Eva x Ezekial

I like them. Shut up.

Fifteen sentences concerning them.


1.When they argued, they got their faces awfully close to one another, Eva's contorted with rage while Ezekial's held a vague look of terror.

2. Ezekial wondered what it was like to kiss a girl when she got that close, but only for the slightest of split seconds.

3. He was so relieved when he got voted off, like he didn't have to be nervous anymore.

4. But then she was voted off, three days later, and they stuck her in the room across the hall from his own.

5. She found he had a near identical schedule to her own, the both got up and left their room to go tot breakfast precisely at 8:46 AM, and return to their rooms at 9:23 AM.

6. Those first three days were really awkward, until Noah came, pushing the sexist male count up to two, which made it really awkward.

7. Eva and he started playing video games, lifting weights together.

8. It was peculiar.

9. After she was voted off for the second time, she came back even angrier.

10. She beat him up in a fit of rage after he beat her at a versus match of Halo 2.

11. He avoided her for a while.

12. She got offended, finding him, leaning in awfully close, and demanded to know why he was ignoring her.

13. So he did what he wondered about, and kissed her.

14. She punched him in the chest.

15. So much for that fledgling romance.


Hehe. This is a birthday present to myself, which was on Saturday. :D