Sorry for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG delay. Honestly, I've written so many fics that I'm not finished with yet, because I've gotten tired of them, including this one. But, I won't stop. I'll still write it. I actually put more effort into this chapter than I thought I would, even if it is short.

Meanwhile, Manny & Zoë were talking in Manny's house. They were laughing on his couch.

"Hey, Manny, you wanna play pranks on Frida?" Zoë asked.


"Well, remember all the times she came between us & kept you from seeing how you really loved me?"

"Hmm…" Manny thought, flashbacks of previous times, such as when Frida & Zoë had been mad at each other over Frida's birthday parties, when they were all partners in their science project, when Frida had insisted that Zoë was Black Cuervo, them trying to expose her, when Frida approved of Manny using her to get information, & so on… "You do have a point…" he finally said.

"So, you wanna do it? Nothing bad, just funny stuff."

"Well, ok. As long as we don't hurt anyone."

"Of course!"


So, later, Manny & Zoë went on a montage of pulling pranks on Frida. During lunch period at school, they had sabotaged her milk, so, it would spray in her face.

"AAAH! I can't SEE!!!" Frida had screamed, running around the room, while Manny & Zoë laughed there heads off. They had also had convinced her sisters that Frida had messed up their room, so, they'd pull something on her as well. Her sisters had poured glue on her bed, so, when she went to bed, she'd be stuck there.

"GUYS! GET ME OFF OF HERE!" Frida had screamed, while he sisters giggled. Manny & Zoë had also let loose a strange dog in her yard, so, when she walked out, it would bark at her, making her think she was being attacked. Sergio had tried to save her, but, only ended up being mauled, making Frida giggle uncontrollably. Daniel would be watching, as well, chuckling that his evil plan was working.

Later, around the around the afternoon, Frida was walking down the sidewalk, & Manny & Zoë were hiding behind a fence, giggling.

"This'll be the best prank, yet!" Manny said to Zoë.

"Yes! She'll never see it coming!" Zoë agreed. As Frida walked, she stepped on a trip wire & it unhooked a hook that was holding a rope, holding a balloon filled with puding, before it shot at Frida, hitting her in the face & popping, spilling vanilla pudding all over her face & shoulders, & knocking her over. She sat up.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Manny & Zoë laughed so hard, Frida heard them, just before they fell of off the fence. "I hate you guys!" Frida shouted, running off. Manny & Frida were too busy laughing to hear her, also not noticing Sergio glaring menacingly at them.

"How dare they do that to my Frida!" he said. He stomped off to go see Frida again.


Frida & Sergio were sitting at the lunch table together.


"Yeah?" Frida asked.

"Umm…do you want to…"

"Hold on." Frida turned back to the other kids, listening to them talk. Sergio sat back down & sighed.

Later, in his lair, he was sitting in a chair, slumping & resting his head on his hand.

"Frida pays much less attention to me than she did to Manny when they liked each other." he thought aloud to himself, "What if she still likes Manny better than me?!" He began to worry, as he stood up, pacing back & forth, "SHE MUST BE MINE! I MUST DESTROY EL TIGRE!" He got into his Senor Senestrio suit & zoomed off to destroy Manny.

To Be Continued…

Hope it was what you wanted. ^^