A/N: The first chapter. *dramatic music* Hm, so, yeah- er- I apologise if you find mistakes. Tell me if it annoys you, please. I'll edit it.
Oh, and if you see anything like this: thisthing where there are no spaces between the words I blame frickin' Document Manager, 'kay?
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Yep. Nothin'. Excuse me, while I go cry in the corner.
WARNINGS: Mancrushes, utter corniness, Math!bashing, Character!bashing, evil irony & extreme naivety.
Described by Wikipedia as 'Mathematics is the academic discipline, and it's supporting body of knowledge, that involves the study of such concepts as quantity, structure and change.' Others describe it as 'important for everyday life'.
Cloud Strife- a spiky-haired blonde, cute (he'll scream at you if you say this to his face, though) senior High School student- had to hold in his snicker at that comment. Important for everyday life? Apart from shopping (Cloud wasn't even a shopping guy, if you couldn't tell), he couldn't really see anything else it's important for. Well, as if in a job interview the employer will ask, 'Find the hypotenuse of this right-angled triangle' when he was actually the employer for McDonalds.
Anyway, back to math.
Cloud just couldn't see the point of it. Maybe hate was blinding him, just telling him to hate maths, no questiosn asked, no point involved, but he still didn't understand. He despises it; hates everyone who says they like it and gets downright pissed when whenever someone questions why he doesn't like it or states he should just get over math and start trying to like it or, at least, respect it.
(Insert Cloud's snort here.)
One question that begged it be asked in Cloud's mind was: What's the deal with maths?
Nobody- and he means nobody- wakes up and says 'YAY! MATHS! LET'S DO SOME DIVISION!' and, if you do, you're a sad little fuc-
OKAY. Let's stop right there, shall we?
Still, that question toyed around in Cloud's brain, waiting to be answered, to be defined, and to be spilt out, told to the universe.
Cloud kept it in, fearing he would sound like an idiot if he has asked.
"Double maths? Urgh!"
A frustrated growl erupted from the young, pretty brunette's throat, causing a few people walkingaround her to flinch and back away slowly, for the fear of gettingtheir heads ripped off by some crazy lady who was currently glaring daggers at the piece of paper- her timetable of her daily classes- that was being held loosely in her petite hands.
The woman, Aerith Gainsborough, sighed and slid a palm down her cheek. It slid down surprisingly easy, like it was a wet piece of soap being skimmed down a person's wet body, caressing and cleaning their body with a hygienic relevance.
"Got milk? Oh wait, I'm sorry, I meant: Got maths?!" A teenage girl, Yuffie, cheekily commented, her giggles lacing her tone that made Aerith want to shriek and pull out Yuffie's hair, mercilessly and harshly. Yes people, you heard that right, sweet, loving, tender Aerith wanted pretty much to harm someone! Yeah, something's very wrong today.
"If you want to know, Yuffie," Aerith began, grabbing the raven-haired girl's hand and pulling down onto the bench the brunette was currently on. She shoved the timetable in the younger girl's face, earningher with a grumble of annoyance. "Yes, I did."
"Heh, knew it."
"So? What's so funny about it?"
"Well, I've only got maths once a week, sooo-"
When Aerith tackled her to the ground, Yuffie never got to finish her sentence. Shame.
The boundless, echoing yelp was heard throughout the corridors, resulting it some people to twist around and raise an eyebrow the blonde male who was currently glowering the piece of paper in his hands. He stared at it disbelievingly, his azure eyes wide and fretting, his mouth gaping like a fish out of water and his hands clenching the timetable in his hands roughly.
He tried to speak again, tried to explain how stupid, appalling this situation was turning out to be, but nothing came out. Instead, he just scowled at the note in his hands, his eyes trailing up and down, left and right, over it, trying not to believe that it was there. It was there on his timetable and it was a double.
Can you believe it?
His most hated subject and he gets a double class of it.
Oh, the irony.
Cloud frowned, stuffing the note into his pocket harshly. He stood still, silent, for a few moments, inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly, trying to calm down and relax. However, his mind kept wondering back to the image of a timetable with all the periods filled with Maths. His eyes snapped open swiftly and he shook his head, trying to never ever think of that image ever again.
But still, why double Maths?
But why did Karma have to do this to him? Why did he/she despise him so much?
No matter how many times he mused about his topic, he never got any answers.
No matter how many times he pruned his brain. Nothing.
