.

"Trying to do a handstand." I said, getting ready to try again.

I had to admit, I was getting better. But I was still a failure. Alice came in when she heard us talking.

"Handstands?" She asked, poking her head around the corner. "Would you like one handed, two handed, walking, ballet style..."

"Enough Alice!" Edward and I said at the same time. She scowled at us and turned to go back to her room.

"Love," Edward said, kneeling beside me. "Why do you want to do a handstand so badly?"

I sighed. It was an embarrassing reason actually. Who knew little kids in the park were so good at handstands?

"I...I..." I sighed and gave up trying to think of a lie.

"When Rose and I went to the park earlier today, and a little kid said I wouldn't be able to do a handstand."

"Yes," Edward said, his way of asking me to continue.

"Well, Rose said 'Yea! Bella will beat you! She's the best!'"

Edward nodded. "And then?" He asked, holding my hand.

"Well, let's just say, it ended with Rose and I being chased out of the park by laughing little children throwing cupcakes."

Before Edward could open his mouth to speak, the entire family was at the door. Esme and Carlisle were still downstairs though, doing god knows what. Emmett was laughing, as was Alice. Jasper had a million different emotions flash on his face, and Rose was combing her hair through.

"It took me three hours to get that mess of cupcake out of my hair!" She complained, plopping down on the bed.

Emmett and Alice were still laughing like total retards, I was blushing, and Jasper went to sit beside Rose.

"Emmett, Alice!" Edward scolded, but they didn't seem to hear. I sighed and stood up.

I was determined to do a handstand even if it would kill me. Which it probably would.

My 'handstand' ended about four seconds later, with my body falling completely over from where I was doing a handstand.

"I WILL DO IT!" I screamed, then got a running start.

Well, turns out that running into a wall isn't the smartest idea... I ended up with a huge bruise on my forehead, and a massive headache.

Edward sighed. "if I help you to do a handstand, will you stop all of this nonsense?" He asked me.

I nodded my head, which really hurt.

Edward sighed again, and grabbed my legs from beneath me. He dangled me from his one hand, making my palms touch the floor. Then, he got Alice to hold me steady, as he got into a handstand of his own.

"Hi there. Come here often?" I asked him.

He smiled my favorite crooked smile and kissed me.

Well, he should have known better than that! My arms started to wobble beneath me, and then gave out. I fell on the floor on top of Edward.

"Bella," Edward said as he helped me up. "Remind me to never book you into a gymnastics lesson. It could be hazardous for the world."

I smiled, and he smiled back. We were about to kiss again, but Alice's head popped between us before we could.

"OMG, LEAPING LIZARDS, KOALAS, PENGUINS, HIPPOS, GORILLAS! I NEED MORE SUGAR!!" Then she ran down the stairs yelling like Tarzan.


hahaha, I hope you liked it, it was just a silly little one-shot to help me get over writer's block... yup. That's all for now folks, stay tuned for a new chapter for another story! And be sure to vote for your favorite on my profile page!! THANKS!!

(oh, and please, please, please REVIEW!!)
