Duplicity 8
This is the final chapter and I hope you are not dissapointed.
Chapter 8
Sanzo and Gojyo come down for breakfast together. Hakkai watches as Gojyo helps him to a chair and takes one next to him. Hakkai is fuming, he is so angry. What he doesn't know is Goku is watching all of them and has slowed down with his eating. First Hakkai was all over Sanzo, now it seems like Gojyo has taken his place. What the hell is going on in this little group!
Gojyo is very solicitous with the monk, pouring him coffee and lighting his cigarette. He has even gone as far as making sure he was comfortable before he took his seat. Hakkai knows now they are lovers because Sanzo is allowing this with a smirk on his face and he has not once looked at him.
Gojyo spears a piece of bacon in his mouth and looks over at Hakkai. "You're not hungry Hakkai? You usually eat more than that." He turns to Goku, "You haven't been spitting while talking with your mouth full again have you? You know that shit grosses him out."
Goku looks at Hakkai and answers, "I'm sorry Hakkai. I'll mind my manners so eat up."
Hakkai smiles at him, "No Goku, I'm fine. I guess I don't have much of an appetite this morning." He looks down and picks up his cup, sipping the lukewarm tea.
Sanzo looks over at him then at Gojyo. He pushes his plate back, smokes, and drinks his tea in silence. What he really wants to do is strangle the chi-healer. Now he's acting as if he has broken his heart. This is the type of shit he tries to avoid and most of the time he does but…
The monk gets up from the table and pulls out his card. "I'll take care of our lodgings and food. Hurry up here so we can pick up some supplies before we leave." The others watch as he goes to the front desk.
"Do you think he will be able to walk on that leg as we pick up supplies, Hakkai? He had to be carried in here yesterday. I'm just saying." Goku pops the last of an egg roll in his mouth.
Gojyo chuckles, "If Sanzo says we pick up supplies than that's what we do. But I bet you twenty bucks, he finds some nice shady spot to sit in while we do all the shopping."
Hakkai says in an inaudible voice, "You would know wouldn't you?"
"Did you say something Hakkai? Now you sound like me with the mumbling."
Hakkai ignores him and gets up from the table, heads for the desk and the others follow behind.
Sanzo is waiting in the jeep as the others do the shopping. He looks around at the people as they go about their business. As he stares and smokes, his thoughts go back to last night with the hanyou. Not that he is complaining it just felt awkward, being made love to like that. Usually he's the one on top but with Gojyo…
He knows it shouldn't make a difference but he can't help feeling like a woman. This is the part he can't wrap his head around for the life of him. His leg aches and his ass is a little sore but the soreness he feels is a pleasant one. He flinches as he adjusts in his seat. Yeah he can still somehow feel the sensations of Gojyo thrusting into him the way he did. He was trying to take it easy since he was injured but that shit was unnecessary. His body was calling out to Gojyo and there was nothing he could do about it.
He looks up as they return to the jeep. Goku somehow talked Hakkai into buying him some pocky that he is happily munching on. Although he is the strongest, he still acts like a kid when it came to snacks.
Gojyo looks at the monk with a smirk on his face, "You want to ride in back with me? You can stretch that leg out and get more comfortable, Sanzo." He jumps in the back seat, waiting on an answer.
Goku looks at the monk and then at Hakkai. He knows Hakkai has something to say about that. He stands by the door waiting.
Sanzo looks up in the air and sighs. Hakkai smiles thinking this is a sign that he doesn't want to get in the back seat, so he walks around to the driver side. As he gets in Sanzo gets out. He looks at him in surprise and turns away. Sanzo gets in the back with Gojyo and sits with his leg in the hanyou's lap. Goku says nothing and gets in front next to the chi-healer.
Gojyo puts his hand on the monk's leg and massages. "Now doesn't that feel better?" He smiles at Sanzo as Hakkai starts the jeep up and take off down the road.
Sanzo lights another cigarette and blows smoke in his face. "Don't get any funny ideas, baka. I'm only doing this because my leg still bothers me a bit. If you try anything I'll kill you." He leans back smoking leaving Gojyo to smirk at him.