Suddenly, a feminine voice squealed, and, what sounded like a herd of bulls charging towards the blonde, he heard footsteps galloping towards him. He gulped, fully knowing who this person was, as only one person he knew would squeal and squawk and run over to him, screaming about how much she loves slash.
"Oh, Cloudy-pillow!"
Yuffie. The so called 'great, sneaky ninja master' Yuffie.
Yeah, right. She couldn't even sneak into McDonalds without some sloppy 15 year old boy gaping at her, asking her to leave.
"Yuffie." He called back, his voice low and threatening, as it seemed to come out as snarl as she neared closer to him, her smug Cheshire Cat grin stretching across her face, almost making her look like an idiot- wait- making her look like an idiot. Yeah, that sounds about right.
Cloud started to vaguely wonder why she looked so smug. Did she know about the double?
Said girl giggled back, placing her hands behind her, slightly swaying around, seemingly to appear like a sweet, innocent little angel. But, Cloud knew better. That was her way to make her appear childlike and cute so she can get what she wants. If you see this look, run. Seriously, run and don't look back.
A warning alarm went off in Cloud's mind but he ignored it. Besides, he was too annoyed to run away anyways.
"Yes?" she replied harmoniously, as if there was a halo on top of her head and wings sprouting out from her spine. Cloud snorted at the image of her as an angel. Out-of-the-blue, she leaned in more rapidly, her beam widening.
"What is it?" he hissed back, rage fuminghis body. He seriously just wanted to run over her with his beloved motorbike, Fenrir. Suddenly, the thought of Yuffie being run over and pleading, begging Cloud to stop filled his mind.
He paused. Was that a little sick?
Meh, he thought. He snickered, feeling a lot better all of a sudden.
She chuckled and pulled Aerith out of all the hallway- Aerith? Cloud didn't even notice her; probably too busy picturing how to kill Yuffie- and Yuffie placed her hands at the edges of the brunette's plump lips, lifting them up and forcing her to grin. The raven-haired girl nudged her, as if commanding her to look more innocent, and she did so.
Cloud didn't fall for it.
But, once he did.
When first met her, she did her little stunt and made Cloud- because he was so easily lured into a false sense of security then- walked into the principal's office asking him to pay the students money for they're hard work since, as Yuffie described it, was unfair. Adults got dough- as she described it as- for working and kids should too.
Cloud had to go to the naughty corner after he said that.
Cloud nearly died of embarrassment that day.
Of course, he was young. 5 or 6, he couldn't really remember, but Yuffie was his first true friend. He did have another, Tifa, but she didn't really want to talk to him anymore. She wanted to be as popular as she could, without the blonde holding her back. Cloud was a little insulted when she told him this, but he let her go. That's what true friends are for, right?
Then he met Aerith, who was thoughtful, tender and considerate. He met her at the playground with Yuffie- when she decided to pull his pants down with no warning- and she came over helped him, smiling all the way through. Even though he was grateful he met Aerith, he still wished that never had happened.
After that he met more people: Sora, Riku, Yuna, Paine, Rikku, Axel, Naminé, Kairi and many more. And, sure, his brothers, Roxas and Tidus, were still there for him.
He was quite surprised at how many friends he received. First he was a loner, choosing not to speak with anyone, and now, pretty much everyone in the school knows him. Whether they like him or not is another issue altogether though, so don't ask him about that.
He wasn't popular though. No way in hell would he join the popular group.
But, probably his strangest and most difficult to solve friend (Was he really a friend? Cloud thought, tapping his chin thoughtfully) was Squall Leonhart.
He was a brunette, had scar sculpted across his face, was moody and very difficult to read. He and Squall- or Leon as he likes to be called now- are so alike and still are now. It, actually, sometimes scares Cloud how alike they are- even though people say the blonde was nicer and prettier (Cloud would glare at them, though)- and how hard it is to get Leon to express his feelings. Though, strangely, Leon has made into the popular group and, in Cloud's opinion, he's probably the nicest, though others have said he was a 'cold, conniving jerk' who only appeared that way.
Either way, Leon was a buddy, no matter what.
But, did Leon think of him the same way?
"Cloudster?" Yuffie drawled out, looking oddly worried for someone who dances around like bunny on crack.
"Yes?" he snapped back, harsher than he intended to. Still! She had invaded his thinking-time, his private-time, his Cloud-and-I-time (God, that sounds so much like masturbating). He could feel his face fume with anger at the young girl for interrupting his musing session. That was his time, damnit.
