Chapter 21
I don't own The Devil wears Prada movie, novel or characters. I am just borrowing them for a little bit.
Holly and Carla are my own creations.
Author's Notes:
I need to say thank you to a few people who have supported me in writing this.
Firstly to the love of my life – thank you for giving me the push to give writing another go.
Secondly to skeeter451 – thank you for all your help and advice. I appreciate so very much.
Reviews are always very much appreciated please take no offense of I don't reply straight away.
Feel free to add my facebook profile to see what stories I am writing and when they will be updated. Also I am open to any prompts regarding The Devil Wear's Prada and Harry Potter with any type of coupling and genre. I am looking to improve my writing abilities and style, so anything you can throw at me go for it. Obviously I won't be able to do every single one but any that really interests me, I will make sure to have a good go.
facebook - daffodilly
This fanfic describes scenes of domestic abuse in the beginning chapters, as well as brief flashbacks of abuse throughout the story, although this is not in every chapter.
After closing the door behind her she was just in time to see Miranda shooing the girls upstairs to their playroom.
Once they had gone Miranda leant on the banister and let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding.
Andrea let out a huge huff also and silently walked past Miranda to the kitchen and made them some coffee.
Miranda came in five minutes later and sat up to the table and began to drink her coffee. The tension was palpable.
Andrea spoke up to fill the silence. "Uh, um, ar-are you ok?"
"Oh yes sweetheart, I'm absolutely delightful," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Okay, no need to be like that."
Miranda snapped her head towards her that it was surprising she didn't break her neck. "Really. There's no need, hmm?" She paused and mulled over that statement for a minute before unleashing her fury, standing up and beginning to pace back and forth.
"So there's no need for my attitude, you say. Funny, I would say that there was absolutely no need to not only put yourself at risk, but the rest of our family."
"Look Miranda; I have been waiting for this for well over a year now and I think he deserved to hear a piece of my mind and to protect everyone."
"You should have called the police," she snapped back. "Not, not act like some kind of hero. I mean, what did you think I was going to do when I found out? Of course, that's whether or not you would have told me, as it was your friend who owed you some money that they borrowed."
"What? Of course, I was going to tell you as soon as I came back in I-," she said walking to Miranda in the hope of calming her down.
Miranda cut her off her reply and said, "So what if you didn't?" she said with tears in her eyes. "What if you didn't and we were none the wiser until I came outside to see what was taking so long or a passerby knocked on my door and let me know that my partner was lying on the floor with broken bones and a black eye?"
Andrea walked towards her and tried to give her a hug to calm her down. "Honey, it wasn't going to happen – it didn't happen. I'm sorry."
Miranda slapped her hands away and backed up. She was crying. "No, Andrea," she said, pointing at her tears falling down her face as she leaned on the edge of the chair to steady herself. "No, what you did out there was completely stupid and inconsiderate. How the fuck do you think I would feel if I found you like that again and had to sit in the ambulance and watch as the paramedics rush to save your life? Did you know at one point you stopped breathing?"
Shocked at that last piece of information, she quietly replied, "No; uh no I didn't."
"So why put me through that again and try playing the hero, you stupid idiot!" she exclaimed.
Andrea was beginning to get slightly impatient with this argument and, replying with a bitchy comment,she said, "Well how do you think I felt when you nearly kissed Stephen, then?"
Miranda just gave her a look that said, don't be ridiculous and turned away from her shaking her head, putting her hands on her hips as she looked up towards the ceiling, not saying anything.
Andrea walked towards her again and spoke to Miranda's back. "Oh, so you didn't think either. And how do you think I felt when we were in the ambulance and you were crying, holding my hand saying I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry, towards Stephen who had just beaten the shit out of you and put me in hospital for two days for fuck sake?" she said angrily.
Miranda turned around to face her and she scrunched her eyebrows as she said, "What?" Her voice had returned to her normal tone at this point.
Andrea was looking to her left and had her arms folded in front of her in a defensive posture.
Miranda quietly walked over to her and placed her hands on each bicep trying to catch Andrea's eye as she stiffened.
