A/N: Ok, so I finally updated again. And this time. It's THE END. Haha... And I changed my story title again. Yes, Again. This time, It's 'The changed promise and new confession'. Thanks for reading. I'm starting on a new story but I wanna ask a question. In fact, I asked in the previous chappie but no one replied. So this time can someone reply??? The question is, I have a new story and it's about 70 chappie or more. If you wanna read it, juz reply my question in the review. And oh, school's starting so I may have some trouble updating it. Hope u guys dun mind! :-) Reviews please! I need more than 20 to start my new story. I have 2 coming up.

In Hotaru's room:

"OK, so this is the machine. Just step into it. Natsume on the left, Mikan on the right."



The two of them stepped in and closed the door.



"Answer the question given to you and within 5 minutes, the result is out. Got it?"


Hotaru pressed the 'Start' button and the machine changed it's colour from blue to white.

"Are you sure that's ok?"Ruka asked.

"Are you doubting my alice?"


"Then just watch. Trust me, when the come out, their 1st reaction would be 'Natsume/Mikan you...' and then the show goes on."



Mean while in the machine...

'Welcome to the 'Heart Decoder'. May I have your name please?'

N: Hyuuga Natsume

M: Sakura Mikan

'Hai, wakata. 1st Question, Is your special someone close to you?'

N: On some terms yes.

M: I guess so. But he does ignore me sometimes.

'2nd Question, Do you call your special someone names? If yes, please state.'

N: Yeah. Like polka-dots, baka, ichigo-kara etc.

M: Defintely! He's a No.1 hentai!

'3rd Question, Have the two of you paired up at least once?'

N: That dumbass' my partner you stupid machine.

M: He's my partner for goodness sake! Worst still, he's my room-mate!

'4th Question, Do you often fight?'

N: Everyday, regardless of time, day and date.

M: Every second we see each other.

'Last Question, Have the two of you kissed?'


M: It wasn't really a kiss! Really!

'I'll take that as a yes. The result: Tell your feelings to your special someone before it's too late! Thank you and goodbye.'

The colour of the machine changed back from white to blue. Natsume and Mikan opened the door.

"Done." Hotaru said.

"Natsume/Mikan don't tell me..." they said.

"So how was it?" Ruka asked, grinning.

"Excuse us, we need to talk." Natsume said as he dragged Mikan out of Hotaru's room.

"This is getting fun." Hotaru said.

In their room:

The two of them sat down on the bed and there was an akward silence.

"What was your result?" he asked

"Actually, I didn't need the result. I knew that long ago."

"Same here. So?"




Silence fell into the room until Natsume finally said,

"Should I be regretting that I asked that sissy to change our room arrangements?"

"Yes you should."

"Let's tell him tomorrow shall we?"

"Why not now?" she asked innocently.(Or rather, acting innocently)

"Because...I have some unfinished business with my girlfriend." he said with a smile as he pushed her down on the bed.(And I guess you knew what happened.)

~The END~