She, unexpectedly, giggled and pointed at the blonde male, poking Aerith with her other hand. "You should have seen your face! You looked so cute!" -Cloud growled rather loudly- "You did! When you tapped you're chin you looked so uke!"
He winced visibly and wore a confused expression on his face. What did that 'uke' word mean?
Aerith and Yuffie giggled and high-fived each other, both smiling up at him, like he was an exotic breed of animal and they just discovered him, and were going to sell him for a trillion bucks. Cloud raised his eyebrow at the thought of him dressed up like a zebra- don't ask why- and being manhandled and prod at behind zoo bars and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Damn. Was Leon rubbing onto him already? (1)
"Hey, erm, Yuffie?" Cloud asked, rubbing the back of his nape; a sign he was nervous. "Uke? I don't get it."
Yuffie smiled cheekily, and raised both her hands which made Cloud think she was praising god or something. "Uke," she began, letting her hands fall back by her side, beaming up at the blonde. "Is the submissive one in a yaoi relationship and seme is the one who tops!"
Yaoi. What the hell was tha-? Oh wait, he remembered. Some sort of homosexual relationship. He found out about when Yuffie dared him to look up pictures of it and Cloud, being the sweet, innocent, naive little kid he was- obeyed, typing it in into the image search engine. Lets just say, safe search wasn't on and the blonde was mentally scarred, alright?
But him? An uke? He wouldn't let anybody dominate him would he? Least of all a guy. He wasn't even gay! Duh. Sure, people said he looked slightly like a woman but, he was so obviously a man. Why would Yuffie even classify him as an uke? But this is Yuffie the yaoi-fangirl we're talking about.
Cloud flinched away from Yuffie, backing off slowly, hoping she will just leave and stop, she was annoying as hell, computers-and-Eric-Cartman-combined type of annoying. How could her parents put up with her? He couldn't. He would'veprobably flushed her down the toilet as soon as she started talking.
"Cloud?" a sweet voice whispered out, it slowly drifting across the breeze and meeting up to said boy's ears. "Don't listen to her. You are cute, but don't let Yuffie put ideas in your head."
Cloud frowned. "I wasn't going to anyway!" He shouted defensively, which caused the brunette woman to smile gently.
Suddenly, she asked, "So, what classes do you have today?" God damnit! He had just forgotten about that! Thanks, Aerith. Thanks a lot.
Sarcasm, ladies.
"Yeah!" Yuffie beamed up, smiling broadly, her eyes glimmering in the sunlight coming from the nearby hallway window.
Cloud muttered something, his words unclear and jumbled, though the two girls had a pretty god idea what he had uttered. He looked out the window, not wanting to see that mock-glow in the girls' eyes when he told them. He sighed quietly at his statement, as he had made it came out all disappointed and pouting-like, probably like an 'uke' would do.
Yuffie slapped a hand over her mouth to cover her snickers from spilling out. Aerith suddenly said, "What?" Her eyes glew with a teasing look. Cloud sighed more loudly this time, making his displeasure clear.
"Double Maths, okay?" He replied, shaking his head.
"A-ha!" Yuffie squealed. Her brown eyes were radiating with laughter and Aerith's were too. They both jumped up and down and bounced into each others arms, giggling noisily.
Cloud started at them in disbelief.
Palm, meet face.
Oh crap.
"That's Leon." The brunette-haired teen responded, pinching his nose. All he wanted was some peace and quiet and the next thing he knew… she comes! Sigh, is it even possible to find peace in the school?
"Whatever, Squa- Leon." She quickly corrected herself, not really wanting Leon to death-glare at her, even though that was virtually impossible since the brunette was easily annoyed by her. "What did you get in your timetable?" Yuffie questioned, leaping up and down, her raven bangs throwing over her face vigorously.
Squall shook his head and lifted up his timetable, not saying anything. He shoved it right in Yuffie's face as she read it gradually, bit by bit. She, then, pulled away and grinned up and him. He raised an eyebrow in response.
"Same as Aerith's and Cloud's!" she giggled, waving both her hands in the air like a maniac.
Leon's ears perked up. Cloud, did she say? Oh man, Cloud f-ing Strife was going to be in the same class as him? Crap! Crap! Crap! The blonde is going to be a distraction, whether he sits next to Leon or not. Sure, they had been friends for a while, both joining the same soccer team and then both doing some fighting training together recently but even that was trouble for Leon.
