Chapter 3: Alternate Ending

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.



My friend gave me the idea for this..I guess it's a bit of an alternate ending. I think she just wanted it to be a non-happy ending cause she's evil and loves angsty unhappy endings.

As the title says..its an alternate ending. Instead of the happy one with Pein and'll see..


Sometime that night in the wee hours of the morning when most of the members of Akatsuki were fast asleep….

Uchiha Madara slipped out of his room, quietly making his way down the hall, and to the living room where the rabbit 'Tobi' had purchased earlier. That rabbit disgusted him, and quite frankly, he wanted it to be gone already. Long gone. Sure, 'Tobi' loved it, but that was all just the act he put on. Madara hated anything fluffy, cute, or anything of the sort.

Hell. He hated animals in general.

Quietly he made his way over to the cage, where the white rabbit was peacefully sleeping. With a soft click, the cage was opened, and he reached into the cage. Grasping the rabbit by the neck, Madara pulled the creature out from the cage. Holding it up to eye level, his dark eyes narrowed at the fuzz ball.

Rabbits really were ugly..what in the hell could anyone find cute about them?

Slowly his hand tightened on the rabbits neck, causing it to start kicking its legs out as it tried to get away. The bright red eyes of the creature stared back at the male, who simply continued to watch as the life drained out of the fluffy 'cute' animal. Madara could feel her trying to breathe, gasping for air to fill its tiny lungs.

Why did it continue to fight for life when its life was so pointless? It's not like it had family, dreams, or a mission. It was just a stupid rabbit, that would sit in the cage, eat, and shit. What a waste..

The rabbit slowly stopped kicking its legs, becoming limp in the grip of the short male. Satisfied, Madara shoved the rabbit back into the cage and closed it. Not that it could get out or anything. Then he turned and quietly slipped back into his room, planning to get some sleep before causing hell tomorrow as Tobi. Ah..he could already see it now..


Sometime later in the wee hours of the morning when most of the members of Akatsuki were fast asleep….

Pein quietly made his way out of his room, careful to make sure not to make a lot of noise. It was so early in the morning that the rest of Akatsuki should be fast asleep.

Keyword was 'should be'. Little did he know that there was other members awake, with the same idea as him.

Pein crept to the living room, where the silly white rabbit was, turning on a lamp, and quietly opened the cage. Gently he picked up the rabbit, only to feel its body cold and limp in his hand.

"Oh shit.."

What in the hell had happened?! Just a few hours ago the stupid thing was alive and perfectly healthy! Oh god. What would Konan and Tobi do once they found out? No doubt the whole day would be filled with hysterical crying and nose blowing. Then they'd probably have to do a funeral for the damned thing! Shit!

Not two minutes later, Pein heard footsteps, and quickly turned to see who was coming. There appeared Sasori, and Deidara. Both of them quickly released each other hands that they had been holding, a blush appearing on both of their cheeks.

"Pein..what are you…?" The red-haired male asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Pein likes the ra--…why isn't it moving, un?"

"It's dead..I didn't do it, I swear. I found it like this." The leader spoke, still holding the dead rabbit in one hand.

"Oh shit..Tobi is going to have a fit.."

"So is Konan, un.."

"What are we going to do, Pein?"

Pein shrugged his shoulders, looking down at the rabbit. "I'd say buy a new one before they all woke up..but..Tobi always wakes everyone up at the crack of dawn.." Slowly he looked over the rabbit, sighing. "Someone definitely killed it. It was probably Zetsu, out for a midnight snack.."

"Who killed what?" A new voice asked, as Konan walked into the room.

The rabbit immediately disappeared behind Pein's back, as he tried to hide it from the blue-haired girl. "N-nothing."

"Tobi wants to know where the rabbit is.." Tobi suddenly appeared, looking in the cage for the rabbit.


Pein glanced over to Sasori, then Deidara, his eyes pleading with them to help him come up with some sort of diversion or something.

"Why in the fuck are you fucking holding a dead rabbit in your hands, Pein?" Hidan asked.