Gojyo slides his sandal off and drops it at his feet. He pulls the sock off and strokes his bare foot. He licks his bottom lip as he leans his head back. Sanzo cuts his eyes at him as he pulls the cigarette from between his lips. "What are you doing?"
The hanyou smiles as he answers, "Nothing but trying to make you feel better. Now lie back and cooperate. You act as if I'm trying to seduce you or something. Paranoid much?"
Hakkai ears perk up at the mention of seduction. He looks in the rear-view mirror at Gojyo stroking Sanzo's foot and gasps. He can't believe his eyes! Sanzo is allowing him to be that intimate with him in front of him and Goku. He has never let him so much as hold his arm in public, now this! He told him Gojyo is not one to hide his feelings but he was only trying to head him off if he was thinking about bedding him. Could they have spent the night in the same bed as he thought? No way…Sanzo was in pain last night he couldn't have. Maybe Gojyo is trying to bed the monk…that has to be it!
Then he hears Sanzo laughing! No this can't be happening, Sanzo barely smiles and now he is laughing like a child. His laughter is so melodious he can feel shivers going down his spine. Goku turns in his seat smiling at the two of them. It has been a long time since he heard the monk laugh, so he can't help but smile.
"You better watch it Gojyo, he's going to get you. Sanzo doesn't like to be tickled like that."
Hakkai turns his head, looks over his shoulder, and sees the hanyou holding the monk's foot and running his fingers up and down the bottom of it. Sanzo is laughing and trying to get his foot away but Gojyo is holding him by the ankle. Sanzo takes out his fan and tries to hit him but he is laughing so hard it falls from his fingers.
"Okay…Gojyo…you win, now…stop." He pulls his foot back quickly and tucks it under him. He turns as his laughter quiets down, however he is still smiling, as he looks daggers at the kappa. "I'm going to pay you back for that you idiot. When you least expect it, I'm going to get you."
Hakkai watches through the mirror wondering how they got so close so fast. He has to admit he is a little jealous but knowing Sanzo, he had better keep his opinions to himself. He watches in shock, as Gojyo pulls the monk's leg back and tells him he will behave.
Sanzo allows him to take his foot once again and as he watches Gojyo, he sees he is not trying to pull a fast one. The monk relaxes and leans to the side, closing his eyes.
Gojyo looks at him with a smile on his face, as the monk's breathing evens out. Sanzo has fallen asleep so he decides not to disturb him. After all, he didn't get much sleep the night before and he feels it was his fault. He lights a cigarette and leans back as he strokes the monk's foot lovingly. He is in seven heaven as he grins to himself. This is something he can get use to fast, if he can only get the monk to accept him as his lover. He looks in the mirror and meets Hakkai's eyes and he smiles at his best friend. However, Hakkai drops his eyes and stares straight ahead. Right now, the last thing he wants is to look at Gojyo as he fondles the man he loves.
Gojyo takes the cigarette out of his mouth, "Is something wrong, Hakkai? You seem a little irritated."
Hakkai answers with a touch of irritation, "I was just wondering why you would upset Sanzo like that. He is still in pain from his injury remember. I hope he was able to sleep last night and you didn't keep him up with your constant antics."
"What did you say? What makes you think something like that! I know he is still in pain, Hakkai. Just because he is sleep now only means he is probably tired from this bumpy ride. Sanzo is fine so quit acting like a mother hen. He is not your son you know. You take too much on yourself when it comes to him. He is a man too."
"I'm just saying you shouldn't take advantage of him while he is weak. He might do something he wouldn't do if he were feeling 100% that's all."
"Yeah, that's what you would like for me to think. Sanzo is a big boy and he does know how to say the word no, so don't sweat the small shit, Hakkai. He's in good hands with me."
"Hump, so you say. Just be careful with him Gojyo. I don't want to see him hurt unnecessarily."
Goku looks from one to the other, "What are you talking about? Who is going to hurt Sanzo?"