He vaguely remembered one time the blonde had gotten knocked to the ground, his face red with exhaustion and his mouth slightly parted, panting rather loudly. His blonde spikes were a mess, falling over his face, his azure eyes sparkling magically… the way he looked, sprawled across the floor beautifully… staring at the brunette intensely while laughing…
Shaking his head, Leon glared at the girl.
Yuffie wagged her eyebrows up and down, watching a blush adorn the 'Ice Prince's'- as he was nicknamed- face. She chortled louder, pointing at his face, enthusiastically. Leon knew something wasn't right.
"Cloud?" He enquired, stuffing his timetable into his pocket roughly.
Yuffie nodded, her black bangs falling over her eyes, "Yeah!"
Leon exhaled noisily and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to show his displeasure clearly. Unfortunately for him, Yuffie just brushed his attempts off and squealed. "Maybe you could you could confess, no?"
The brunette resisted the throw his head against the wall.
Cloud Strife sat in his chair, leaning over his table, looking at the clock that hung up above the teacher's desk apathetically, feeling worse than cow shite. Maths was only a few minutes away…
"Cheer up, emo kid!" he heard a voice call out, laced with cheerfulness and exuberance. Rikku, he recognized. (2)
She sat down next to him, a tooth-filled grin garnishing her face. Her blonde braids fell over her face although she ignored it. Rikku was a bright, positive girl who was, persay, as crazy as Yuffie but with a little more self-control and more… er… skimpier. She hanged around with two other girls, Yuna- a pleasant brunette who dated Tidus, a sporty guy in the popular group- and Paine- a solemn, 'I'm-going-to-kick-your-ass-and-enjoy-it' sort of girl.
The two other girls sat to the left of Rikku, both chatting rather loudly, though Yuna did more talking than Paine, as expected. Rikku grinned energetically again and Cloud was oddly starting to feel a bit better.
"What is it?" Cloud questioned looking over the girls, as the teacher decided to write things down on the blackboard. The whole class didn't work, they just determined that talking was a whole lot better than writing crap down and Cloud had to agree.
Rikkumade an odd hand motion, shakingher handsout in front of her while Yuna giggled and Paine just slapped a hand over her face exhaustedly. "I thought you looked sad, so I- oops!"- Yuna and Paine glared at her- "we came over and joined you!"
The blonde male noticed Yunaand Paine nodding, one eagerly the other, well, not so eagerly. Cloud sighed. He knew he wasn't getting the whole story.
Without warning, Rikku abruptly leaned over and whispered in Cloud's ear, "You hate Maths right?"- Cloud had nodded unsurely- "Well, we know how to get you out of it!" She pulled away, grinning wickedly.
Cloud was a bit unsure and anxious about this. Sure, he hated Maths with a passion but normally, like Yuffie's, Rikku's plans go astray and turn out like the apocalypse. And that was not a good thing, no, no. Especially when a teacher is involved and it pretty much guarantees a dentention.
But Maths! Cloud's mind shouted at him indignantly, It's a one way ticket out of Maths!
But, Another voice had joined in, making it harder than it already was. You could get in trouble. And I mean… BIG TROUBLE.
Cloud's mind started again, Just go for it? It's not going to kill you now, is it?
You never know… But, Cloud had ignored this and had already agreed and then had questioned their antics. Apparently, they were going to pretend he was sick and one of them was going to drag him do to the school nurse, but, no. That was a lie. They weren't taking him to the school nurse, they going to let him high tail out of there as quick as he could.
Cloud knew if he managed to get out of class he couldn't stay out in the school ground's wandering around. Someone would be bound to find him. He would have to leave the school and walk around the out side world.
"Soooo," Rikku cooed, " What do you think? You in?"
"I don't like your plan." Yuna commented suddenly, a finger tapping her chin cautiously. The two girls and one boy tuned to her, looking at with their eyebrows raised, waiting for her answer. To Yuna, something wasn't quite right with this plan. There was so many gaps and holes just waiting for Cloud to fall through. "It sucks." (3)
"You got a better idea?" Paine enquired, which shut Yuna up immediately. No, she didn't have any ideas.
"Okay. Let's do it!" Rikku chirped, her smile beaming, "Y.R.P! In position! It's show time girls!" (4)
Leon had been worried. Why, you ask? Well, first of all, Rikku, Paine and Yuna- or Y.R.P as they called themselves (much to Paine's dismay) had abruptly walked up to Cloud and started talking to him. Sure, they friends, good friends you might even say, but, normally when they talked to someone who wasn't in the Y.R.P- except Tidus (Yuna's boyfriend) or Gippal (Rikku's crush) it meant bad business. Very bad.
