My fourth story is now on the go!

Now, of course, this doesn't mean I've forgotten about my Tragedy and Triumph story. Far from it! I just figured I'd post something new, for a change. The story that you are about to read now takes place when Lucy (and her siblings, naturally!) is all grown-up, and it's generally about how she and Tumnus become parents for the first time. Yes, I support the idea of a Tumnus/Lucy relationship. I, for one, think it's a very lovely and very touching notion. I don't care what anyone else says or thinks; I say Tumnus and Lucy make a sweet couple. So what if he's a faun, and she's a human? Tumnus may not be entirely human, but he's not an animal either. I like to think of it as Beauty and the Beast, in the style of Narnia.

As you read this story, you will also get to know Terence, a very special character of mine. Of course, he does not hail from Narnia, nor is he part of the C.S. Lewis universe in any way whatsoever; but that, my friends, is the beauty of fan fiction—anything can happen!

Enjoy, and please tell me what you think when you're done reading! Even if it's only two or three words long, I wouldn't care.

And now, on with the story!

Chapter 1

"What could be taking so long?" Tumnus the faun's cloven hooves ticked rhythmically against the cool, hard marble floor as he paced anxiously about the room.

"Relax, Tumnus," answered his mate, Terence, a young unicorn converted to a handsome young man. "These things take time, you know. You'll just have to be patient."

"I hope Lucy is all right," said Tumnus, unable to hide his worry.

"She'll be fine," Terence assured him. "She is in good hands, mate. Susan, Mrs. Beaver, and the servants will take exceptional care of her."

The two friends were hanging out together in a small room at Castle Cair Paravel, waiting to receive news of Lucy—one of the supreme rulers of Narnia, and Tumnus's beloved wife. She was expecting a baby that night, and Tumnus was forced to stay away for the time being while Queen Susan (Lucy's elder sister), Mrs. Beaver, and a handful of maids tended to her needs.

Tumnus was beside himself with anxiety, while Terence remained as calm and cool as a cucumber. Tumnus doubted whether he would be able to endure this much longer. He had to know for himself that his Lucy was safe and well, and it was also the prospect of becoming a father for the first time that left the young faun in a bundle of nerves.

"For heaven's sake, Tumnus, will you calm down?" Terence asked, after a time. He sounded amused and exasperated at the same time, and there was also a small note of genuine concern contained in his tone. "Everything is going to be okay. Both your wife and your son are going to be perfectly all right."

"How do you even know I will have a son?" Tumnus countered.

"Okay, then, maybe you and Lucy will end up having a daughter. Or, you might wind up with both. It may be a set of twins, or triplets—or even possibly quadruplets, or quintuplets." Seeing the appalled look on Tumnus's face at the mention of quintuplets, Terence laughed outright and said with a hearty grin, "I'm joking, mate!"

Tumnus sighed and practically collapsed into a nearby chair, burying his head in his hands.

"I can't take much more of this," he groaned, with his face hidden. "How long has it been, Terence? It feels like we've been waiting here for hours."

"Actually, mate, we've only been here about twenty minutes or so," Terence estimated.

"Twenty minutes?" Tumnus repeated, opening his eyes and lifting his head in dismay. He plunged his head back into his hands a second later and groaned, "Oh, no! I'll never survive this! The suspense is going to kill me!" His fingers involuntarily curled in his wavy mass of gold-brown hair, and he made a small, pitiful sound that Terence could swear was a whimper.

Terence merely shook his head as he regarded the angst-ridden faun, muttering to himself, "Oh, for the love of Aslan…"

After four solid hours of waiting and (in Tumnus's case) worrying, a nymph came to Terence and Tumnus with the news that the baby had just been born, and that Lucy was now resting quietly in her chamber, and that they could go see her right then if they wanted. Tumnus, naturally, was the first to sprint out of the room. Terence followed close behind him.

Tumnus thought he'd never get to the chamber quick enough, and once he reached the chamber and placed hoof through the doorway, a wondrous sight greeted his eyes: his sweet, precious Lucy, looking extremely exhausted yet peaceful at the same time, lay on a giant bed with fresh linen sheets, cradling a small bundle in her arms. Her face appeared almost angelic in the warm candlelight and the soft white moonlight that filtered in through a nearby window.

In no time, Tumnus was at Lucy's side. Mrs. Beaver, who had been adjusting one of Lucy's pillows for her, promptly backed away, so that the young couple could be alone together. When Lucy lifted her eyes and saw her beloved husband standing there, she didn't say a word, but she smiled serenely and extended a hand to him, which he took delicately in his own large, coarse hands.

Kneeling down on the thick carpet next to the bed, Tumnus asked, in a voice that was not much higher than a whisper, "Are you all right, my dearest?"

"I'm very tired," Lucy answered, her voice also little more than a whisper. "But I feel absolutely wonderful." She moved her hand carefully to Tumnus's cheek, and he turned his head just enough to gently kiss the inside of her palm.

A sound that somewhat resembled the bleat of a young lamb emitted from the bundle that Lucy cradled. Tumnus's heart leaped like a fish heading upstream at the sound. Lucy now carefully folded some of the blanket back, revealing the plump, rosy face of a newborn faun with white-blonde hair that curled naturally, just like Tumnus's hair.

The little one's eyes were closed at the time, but they soon fluttered open, and Tumnus saw that they matched his own almost perfectly.

Tumnus caught his breath. It was, without a doubt, the most amazing sight he had ever seen in all his life.

"Our son, dear Tumnus," Lucy proclaimed, her eyes shining rapturously. "Oh, my love, I have given you a son! Isn't he just beautiful? He looks a lot like you."

Tumnus was too moved to speak. He could only stare at the little face before him, and after a time he briefly closed his eyes and lifted his face heavenward, looking as though he might weep at any given moment. He drew in a long, rattling breath, and when he finally opened his eyes and faced Lucy directly again, she saw that his eyes were indeed brimming with tears.

"My son," Tumnus whispered, almost reverentially, his voice trembling upon the blessed words. "My son…"

His voice broke off then, and he enfolded both Lucy and the little one in his arms and held them both close to his heart, his tears cascading into Lucy's copper-red hair as he sobbed, and Lucy closed her eyes and allowed herself to cry as well. The little one fussed at first, but eventually quieted down and lay passively in the warmth of his parents.

On the other side of the room, Terence stood very quietly in the doorway and watched the tender scene. Terence could feel tears gathering in his own eyes as he regarded Tumnus and Lucy, and the silver-haired youth bowed his head and silently gave thanks for the good fortune that had befallen his two friends.

Tumnus, his dear Tumnus, a father…and Lucy, sweet Lucy Pevensie, queen of the realm, a mother…it truly was a miracle.

Terence © unicorn-skydancer08

Miscellaneous Characters © C.S. Lewis and Disney/Walden Media

Story © unicorn-skydancer08