Sorry about the long wait. School started up and life got crazy. I probably won't be updating very often for the next few weeks, sorry. My computer got a virus and it is being stupid. I am constantly running computer and virus scans to try and get rid of it and it keeps coming back. It takes me 6 or 7 times of writing and sending an email before it actually goes through and somebody got hold of my mother's credit card information and is sending us expensive products and they probably got it through me so life is a bit hectic at the moment. School is kicking my butt. I doubled up on math, stupid, stupid, stupid, *hits head repeatedly against her dorm room wall* I have no idea what possessed me to take Algebra 2 AND Trig, but I did. But I will try to update at least once a week. I promise I will finish the story.
I am not Tamora Pierce and that lucky lady owns everything!!!
The following morning Kel, Dom, and his squad left Queenscove for Mindelan. Kel and Dom had spent all day listening to well wishers and avoiding conservatives. Nobles had poured in all day for Kaitlynn's wedding in three days and the controversial couple was happy when they could leave.
About an hour after they left Queenscove, Wolset broke formation and rode up to Kel and Dom. Kel tensed, subtly, knowing what was coming. Dom's squad had been particularly docile the day before, training, greeting guests, and flirting. They had yet to cause any grief for Kel and Dom and Kel knew that her luck was ending.
"Did you know you lost me 20 gold nobles?" Wolset asked, surprising Kel. "You couldn't have waited one more week? Was it really that important that you propose in front of all the conservatives?"
"What? What in Mithros's name are you going on about, Corporal?" Dom asked.
"The bet!!!! You made me lose the bet!!!! I thought you'd get betrothed within 3 days of arriving at Mindelan. And I was the earliest bet. No one bet that you'd get betrothed at Queenscove. I now have to return all of the bet money to the rest of Third Company and to a bunch on knights! This is so like you..."
Kel had to stifle a smile. It was so like them to bet on everything and anything. Even things she hadn't even thought of. And it was definitely like Wolset to be more concerned about ruining his bet than that Kel and Dom were betrothed.
"… it was the biggest bet pool I'd had yet and, since nobody won, I have to return all of the money!!!" Wolset continued.
"Watch it, Corporal. You just might find yourself demoted," Dom threatened with a growl.
Wolset stuck out his tongue at his commanding officer but, noticing the look on Dom's face, Wolset returned to his place in line.
When they broke for the night, Dom assigned Wolset latrine duty. For the rest of the trip.
"You had to know that they were betting on us, Dom. They bet on everything. You're just in a pet because you were left out of the loop of something," Kel gently scolded him.
Dom pouted, refusing to meet Kel's eye as he set up his tent.
"Dom, look at me," Kel commanded, grabbing his arm to stop him from destroying his tent. "What is wrong? Did I do something wrong? I don't know why you are so upset about a silly little bet."
Dom turned to face her. "No, Kel. Never. I just… ugh… I don't know. Its silly but I feel odd around my men now. I was always the court flirt, not caring who's heart I broke and now I'm engaged to be married to the first true lady knight and none of them are even courting at the moment. I just feel as though there is a barrier between them and me now."
"Dom, I love you and I don't want you to get offended, but that is ridiculous. I think you've been spending too much time with Neal. You are becoming just as dramatic as him. Your squad is still your squad and they all adore you. Just because we are betrothed, doesn't mean you aren't the same sergeant who they play pranks with and tease mercilessly. You're still you, Dom, and nothing will ever change that."
''You're amazing, you know that? You always know exactly what to say to make me feel better but, for the record, I resent the Meathead comment. I am not like him."
Kel smiled as he kissed her.
Back in Corus, the king and queen were also having a heart to heart discussion.
There was a hesitant knock at the door to the king's study.
"Come in," Jon called, still massaging his hand against his forehead. He poured another two drops of the headache relief medicine that Duke Baird had given him a couple of weeks prior. "You can come in," Jon called again when no one entered his study. He waited a few more moments before gulping down his tea and laying his head on the desk.
He was jolted awake by Thayet who entered his office. She looked quite put out.
Great, thought Jon. He was going to get chewed out again. Jon had tried to talk to Thayet the night before but had not been able to enter his own rooms. "Yes?" Jon asked.
"Why didn't you let me in? You never lock the doors to your study. At least not the ones that connect it to our inner rooms," Thayet replied a little hurt.