Secondly, during Maths, the teacher had walked over to Cloud- Mr. Highwind, was it?- and asked Cloud if he was alright. Cloud had responded meekly, though Leon didn't hear what he said. But, when he had stood up, Cloud was as pale as a ghost. Literally.
Leon furrowed his brows when he saw this, feeling very anxious. He had never seen the blonde so cold, so white and so fragile. Leon was feeling very… protective, at that moment, like he wanted to run up to Cloud and fret over him, hugging the blonde and repeating over and over again questions like 'are you alright?'
Leon paused.
Did he thoughts just then sound a little gay-ish?
But, then again, he sort knew he was 'batting for the other team'. He had never really had a girlfriend for that matter and plus, he seemed to care and really absorb his thoughts in Cloud since the day he first met the blonde.
So… was he gay for Cloud?
Hm. Oh, well. Might not tell Yuffie about his suspicions, though. She would probably go crazy and ask Leon to marry Cloud and get some H.J.M.S (5) on tape.
That would be just… awkward. For the both of them.
Cloud mentally cheered himself. He had escaped Maths! Take that, stupid voice! Uh-huh, oh yeah!
He ran down the corridors, to the door, signaled Rikkuoff and ran out of school, hummingsoftly. Never had he felt so giddy, so alive. He felt so good, like he, at the most, wanted to stand on top on Mount Everest and scream, 'No frickin' Maths!' and, at the least, laugh his head off.
He walked down the street close tot he school, but turned off to the left, heading down to the shopping area. Now, Cloud, being the manly man that he is- yeah, right!- headed off further, ignoring all of the shops completely. He kept walking down a pathway, then to the right, noticing a lot of the stares he was getting. What was wrong with him? Did he have something on his face? Were they admiring him? Or was it because it was because he was meant to be in school and doing Math right now?
Then, he realised something.
Oh, crap. People could report him to the police and he would have to be forced back into class! He would get into heaps of trouble, not to mention how much Math work Mr Highwind would give him after he found out he pretended to be sick so he could skip his Math, let's just say he wouldn't be a very happy chappie. Besides, getting caught by the police would be embarrassingtoo. And how could he explain skipping class to his mother? He shivered suddenly thinking about it.
Cloud frowned, and sprinted down the street, stopping in the middle where he saw an alleyway. People were still staring at him, and were still probably still wondering what he was doing out of school.
That's when he decided.
He ran down into the alleyway, not looking back. His chest was heaving from the sudden strong beats of the movement and his legs were tiring from the continous strain he was putting on them. The alleyway went on and on, and Cloud could already feel his heartbeat pulsing through his veins, blood rushing. Oddly, he felt free. Maybe it was the sudden exercise that caused his brain the release some stress or the feeling of the wind in his hair, but he felt really free. Happy, even.
But when he stopped, his breath was ragged and his chest moving up and down harshly and quickly, he saw two men coming towards him. The happiness he felt before came crushing down unexpectedly and was replaced with worry and frightment. They were both overweight, had beards covering most of the bottom half of their faces and they both had long hair, drooping down the sides of their heads. Their eyes were small and squinty, something Cloud found very pervy.
One of them spoke, but Cloud couldn't understand him. His voice was too gruff and mangled to be understood and Cloud was barely listening. Instead, he was looking for escape routes, trying to get out of this situation. Inwardly, he blamed himself. He would rather had been found by the police or turned in, then be stuck in an alleyway with two large, sleazy men.
One of them grabbed his arm, and Cloud had a sudden urge to scream, shout and yell for help. But nobody could help him. He was trapped in an alley with two men who are most definitely going to hurt him and, possibly, rape him. The thought made him fill with dread.
Groaning... pleading... blood splattered everywhere... bones cracked... dying... dying... dead...
Cloud froze, seeing the past flood through his mind.
"Is everythin' right 'ere, boys?" a voice drawled out, layered with angry rasp.
The two men attacking Cloud stopped and stared at the person who spoke. They glared at them, but turned to each other, deciding the blonde-haired teen wasn't worth it, and dropped him, walking off.
Cloud groaned, his knees felt weak from his worry and shook when he stood. Someone grabbed his arm and he could feel the wrinkles and aging in their arms. Definitely an old person then, Cloud had decided mentally.
"Ya right?" the person said, keeping a firm hold of the blonde. The voice was deep and obivously male, but rather hoarse. "Hm. I'd better take ya to my shop, get ya fixed up, if ya don't mind, of course."
