Title: Deeper Secrets

Author: xXThePostXx

Genre: General/Agnst/Drama

Summary: It was hard on Calleigh when she found out that her best friend Natalia was pregnant by her boyfriend Eric. Now, its Eric's turn to find out a secret Calleigh's been hiding...and it's deeper than Natalia's. E/C & R/N

Author Note: This story follows my other story Deep Secrets. So if you want a back story or so, just read it. Sorry if anyone sounds out of character. It's just the imagination running wild. Also, Alexx is still with the team.

Chapter 1:

Two Days Ago

Calleigh awakened that bright, sunny Tuesday morning to the doorbell being rang repeatedly over and over again. She sighed loudly and put her robe on. Today had been her day off and she'd planned to go to the movies, get a manicure/pedicure and basically relax.

The doorbell rang again and she sighed and looked in the peek hole. Calleigh saw a strange older man and opened the door.

"Ms. Duquesne," the older man addressed as he stepped inside. He had a thick salt and pepper colored beard, bald head and kind of chubby. He also had a brief case with him and wearing a long tan colored trench coat. He meant business. "I'm Mr. Tyler from Department of Children and Family Services and..."

Calleigh looked down at the child he had with him. The little girl looked up at Calleigh with green eyes and a smile on her face.

"...so I'm bringing the child to her birth parent." He continued.

Calleigh looked up at the man. "What?" She'd tuned him out for a second. "Could you repeat that?"

"The birth father died and his records indicated that you were the birth mother." He sighed. "Now if that's a problem-"

"No problem at all," Calleigh said, trying to remember what happened in her past. It had all been in the past..until now. She faintly recalled what happened when she was back in College, grad school to be exact and she'd gotten pregnant. She couldn't deal with raising a baby but also didn't want to abort pregnancy.

She was twenty-six years old and finishing a degree at a college in Louisiana. It was a party and on a wild spring break, her first and last one ever, she got pregnant by a guy. She approached the guy and told him that she was pregnant and that she couldn't raise a child right now, but he wanted to go through with it. Calleigh had a healthy baby girl nine months later. The baby ended up with the father..until now. Calleigh couldn't believe she was staring in the face of her daughter.

"We'll be in contact with legal paper," Mr. Tyler said. "Enjoy the rest of your day." He left and Calleigh closed the door behind him. Before she turned around, she closed her eyes, to gather herself. Turning around, Calleigh looked in the child's eyes. No doubt, this child was hers. She had the same green eyes and blonde hair as her.

"What's your name?" Calleigh asked.

"Layla MacKenzie Owens," the little girl said. "I'm five years old."

Calleigh pulled the little girl over to the sofa and sat her down on her thigh. "I'm Calleigh, I'm your mother."


Two days later

Calleigh was sitting in the Gun Lab, comparing bullets to a gun when Eric walked in. He put his arms around her waist and kissed her gently on the side of her cheek. Never had he been so grateful to have Calleigh in his life. He was very grateful that she forgave him for the whole Natalia situation. "Hey you," Eric said. "How's it going?"

"Well the case is goin," Calleigh said.

"How about dinner tonight," Eric said.

"Um, no," Calleigh said.

"Cal, are you still mad about what happened with Natalia?"

The mention of Natalia's name brought a bitter taste in Calleigh's mouth. She was happy for Natalia and happy that things were settled but she was jealous. Still, Natalia had done something that Calleigh would never have the chance to do; and that was have Eric's first baby.

"No," Calleigh said, breaking free from his arms. "I'm just busy."

"Cal, you've been busy for the past few days. Are you hiding from me? Don't you want to be around me anymore?"

Calleigh smirked. "No. Eric I really have been busy lately. And," she said, looking at him in the eyes, "I need to finish this up now so I can go." Calleigh looked at her watch and noticed that it was one o'clock. In thirty minutes, she would have to go and pick Layla up from Kindegarten.

"Cal, I'm here whenever you needed me," Eric said.

"I know," Calleigh said, focusing her attention back on the evidence.

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Okay, I hope you guys like it. :) Please read& review.