Gojyo chuckles, "No one is going to hurt your highness. If anything, he is the one that does all the hurting to us if you ask me. Hakkai is being a mother hen about Sanzo. He thinks I'm going to hurt his leg, I guess."
Goku looks at him and smirks, "Good try, pervert. I know now what he is talking about. He doesn't want you hurting Sanzo's heart, right Hakkai?"
Both men look at him with their mouths open and Hakkai says, "Why…why do you say that Goku? I didn't mean that at all. I meant his leg, like Gojyo said.
Goku smiles as he sits back in his seat. 'Stupid idiots, Sanzo does this all the time. I'll be happy when he makes up his mind on who he wants to be with. But as long as it's not me, I have nothing to say. They don't realize Sanzo is a master at duplicity when it comes to sex and idiots.'
Everyone is silent as each thinks his own thoughts. Sanzo's breathing is the only thing Gojyo hears. He looks in Sanzo's face and gently moves the hair from his eyes. He knows this is a man he could fall deeply in love with but is Sanzo as serious as he is about them. Him being a half demon and Sanzo a monk that is some scary shit and no one will ever accept the two of them.
He sighs as he continues to stroke his foot wishing they were alone just the two of them. He wants so badly to kiss him and feel the softness of his lips pressed against his own. After having taste this man he can't just stop at this one time. Somehow, he has to find a way to make Sanzo belong to him. He sits back with a determined smile on his face. No woman has been able to resist him once he turns on the charm. He looks over at the monk, 'I got you in the back seat with me didn't I, Sanzo? Making you fall for me should be a piece of cake.'
Hakkai pulls up in front of a temple and looks around. There is no one in sight so he turns to Sanzo. "You think they will allow us to stay here for the night, Sanzo?"
The monk takes a pull on his cigarette before he answers, "How the hell should I know. If you ask me, this place looks deserted. Why don't we try the front door and see if any one is about. They may all be praying, since it's pretty late."
They get out of the jeep as the small dragon transforms. Sanzo looks up at the double doors made of wood and tells the others to be on their best behaviour. He knocks and as they wait for someone to come to the door a small child peeks at them from the bushes.
Hakkai calls out to the child as he turns and runs away. He walks down the few steps and follows him around the back. He looks around and not spotting him, he calls out. "Hello, is there anyone here!"
An old man in monk's robes comes out and greets them since the others have followed him to the back.
The old monk is wearing a long black robe with a gold sash across his shoulder to his waist. His head is baled and his face is very wrinkled. He smiles at them with a mouth full of missing teeth. "Can I help you, travelers?"
Sanzo bows before him, "We were looking for a place to spend the night. We have far to go and we would like to stay here, if it is no trouble."
The old man looks in his face, "You are a Sanzo Priest, aren't you?" Sanzo nods and the old monk tell them to come in. He leads them into a large common room and tells them he will have dinner prepared for them. They thank him and sit on the small mats surrounding the large room.
Hakkai manages to sit next to Sanzo and he asks if his leg is feeling stronger, to which he answers yes. He looks over at Gojyo, "That massage you gave me helped a lot. I didn't think you would know something about that. However the nap did help too I suppose."
Gojyo smirks, "There's more where that came from if you like. I have a lot of hidden talents you don't know about yet." He takes a pull on his cigarette and blows the smoke in the monk's direction. Sanzo waves the smoke out of his face but before he can call Gojyo a few dirty names, the younger monk apprentice comes in and announces supper.
Goku is the first to jump up from the floor. "Oh great, I'm starving!" He rubs his hands together in anticipation of stuffing himself to the gills. They make it to the dining hall and Goku heads straight for the food. The others follow behind at a more leisurely pace. The large table is covered with a small feast. As they sit down Sanzo is sitting next to Gojyo. Hakkai takes the seat across from him. He lays his napkin in his lap and looks up at Sanzo as Gojyo whispers in his ear and he smiles.
Sanzo bows his head in prayer and the others do the same. Goku has a full mouth but he manages to say amen. Gojyo pours his tea once again and Hakkai looks at him with daggers in his eyes, "If you keep that up Gojyo, Sanzo is going to be spoiled." He drums his fingers on the table as he waits for Gojyo to pass the tea pot.