Cloud didn't say anything, only nodded. This man seemed okay... not like a pervert or anything. So, instead, he let the man drag him tot he streets and then into his shop. Cloud didn't catch the name of the shop, so he couldn't find out whether this man owned a adult store or a yaoi magazine shop or something. Inwardly, Cloud hoped he didn't own a yaoi store. He didn't want to be asked whether he'd liked to film a yaoi vid with someone. But, that could happen if it was an adult store, so it didn't really matter.
The man sat him down on a a couch, and the teen finally saw what the shop was. Thankfully, it was a coffee shop, no porn in here. The man disappered and Cloud rubbed his eyes, only to open them with the man who saved him staring directly in front of him.
"Can I get ya anythin', m'boy?" the old man croaked, his jaw moving disjointedly as he spoke.
Cloud eyed him strangely, "Um, no thanks. It's alright. Since you saved me and everything."
"Of 'ourse." The old shopkeeper chuckled, and lifted up a bottle full of a clear liquid. Cloud guessed it was water. "Ah suppose ya don't want anythin' to drink, then?"
Cloud scowled, thinking over this. Sure, this man had saved him, and he was grateful, but he wasn't supposed to accept a drink from strangers. Y'know, stranger danger? Never drink/eat anything if a stranger asks you to. That's a listen for all you kiddies.
"It's not poisonous, m'boy. Just rel'x and drink th' water."
Cloud stared disbelievingly at the shop owner. What the frick was this guy on? The same drugs as Yuffie? He peered down at the bottle held in the old man's hands and took it off him. A little sip couldn't hurt, right?
He examined the bottle more closely. It was named 'Pump It!'- god knows why- and had a picture of water flowing everywhere. It said clearly on the bottle 'FRESH WATER FROM NATURAL DEEP SPRINGS'.
Ah, one tiny, little, insignificant sip couldn't hurt… right? Right.
So, the blonde male took a swipe and wiped his mouth when he done, thanking the man and walking out, looking down at his watch.
Damn. Was that the time already?
Leon was, again, worried.
Cloud had returned from sick bay yet and it was now Lunch. He had asked to go down there, to check up on him but the school nurse had scolded him and ushered him out.
Leon had resisted the urge to glare at the stupid woman.
So now, he was sitting with Tidus, Gippal, Selphie, Aerith, Yuffie, Y.R.P, Riku, Sora, Roxas and Axel. They all seemed tense about Cloud, since he was a good friend of them all, but none more so than Leon. In fact, Leon was worrying so much he could have sworn a sweat drop was on his forehead like in all those Animes he's heard about (correction: watches), and what's worse his mind kept asking frantic questions.
What if he's got some sort of rare disease? One side of his mind lamented.
What if it's cancer? Oh my god, he's got cancer! ... Indeed.
He's going to die!! AHHHHHHHHHH!
"Shut up." he muttered, slappinghis forehead. All of his friends looked at him strangely. He just glared back and they just shrugged it off, thinking it was another of the 'Ice Prince's' moods.
Someone suddenly decided to speak their thoughts and Leon was glad for it. "I do hope he's alright…" Aerith whispered, and everyone had to silently agree.
They hoped he was okay.
A/N: Heh. Heh, heh, heh.
1) Leon pinches his nose a lot, doesn't he? So I thought, 'why not make Leon rub one of his habits onto Cloud as well?'
2) I had to put her in! She is so awesome.
3)'I don't like your plan. It sucks.' I think Yuna says that in FINAL FANTASY X-2, doesn't she?
4) Another thing stolen from X-2!
5) H.J.M.S- Hot Juicy Man Sex. Sorry. Had to put that in. Stole it from my sister who shouted it out during Brokeback Mountain at the theatre.
And yes, I hate Maths with a passion.
- - -
UPDATE: While editing, I realised how much of a bitch I was to Tifa. I used to hate her (what can I say? I had a little crush on Cloud and was jealous) but now, I really like her. She's awesome. She can kick butt and look good while doing it. So, sorry to anybody to loves Tifa and got offended by me saying she was a 'slut', but I doubt anybody did. I still don't really like CloTi or whatever it's called. I can't decide whether it's because it looks like 'clot' to me or that I don't like the pairing.
But, I'll always hate KH2 Kairi. Sorry, Kairi fans.
- - -
Oooooh, review if you like! I don't usually reply (I apologise) since I don't normally have time. But, if it's a question, sure. I'll reply.
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