Pein immediately smacked the big-mouthed member of Akatsuki over the head with the very rabbit he was asking about. "Dumbass!"

At this point, it seemed every member had appeared in the livingroom, all awoken by the commotion over the dead rabbit.

"TOBI'S RABBIT IS DEAD?!" Tobi screamed, plucking the rabbit from Pein and falling into a fit of hysterical crying. least that's the way it seemed. The mask sort of hid the tears, if there were any. Judging by the sobbing and coughing, it sure sounded like it.

"Pein, did you kill it?!" Konan asked, grasping the male by the collar of his shirt and glaring at him. Damn she was scary when she was pissed off.

"NO! Why the fuck would I kill it!? Ask Zetsu, he probably was hungry!"

"Or Itachi..he likes to murder animals for food.." Kisame huffed, casting a glare at the Uchiha.

"Get over that damn fish, Kisame. It's name was FLUFFY and it didn't even have FUR.." Hidan shouted, pointing at the blue-skinned-male.

"I didn't kill the rabbit.." The white half of Zetsu hissed.

"Someone beat me to it.." The other half muttered.

Tobi jumped to his feet, and suddenly lunged at Deidara. "TOBI THINKS YOU KILLED HER!" He screamed, as he tackled the blonde to the ground and began pulling harshly on the males ponytail.


"You never liked her in the first place!!" Tobi yelled, yanking on the ponytail.

Sasori groaned, grabbing Tobi by the arm and yanking him off the blonde. "Tobi, calm down..Deidara didn't kill the stupid rabbit.."

"No, because he was too busy sleeping with you.." Pein chuckled, immediately receiving a glare from Sasori.

Tobi rushed to Konan, and wrapped his arms around her, continuing on with his 'crying' fit.

"OY. Zetsu! No eating the damn rabbit, I might be able to sell that for some money.." Kakuzu interrupted, stealing the dead rabbit from Zetsu, who a second away from eating the rabbit.

Konan stole the rabbit away from Kakuzu, glaring at the greedy bastard. "Were going to have a funeral for her."

"It didn't even have a name, un."

"It's just a fucking RABBIT."


"WERE HAVING A FUNERAL! NOW!!" The blue-haired girl screamed, causing all the males to fall silent. She pointed towards the door, glaring at them all, using pure intimidation to get them all to shuffle towards the door.

"Tobi thinks girls really are scary when they are mad.."

"Emotional wrecks, un.."

As soon as they got outside, Konan barked orders for Hidan and Itachi to dig a hole for the rabbit to be buried in.

"This is fucking bullshit.."

"Shut up and dig!" Konan yelled, glaring at Hidan.

As soon as the hole was dug, Konan gently placed the rabbit inside, and then the fluffy creature was buried.

"Fluffy didn't get a funeral.."

"Are you SERIOUSLY going to keep going on about that stupid fish, Kisame, un?"

"FLUFFY WASN'T STUPID, OKAY?!" Kisame growled, glaring at Deidara.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! Say something nice about misses rabbit. Then you can all go back to the house." Konan snapped at them all.

"She was cute, un." Deidara mumbled, then walked off back towards the house.

"Adorable…" Sasori softly said, before following after Deidara.

"Fucking worth—OW! Shit! Pein your girlfriend is a bitch! OWW!" Hidan screamed, as he was smacked again by Konan, and then Pein. "Okay, okay. She was a nice color."

"She would of made a great addition to Akatsuki.." Pein muttered, lying through his teeth.

"She would of made us lots of money.." Before he could get smacked, Kakuzu rushed off to the house as well.

"May she rest in peace and keep Fluffy company in pet heaven.."

"Tobi is going to stay here and pray for her.."

"Okay..well..come inside when your done. She really was cute, Tobi." Konan said, patting the male on the back before leaving the burial site.

As soon as they were all gone, Tobi couldn't help but start laughing.

"Oh man..that was priceless..I should get a dog next…"

-End alternate ending.-



Geesus..that came out longer than expected…