Gojyo smiles at him, "I was pouring tea for everyone Hakkai, would you like some too?" He reaches over and pours tea into his cup and some for Goku. "I thought it would be nice to do this for everyone, don't you think?" He looks at the monk and winks, "Besides, what's wrong with a little spoiling. I remember bathing and feeding you when we first met and I didn't consider that spoiling you."
He puts some of the food on his plate and settles back to eat. Hakkai blushes and puts his head down, "I apologize Gojyo, you're right. If you hadn't come to my rescue, I would have died. Forget I said anything, let's enjoy our meal."
Sanzo chuckles as he sips on his tea. "Bathing and feeding, huh? So, the two of you have been intimate with each other. No wonder you act the way you do."
Gojyo sputters his tea while Hakkai looks at him in surprise. "What did you say? Gojyo and I never…"
Gojyo puts his cup down as he wipes tea off the front of his shirt. "What the hell are you saying? Hakkai is like a brother to me. That would be like incest! You're going to pay for that remark, just you wait." Goku is laughing as he eats and Sanzo tells him to close his mouth. "You're spraying food you monkey. Watch yourself."
Hakkai and Gojyo look at each other and when their eyes meet they look away quickly causing Sanzo to think he hit the nail on the head. 'So, they did have a relationship with each other. That's why they watch each other so much. Damn, why did I have to get mixed up in this shit?'
Sanzo turns and asks the young monk about sleeping arrangements and he tells him when they finish he will lead them to their rooms. The older monk comes out and asks about their supper and they tell him it was fine. Sanzo gets up, sticks his finger in his ear, and tells him he is ready to lie down because he is tired.
As they follow the young monk to a large chamber, he tells them this is all they have for guest. There are three mats on the floor. Gojyo looks down and exclaims, "I only see three mats and there are four of us. What gives, are we suppose to double up?"
The young monks bows, "We have separate accommodations for Priest Sanzo. We are honoured to have him grace our humble temple." He looks up at Sanzo and tells him, "You have a room all to yourself, sir. If you will follow me please."
Sanzo looks at the others and shakes his head, "We are traveling together. One of them can sleep in my room with me. That way we can watch each other's back. Grab a mat Gojyo and follow us. Hakkai, Goku we leave at first light." He turns and leaves out. Gojyo does as he is told. He picks up the closest mat and follows Sanzo and the young monk out the door.
Sanzo waits until the young monk says goodnight before he turns to Gojyo. He puts his hands in his sleeves as he watches Gojyo walk around the room after he lays his mat on the floor. He walks over to the window, looks down at the trees in back, and turns to Sanzo. "This is a hell of a lot better than the other room I must say. It looks as if we are going to have some privacy after all." He walks over to Sanzo and takes him in his arms. "Do you think Buddha will strike us down if we do it in here, love?" He leans down kissing the monk on the side of the face.
Sanzo turns his face slightly as he pulls away. Gojyo lets his arms drop somewhat and asks, "Does this mean we will be struck down?" Sanzo can hear the absurdity in his voice.
He looks up in the hanyou's face, "I want you to be honest with me, Gojyo. Have you ever had a relationship with Hakkai?"
Gojyo pulls away and chuckles, "What's the matter monk, you jealous? I didn't think you would care what someone else does if it doesn't involve you." He turns towards the window and lights a cigarette as he waits for Sanzo to say something, anything will do.
Sanzo walks over to the small bed and sits down. He takes a deep breath and answers, "I'm not jealous Gojyo. I'm curious as to what went on between the two of you. If you don't want to tell me, I understand. After all, like you said it doesn't involve me." He watches Gojyo as he turns around and walks back over to him. He sits next to him on the bed, puts his arm around his shoulders, and brings him closer to his body.
