Hello again, world! Here's another story from me. If you don't know (and you probably don't) WENDI and M-O are BFFs, and WENDI's parents take her to see him on the Axiom...this is in my fandom, of course. And the hole from which the skylight is formed is a reference to the ending scene of WALLE. You know. When EVE fires her lazer at the roof of the truck.

Disclaimer: I don't own WALLE, I do own WENDI, and you've probably figured that out by now.

How did it go, again? That ancient children's song?

Oh, yes: "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day..."

WENDI sighed, her saddened round green eyes turned up to the skylight. Admittedly, the skylight was a hole in the ceiling of the truck, but since its "mysterious" creation several years prior, the shape had been made more regular and covered with a piece of plastiglass. On most days, it was good for letting in a source of natural light.

Not today, though. Because all you could see through the skylight was the blurred outline of clouds through the pelting screen of heavy raindrops.

"WENDI," called EVE, opening her arms to receive her daughter, but the gloomy little gold bot merely turned her head to gaze sadly at her mother. She cocked her head, a bit of hope coming back into her eyes, but before she even asked the question, EVE was firmly shaking her head.

"No," the older female said, to clarify, and WENDI let out a high-pitched groan, almost a whine.

"Mama!" she chirped in protest, but EVE, a little crosser, simply shook her head again.


There was no way that, on a day that the rain was bucketing down like this, that they'd be going to the Axiom.

WENDI pressed her visor and three-fingered hands against the skylight, making that whining noise again. Rolling her blue eyes, EVE flew up and plucked the little girl from her perch. WENDI's eyes narrowed into half-circles, her head tucked down on its segmented neck joint, her small arms crossed, but other than this she made no attempt to resist as her mother gave her a small spark kiss, then brought the brooding bot into the warm, comforting glow of the lights below.

Wall-E was waiting for them on the floor. Seeing his scowling daughter, he lifted up his "brows" and looked to EVE for an explanation.

"She's upset," EVE said in her brief, to-the-point English. Then, by way of explanation, the probe added, "Can't see M-O."

"Ah," Wall-E made a small sound of understanding, and after a moment's pause, he raced off to a nearby shelf.

When he returned, he had WENDI's pink blanket draped over one hydraulic arm-shovel.

WENDI pushed EVE's arm away and zipped over to her father. She lifted two corners of the blanket and pressed it into the side of her face.

Wall-E and EVE looked at each other, and EVE winked.

"Nap?" she asked WENDI.

The girl scowled. "Nuh." She hauled the rest of her blanket around her shoulders and held it in place as if it were a cloak. Sighing, her eyes lifted back up to the skylight. It was so quiet in the truck that the family could hear rain battering the roof.

"Wain, wain..." WENDI sang softly. "Go way. Come genn nudda day. Wain, wain, go way, so I sees Mo-Mo..."

Both of her parents laughed at this, and EVE wrapped her back up in a hug.

WENDI craned her neck to stare her mother right in the eyes. "Mama?" she asked in her cavity-sweet baby voice. "When wain go way?"

EVE laughed again and pulled her daughter close against her chest. "Soon," she promised, and so together the family waited out the rest of the rainy day.