"Do you really think I was going to kiss him?" Andrea, still looking away from her, just shrugged.
"And you think I was saying sorry to Stephen in the ambulance?" Andrea's response was to shrug again.
Miranda shook her head with a small smile at times and said, "Sweetheart, I did that, then hit him where it hurts. His ego. His has this image in his head that he can just say the right lines and women will fall into his arms and go like putty." She sighed. Andrea had slowly turned to look at her then still showing her insecurities in her eyes. Miranda was able to coax her into a hug. "Baby, I love you so much. Unconditionally, as much as our daughters, but Jesus you can be a moron," she finished.
Andrea frowned slightly and went to say something, but Miranda stopped her with a finger on her lips. "Honey, you're a moron for thinking that I was saying sorry to that piece of shit. I was saying sorry to you."
Andrea looked down sheepishly and replied with a simple, "Oh."
Miranda nodded in agreement smiling and said, "Exactly . . . Oh."
They stood silently holding each other for a while thinking over what was said and the evening's events.
Andrea disturbed the peace and said quietly into Miranda's neck, "I'm sorry. When I saw him, I just saw red and then you black and blue from his treatment of you and I just wanted some pay back. I know it was a stupid risk."
Miranda sighed and kissed her forehead and replied, "I know; I know if the situations were switched I would do exactly the same and take the same risk." She held Andrea tighter to her and spoke again. "I'm sorry I scared you with that near kiss as I said I just needed to hit him in his ego, and kicking him in his bollocks as Emily would say, didn't hurt either." She smirked looking down into Andrea's eyes as she giggled at the comment.
Smiling, Andrea moved her head back to get a proper look and said, "I know you are. And I gave him a punch and a kick as well when you went inside."
Miranda threw her head back and laughed "What happened then?"
Looking sheepish again she replied, "Um, well, I uh, I kinda said that we fucked that night, but it was purely because he said you guys had and I just wanted to wind him up." She hoped there wouldn't be any backlash.
Miranda hissed and said, "No, we didn't have sex that day"
"Well, yeah, I know, as said I jus-"
"Not you, me and him. And we did have sex that day."
"What? No we didn't."
"In my mind, we did," Miranda replied dryly. "Most of the time at work. You wore those Chanel boots again" she said, smirking and lifting her eyebrow.
"Really? You're dirty," she's said, smiling up at her and she pulled her closer.
"Oh sweet heart, you have nooooo idea," she whispered, leaning in for a kiss.
Then just as their tongues were about to duel, they heard, "MUMA, MIRANNA WE'RE WATCHING TOY STORY. ARE YOU WATCHING IT, TOOOOOO?"
They sighed and pulled away. "Again? We watched before we came over," Andrea said.
"Oh, it's her least it's not Rugrats again."
"Oh god, don't. Come, the princess is calling us," Andrea sighed.
"Okay, while you go up, I'm checking that Teresa can come over tomorrow night," Miranda said
Smirking she said, "Why do you think?"
Andrea just blushed and went upstairs. Miranda smiled as she watched her go up and spoke into the phone. "Hello, Teresa. Are you free tomorrow night?"
"Yeah, do you want me to come over?"
"Actually, we were wondering if the girls can sleep over with you?"
She could hear Teresa smiling into the phone when she replied, "Yes that's fine. Have fun and catch up, so to speak"
"Ha, we definitely will, don't worry about that. We'll drop them off at four."
"Four? Wow, you guys reeeaally need to catch up, huh?"
"Yes. See you tomorrow at four."
"See you tomorrow."
She hung up and made her way upstairs to the playroom. She sat down on the sofa with Andrea and the girls.
"Well girls, how would you like to go over to Teresa's tomorrow for a sleep over?"
"Yeah!" they all said in unison.
"A whole night! What time are we dropping them off?"
"Four," Miranda said.
"Four?" Andrea said surprised.
"Yes," as Holly climbed into her lap. "Four," she said firmly with an eyebrow raised and a twinkle in her eye.
Andrea just snuggled in as Miranda put her arm around her and smiled, watching Toy Story with her family.
Life was good.