"Nothing went on between us Sanzo. Hakkai and I never crossed that line because we knew we didn't feel that way about each other. I have never slept with a man before you. I don't make it a habit to seduce men. Until I met you, all I have ever wanted was to sleep with as many beautiful women as I could. After a while, the only women that could turn me on were blondes and I couldn't figure out why. One night I was watching you and it dawned on me why I wanted a blonde so badly. It was you I wanted and only you." He puts his finger under the monk's chin and lifts it up.
"You think I'm going to fall for some shit like that." He pushes Gojyo away from him as he stands. I'm supposed to believe you and Hakkai never…"
Gojyo stands and grabs his wrist, "Never what! Say it Sanzo…never what!"
Sanzo pulls his wrist back and glares at him, "Who in the hell do you think you are, you bastard! I'm not your girlfriend! Don't try and treat me like one of your whores!"
"One of my what! You are one sick bastard you know that. I still don't understand you and for some reason I don't think I ever will. I'm going back and sleep with the others. It's too crowded in here for me. Your ego and your imagination are sucking all the air out of this room." He grabs his jacket and heads for the door.
"If you leave this room don't think you can ever come back again. I don't like cowards and if I did like cowards, I wouldn't like cowards that tell lies, and if I did like cowards that tell lies, I wouldn't like you. So run Gojyo, since that's what you're good at once things don't go your way. Just make sure you never get close to me again." He turns his back, walks over to the window, and for once does not see anything beyond the pane of glass.
Gojyo stops at the door with his hand on the handle. He puts his head down as he thinks about what was said. Sanzo calling him a liar and a coward confuses him. Could he be talking about Hakkai or something else? With the monk, you never know. Hell he could be talking about last week for all he knows. However, if he leaves then it's over between them, that part he got loud and clear. He looks over his shoulder at the man bathed in moonlight. His hair falling gently on his shoulders gives him a soft, vulnerable look. He wants to go and gather him in his arms, apologize and beg his forgiveness but…
"Sanzo, what do I mean too you? Do you care about me at all or am I fooling myself into thinking we have something special?" He has his back to him as he gazes over his shoulder.
Sanzo turns from the window and looks at him. "I don't know what you mean too me, Gojyo. All I know is I don't want you to leave me right now. I don't want to be alone knowing, you are on the other side of this place. I know I'm probably hard to get along with but I am trying. It's hard for me to be like you. Words don't come easily to me as they do to you. I've been cynical for a long time and I don't know of any other way to express myself." He pulls his robe over his head and tosses it on the low table. His hair falls back lightly on his shoulders and he looks at Gojyo with pools of liquid amethyst. Right now, he looks far younger than his 23 years he looks childlike and beautiful.
Gojyo walks over to the monk and pulls him once again in his arms. He bends down and captures his lips in a passionate kiss. He whispers against his lips, "I'll never leave you alone, Sanzo. You have my word on that." Sanzo puts his arms up and encircles his neck, he vows to himself never to give Gojyo a reason to go back on his word.
Making love in the temple of Buddha causes Sanzo to chuckle. He looks down at Gojyo as he inhales and exhales softly. He is so gentle and kind with him. The affair they are having will be the last one for him. He has found the one he wants to walk with forever. This wild, stupid, baka touches him as no one has ever done before. He finds himself wanting to know everything there is to know about him.
He bends downs and kisses him on the lips lightly. Gojyo opens his fire red, eyes slowly. He smiles and puts his arms around him. Sanzo looks at him with passion filled eyes and whispers, "I want to know all your secrets, Gojyo. I want to know what you were like as a child and how you turned into such a compassionate man. I want to touch your heart and feel it as it beats. No, I want to touch every part of you so badly I can feel it inside myself."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying Sanzo?" He stares into eyes so dark they look obsidian.
"I don't know. What do you think I'm saying?" Sanzo closes his eyes then opens them again.
"That you're falling in love." He reaches up and pushes the hair from his brow as he gazes in his face, trying to see if he is correct.
Sanzo smiles down at him and it is written all over his face. Gojyo says in a husky voice, "Now I am never letting you go. I love you too, Sanzo."
Thank you for sticking with me. I hope you enjoyed the story.