I twisted my head one way then the other. No matter how far I turned my head I still couldn't see the back of my hair. I had never done my hair up on my own and I was just a little self-conscious about it. Downstairs Edward was chatting with Charlie. That made me just a little bit nervous but as long as Edward maintained his gentlemen attitude then everything should be fine. Charlie wouldn't step out of line as long as he was respected. Edward was never anything but respectful.
With one last look I turned and went the top of the stairs. I could hear Charlie talking about a fish he had caught Friday. As I reached the bottom of the stairs Edward quickly made his way to my side and brought his lips down to mine. It was a brief kiss but it was enough to get my heart racing. Charlie walked us out with a sour look on his face. He didn't approve of our relationship but so far he didn't have a reason to object. I waved goodbye to him and moved towards the Volvo where Edward was holding the door open for me.
I smoothed out the folds in my black dress as Edward sat down next to me. He grabbed my nervous hands and a chill ran down my back. "You look fine, please don't worry about your clothes." I could only smile. I had spent nearly 2 hours picking out what I was going to wear. It was about 10 minutes before he arrived that I finally decided on the tiny black dress Alice had gotten me. It didn't reach my knees and it had no straps. When she bought it I was convinced it would never fit me, it just seemed to small. When I put it on though, it fit perfectly, tight in all the right places but comfortable. Charlie would never have let me wear it if Alice hadn't talked him into it. He loved her to death and wouldn't do what ever she asked.
Edward smiled at me as he pulled out of the driveway and started down the road at a legal speed. Once we were out of Charlie's site he picked it up to about 80mph. I sighed and leaned my head back onto the seat. I had no idea where we were going and he refused to tell me. He insisted that I dress for an evening out. As I thought about this I looked over at his attire. He was wearing a jet black suit with the jacket undone. Underneath was a button up shirt of the same color. He looked amazing. Again, like so many times before, I felt inferior to him. He was so perfect and I was just plain. I couldn't compare to his flawlessness. "What is wrong love?" He had seen my staring. "I was just thinking about how perfect you are," I whispered. He chuckled. "If anyone's perfect its you my dear." He reached over and brushed a loose hair from my face. "You have no idea how beautiful you are tonight. I'm using all my self control to keep from pulling over now." That crooked smile crossed his face and I melted. I could feel the blood rush to my face.
We drove for about 20 minutes, a long drive for Edward. Nothing but trees surrounded us. After a while we turned from the main road onto a dirt one. It was pitch black outside our windows and the headlight didn't show us anything other than the road. I steadily got more nervous. It was much to dark here. Edward must have sensed this because he reached out and held my hand. "Don't worry Bella, you'll love this place." "I certainly hope so, what could be this far into the woods and still be a good thing?" He laughed at me. I loved that sound.
After what felt like an hour, we pulled up in front of a small cottage. It was two stories but there could only be one room up there. Edward was already out of the car and opening my door before I could tear my eyes away from the house. He took my hand and lead me up to the front door. "What is this place?" I asked. "Its just a place we sometimes stay when we hunt, its easier to stay here than come all the way home before we're done." I grimaced. This couldn't be that great then. When he opened the door I felt my jaw drop. Inside looked like something out of a movie. In the living room was a huge fire place with a small fire already burning. A giant tiger skin rug lay in front of the fire along with an overly comfortable looking couch, I stepped in further to look around. Edward just let me pass and followed as I made my way to the kitchen. There was a tiny table with a vase of flowers but other than that there was nothing sitting out.
There were 4 bedrooms in the tiny house which wasn't so tiny after all. It was a much longer house than I had thought. Edwards room was the only one on the second floor. Since all the other members of the family were couples they shared rooms. As I thought about that it made me somewhat sad. All those years Edward was alone while Carlisle had Esme, Alice had Jasper, and Emmet had Rosalie. "Bella? Hello?" It took me a minute to realize that Edward was talking to me. "Huh?" "Bella you've been standing here for 10 minutes without saying a word." Had it really been that long? He took my hand and lead me over to a large bed at the back of the room. "Is everything okay?" He was staring into my eyes and I lost focus for a moment. "I was just thinking about your family", I started, "All these years they have all had someone but you … have you always been alone?" My words seemed to surprise him. "Is that really what you're worried about?" I just nodded my head. "Bella just because I didn't have someone like they did doesn't mean I wasn't happy. There wasn't anyone I was attracted too. You're the only one I've wanted even if I didn't know it then." I smiled and brought his lips down to mine.
Edward was in the kitchen doing who knows what while I waited in the living room. I watched the fire light dance on the fur of the tiger. Every now and then I could hear a pan or water so I assumed he was cooking something. I had gotten used to eating with him a while ago. At first I felt awkward eating because he couldn't eat with me. I remembered along time ago when we were first getting to know each other and he asked to eat with him at the Italian place. He had taken a bite of food but that was the only time I ever saw him eat. It was the only time I had ever seen him eat at all. He wouldn't let me come with him when he hunted. Edward entered the room with a tray in his hands. I could smell something wonderful. He came and sat next to me and held out the tray. On it was a salad with an assortment of vegetables and what seemed to be chicken. Whatever dressing he had used was making my mouth water. I smiled and took a bite. It was the single best salad I had ever tasted. "Why is it that a guy that has no need to make or eat food, knows how to make it and make it taste this amazing?" He chuckled at my full mouthed question. "Why don't you try swallowing before you try to ask such a long question." I just smiled and took another bite. "When you live forever, you tend to get a little bored. So a few years back I went to collage to study the culinary arts." Wow, Edward, a cook. I took another bite.
Once I had finished with my meal I rested my head against the back of the couch. Edward removed his jacket and pulled my onto his lap. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him slowly. Before I could removed my lips he pulled me closer to him and deepened the kiss. He twisted his fingers into my hair and pulled my mouth closer to his. I pulled myself so that I had a leg on either side of his. This must have pleased him, he let out a soft noise and began kissing down my neck and along my collar bone. I arched into him and pushed my body against his. He pulled at my dress but didn't rip it off like I wished he would. His breathing was every bit as ragged as mine. For some reason this made a smile cross my face. It was amazing that someone as perfect as him wanted me so much. "Bella", he moaned against my throat. I answered with another kiss. As I pulled away he lifted me easily and started towards the stairs. I briefly wondered why he was doing this but it passed almost as quickly as it had come.