Disclaimer: No. I don't own Twilight and after the movie, I'm sort of glad I don't.

A.N. Thanks to superstarsvtn (the story's abstract so I'm glad you were able to get into it), Miss FHorn (That's the question of the hour, but a certain blonde had something to do with it), stormXgirl89 (you sure know how to compliment a person.), Charlie and/or Charlie2308duke, (it is written in a confusion way since it comes as fragmented, but hopefully after a couple of chapter you'll understand better.)

And thanks to xXTaintedInkXx and DarkenedRoseThorn.

Jacob -

Sam stood in my way. Arms crossed, serious face on, feet planted, he was in full out leader mode.

Not surprising per say.

What was surprising was that he wasn't flanked with Jared and Paul.

I had a good guess what he wanted, but like a good little beta I waited patiently for him to say it.

"I can't let you go," he said finally.

I raised my eyebrow, "Who said I was going anywhere?"


Despite myself I flinched, his voice rang with authority-


"No ones going to die," I said smoothly. "Well one of us can't die and the other one's a modern wolfy wolverine type so-"

"This isn't a joke Jake," Sam said sternly. "You aren't ready to see the Cullens."

"Jacob Black isn't ready to face the Cullens," I corrected in a hard voice, I had to cool myself over before talking again. "The great grandson of Ephraim Black and your beta is going to discuss a matter concerning the treaty."

Sam shook his head slowly. "You can't separate what you feel from being a pack member Jake," he said softly.

I smiled humorlessly, "You do. Or does imprinting really cause you to ignore Leah?" It was a low blow, we both knew it, but it didn't stop him from flinching.

Some part of me should feel bad, some part of me felt bad, but I'd save for later.

(if there was one)

I passed by him.


Edward -

Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Carslile were all searching, they were tracking her using every advantage we had at out disposable, senses, scent, bribes.......

But I knew it didn't matter because even if her disappearance was unnatural, she disappeared.

Seconds after telling me that she was-


The timing of her absence....... considering she was abducted was painful, but considering that she orchestrated this to hide from.... that was even more painful.

I'm not sure which one I wanted to be true.

I had wished before rather absentmindedly to be able to react like a human, to have reflexes not so terrifyingly, dangerously strong, to able to taste the strawberry's that reminded me of Bella's hair. But this was probably the first time I wished I could be nauseous. To vomit out whatever made you ill and have it out of your system for good seemed like it must be a relief.

But this pain-

It was worse than being the half alive thing I was whenever I was away from her.

Because both times, it was my choice, my decision to bear.

If Bella had ever wanted me to let go I never doubted I would.

I just never thought she'd ask.

I heard a small whoosh and I turned to Alice slowly.

"Jacob Black is coming," she said softly.

Of course, I thought. Alice had quite logically assumed Jacob had something to do with Be- her disappearance. But he didn't and Black was far from an idiot. I nodded slowly and felt a powerful feeling.


Like Italy-



No matter what Sam thought, I knew that if I had a chance of finding Bella or even knowing what was going on, I needed to be calm. Despite the knowing itch of my nostrils, the automatic trembling of my muscles as I caught his scent were hard

and too comforting

To completely fight off.

So I compromised to spend as little time around him as possible.

"Where's Bella?" I shot off immediately.

"I don't know."

The incredulity of that statement made my tendons slack. No matter what Alice might have said to Jasper in front of me hadn't fully convinced me that Bella could go missing from him. He was a telepath for fuck's sake

and her husband.

She loved him.

Admitting it wasn't easy. It hurt to think, pale and more pristine than a leech should ever look, he stood there and every memory of Bella came rushing back. It was like a wave, but I pushed them back and focused on the painful absoluteness of that statement.

Sure there was the very rare upside that whatever brain tumor compelled Bella to stay with her Vanilla man was finally removed, but I doubted it. Cullen was the type of hero in those paperbacks my sisters used to read, the idiot who'd let his girl go with a forced smile. Except that they never had to let go and I was the cheesy best friend with the unrequited feelings.

No matter what I thought of Cullen, he was one of those guys.

"Hardly," he muttered.

Well this is makes talking rather pointless.

"Usually," he said then paused. "I'm surprised at your patience Jacob."

Don't be, I thought, adding a little more spite to it, there's only one reason for it.

"I don't know," he repeated.

"Then tell me why," I snarled and my fists balled against my will.

"Why?" he repeated numbly- like those recording in educational videos-

quizzical and false

"Yes," I said. "Why."

He looked away, assessing me with his eyes. "Are you here as Jake, or a Beta?"

The scene with Sam replayed in my head before I could repress it. He shook his head. "I can't tell you why," he said slowly.

I exploded and my arms trembled. Randomly I thought of something anything to calm me down-

I thought of my bike, the gears coming randomly to my head. I focused on the engine, how it ran, the rumbling sound it made whenever I revved it up. When I opened my eyes I saw that Edward was watching me, almost disappointed.

He wanted me to rip and tear

(do my job)

- Because he missed her?

No the leech only tried that when he thought she died, but if she left him he'd just deal, like the sacrificing idiot he told himself he was


He was guilty.

And before now, bored with my patience. He wanted an end, he thought he deserved nothing better and he knew I'd be more than willing.

He smiled bitterly. "Your perceptive," he noted.

"What?" I forced out. "Did. You Do?"

"I can't-"

"TELL ME!" I yelled. Suddenly I was in front of him, the stench coming of him in waves and my muscles flexed and expanded, but I just focused on breathing and saying-

"I took care of her, I was her's for as long as she needed me, I held her together, I fought for her, I let her go because she loved you," I whispered. "I went your fucking wedding. You owe me Cullen."

He just looked at me with that weird broken doll expression, like that creepy wind up toy that can't be fixed, always looping on the same phrase.

"I can't tell you," he repeated dully.

If Edward was the doll, I was the mechanical dinosaur that roared and stopped his steps after the wind.

I won't give you the satisfcation of dying, I swore to him silently.

"God damn you," I snarled and shifted away from before I changed my mind. In seconds I was flying tearing the earth apart. Even with the wind roaring in my ears I could hear his murmur-

"He already has."

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