"I didn't, whoever you got to put the spells on our rooms to keep me out did. Wait, you were the one knocking a couple moments ago? How did you get around to the hallway that quickly?"
"Actually," Thayet replied with a smirk, "I didn't. I knocked on the doors to your study about half a bell ago. I got stopped several times in the hallways on my way around."
Jon was too stresses to even rise to the challenge in his queen's voice. "Did you come here for any particular reason? Because if not, could you please save the lecture for later. I have some work to do," Jon gestured to the massive piles of paperwork and letters strewn across his desk.
Jon ran his hands through his hair again as Thayet walked over to him. He had just put his head down on the desk when she started massaging his neck. He smiled. Thayet always knew when he was stressed and she gave great massages.
"Are you okay?" Thayet whispered to his neck as she worked the knots out of his muscles. "You seem tense, well more tense than usual."
"It might have something to do with the Scanran bandits still running loose in Tortall or the particularly stubborn conservatives who think the commoners are getting too powerful and want me to restrict their rights or the fact that I have no idea what to do with the refugee camps or that the conservatives are outraged about the lady knight's betrothal or even with the fact that my wife made me sleep on a cot in here last night," Jon snapped, his emotions completely frayed.
"Shh, " Thayet whispered as she continued massaging her husbands neck. She kissed his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to add to your stress levels. Why didn't you tell me everything that has been happening?"
"You've been busy with the riders since Buri quit and Evin took over. I didn't want to add to your work load."
Thayet smiled as Jon turned his chair around to face her. "Well, that was a very sweet but stupid thing to do. We are partners and we need to work together. Promise you'll share everything with me from now on?" Thayet asked.
"If you truly want me to."
"Good. Now, what is stressing you out?" Thayet asked all business like as she pulled up a chair.
Jon smiled and turned back around to his desk."You know I love you, right?"
"Of course but it is nice to hear it. So, what are the mean ol' conservatives up to this time," Thayet asked comically.
"Some of the more traditional and obnoxious nobles have a problem with commoners learning to defend themselves. Oh, it is all perfectly fine and dandy to teach rough mountain boys to defend their villages if it means nobles don't have to provide protection for them, but they fear teaching commoners in larger cities located near them. Especially women. They think if a woman knows how to protect herself, the next logical step will be letting women into out armies and palace guard."
"Have they really forgotten that 100 years ago, women made up an equal portion of the guards, soldiers, and knights as men?"
"Apparently. I personally think they are more afraid that it is rubbing off on the noble women. Men want noble ladies to be small, delicate, and stupid and be forced to rely on their equally stupid husbands, brothers, or fathers. I have dozens of letters from outraged nobles claiming that we are poisoning their precious, dainty daughters by teaching them self defense at the convent. Most of them don't blame you, Dain, Buri, or Kel, but there are a few who do. Many blame your dressmaker, Lalasa I think, saying that she is corrupting the women by teaching common girls to fight and spreading her influence to her clients."
"Of course," Thayet said. "Blame the commoner. A much easier target."
Jon agreed. They spent six hours discussing everything that had been bothering Jon. They went through and organized Jon's papers, discussing what problems were relevant and coming up with solutions for them and sorting the rest into piles to be properly dealt with.
Two bells after midnight, the royal couple called it quits. They had gone through almost all of the papers and letters on his desk and had come up with several solutions to be discussed when the congress met the following week. The only thing they hadn't talked about was Kel and Dom's betrothal although Thayet had seen countless letters expressing outrage over the fact. Apparently, news traveled even faster than she had thought.
They went down to the kitchens to grab something to eat before returning to their rooms.
"We have to talk about it sometime," Thayet announced as she was changing for bed.
"Talk about what?" Jon asked, playing stupid.
"Kel." Thayet said simply.
"Tonight," Thayet replied but Jon was already blowing out the candles.
I am trying to get this story back on track. It started out with Kel getting attacked and has turned into a romance so I am trying to get it back to action. Bare with me please.
Sorry again for the long wait. I started this chapter a month ago almost and I have rewritten it several times and I got stuck several times so if it doesn't really flow I am sorry. I will try to update next week. It is Mardi Gras break starting this Friday so I will have a whole week to do 2 weeks worth of work instead of a week to do 2 weeks worth of work and classes. I will try to update soon.