Chapter 47: To Imladris, To the Council of Elrond

One thousand, nine hundred and sixty years later…

Evelyn looked down at her boots, toeing the marble pattern on the floor.

"How could you let this happen Legolas!" her Grandfather yelled at her Father without restraint. "Do you have any concept of just how dangerous this situation has now become!"

"I'm sorry my King, the fault is mine," Legolas replied as he himself fixed his eyes on the floor.

Evelyn cringed.

"I would suggest that next time you take more care, but I know not if I should trust you with a task of such importance again. Ready yourself to leave for Imladris, you can take this news to Elrond yourself." With his final words he stormed out of the room, followed by his entourage.

As the room emptied the Princess desperately searched for the words to explain how she allowed the creature Gollum to escape. After a moments silence Legolas spoke calmly, "I'm waiting for an explanation, Evelyn."

"Ada, I'm sorry," she started to well up, fearing his disappointment so much more than his anger.

"Just tell me what happened, I shouldn't have left you in command of such a delicate situation Evie and I'm sorry, you were simply not ready, I see that now."

"I let him out," she breathed, not being able to stand him taking the blame upon himself any longer.

Her Father stared blankly at her. "You did what?"

"We are not barbarians Father, cooping up a creature in a cage, it was cruel! He just wanted to walk under the moonlight…"

"That was not your decision to make! I gave you specific instruction, you were to follow it to the letter!"

"I know that now! He deceived me, he seemed so weak, I thought if I just walked him around for ten minutes… but after the elven horns sounded he became skittish, I could not restrain him and he was suddenly so fast!"

"Alright you've said enough," Legolas halted her as she became more and more upset. "I will go to Imladris and sort this mess."

"I ask your permission, Father, to accompany you."

"No," Legolas automatically ruled.

He looked at his eldest. She was trying to make up for her mistakes.

"Ada, Saes." (Daddy, please)

"I said no!" he barked, effectively getting his point across.

She nodded, still teary eyed and in an attempt to remain composed, offered a reluctant salute before leaving the council room.

Evelyn knew better than to speak against her Father publicly, but the words were on the tip of her tongue as she watched him stand, pledging his bow to the ringbearer. Boran grasped her arm, pulling her back fully into her seat. She bit her lip and kept her silence.

He had in anger forbidden her to come with him, but his resolve ebbed as the evening had worn on. He conceded eventually, figuring her to be no safer in Mirkwood at present, orc raids plaguing the southernmost edges of the city even as they had left.

After the Council had parted Boran ran after his Friend, "Legolas!"

Turning, the Prince knew what he was about to say.

"Legolas, I will accompany you."

"Nay Boran, you must stay and watch over my family," he paused, trying to decide if he should speak his mind or not. At length he added, "Ceres and I have had more time than we ever dreamed of when we were young, I will not rob my Daughter of that happiness. Boran, I cannot part you."

The Captain looked to the floor, what a fool he felt for believing he and Evelyn could conceal their love from Legolas. How long had he known? He glanced worriedly to the Prince's eyes. How much did he know?

"I do not wish to leave her, knowing I will almost certainly not return," Boran paused, opting for the truth and feeling such relief to speak it, "But neither do I wish to send my closest Friend to face the dark mountain alone, or to see Evie's pain when word reaches us that you will not be coming home."

Legolas smiled despite such grim words, placing a reassuring hand on Boran's shoulder. "I stand not alone, eight companions, all just and true. Well seven at least, the Dwarf will have to prove himself to earn my trust!" His account of what had transpired between his Father and that of Gimli had of course come from Thranduil. He then abruptly laughed, "Besides, I shall return for I am a better shot than you!"

Boran's face broke into a smile and he shoved his Friend playfully. "Cocky bastard," he laughed, "Your stubbornness alone shall bring you home!"

Mellowing, Legolas removed his wedding ring and handed it to Boran. He rubbed the white band left on his finger from so many years of wearing it. "Boran, will you take care of it for me? If the enemy should capture me, 'tis a weakness they will exploit if they know I have a family."

Boran nodded sadly, "If the worst should happen, I will give it to Ceres, if not then I shall simply keep it safe until your return. I shall not speak to her of it, she will go spare if she thinks you're out there without your wedding ring on."

They smiled at the thought of the Princess' wrath if she knew.

"Wait for me to come home, but if I do not, you have my leave to marry Evie," Legolas spoke genuinely.

Boran took his Friend's hand and shook it in thanks, he knew how hard it would be for Legolas to part with his eldest to any man. He had ridiculously been living in fear of his Friend for too long, he should have known he would be happy so long as his daughter was. "I promise you Legolas, I will always love her and care for her. And when you return to Mirkwood we shall all celebrate that. It will be the grandest wedding Elvendom has ever seen!"

"Aye and I shall fit the bill," Legolas laughed then hugged Boran.

"Come and see us before you leave? But if you do not get the chance, then be safe my dear Friend."

Legolas nodded, then left to prepare for the long road ahead of him.

Boran and Evelyn stood on one of Imladris' many walkways crossing the bruinen. They watched as the nine walked out of Imladris and turned south. They stood long after the company had passed beyond their vision. "Do you think we shall ever see him again?" Evelyn chocked back tears.

"Shhh, Melethen. Of course we will," Boran tried to sound sure of the fact, but his guilt at having not stayed by his Prince's side was eating away at him.

"Thank you, Boran," Evie traced his cheek lovingly, "For staying with me. I could not bear to part with you both."

The ellon kissed her tears from her cheeks and wound his fingers in her golden curls. He held her tightly as she wept quietly against his tunic. He thought back to the one instance in all the years he had known her where he had failed to protect her, when she had been taken to Dol Guldur as a child. He swore to her aloud as he had done to himself all those years ago.

"I will never leave you, my Princess."


A companion piece dedicated to Lathril is now up, titled 'Musings of a Maid'. You can also discuss Duty Bound and find out about the upcoming sequel by going on my profile and clicking on 'My Forums'.